
Aethan's page

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James Jacobs wrote:
I just sent an email to the RPGA with the codes for the adventures to remind them; hopefully it'll all be resolved in a day or so.

Much thanks to you. :)

Hi there, nice Paizo folks. My players and I have been running Age of Worms since the beginning, and we've been doing it as part of the RPGA. For some strange reason, Adventure #11, Into the Wormcrawl Fissure, is missing as an adventure that can be reported in the RPGA system. I posted on the RPGA's boards, asking for help, and sent emails to the RPGA sanctioning email address. When nothing came from any of this, someone suggested I drop a message over here to see if there was anythign that could be done from your end of things. so that's just what I'm doing. Is there any chance y'all could help?

- Andy

IIRC, they used Decipher Script to puzzle outthe runes. And I don't know if my players are just really anal, but one of them is very much the party's notetaker, and they all keep up with details like this. When it came time to speak the name, he said Zosiel with no hesitation, and no one was surprised by how he came up with it.

- Andy

My PCs fought him to negatives, almost let him bleed to death while fighting his other undead, and then stablized him at the last moment. They questioned him once he woke up and got a lot of good information out of him. Finally, they turned him loose, minus his spellbook and other items, kicked him in the butt and told him to get out of town, and the nset fire to the observatory. Filge fled to Smenk and told him the story of what had happened, and a rather irked Smenk got Filge back to the Free City. I'm sincerely pondering having Filge show up in the Free City as a recurrant villainous type.

The Owlbear cub (named Arlo, lovingly adopted by the party's halfling rogue, and then painfully said goodbye to) in my campaign was sold to Fester Trollump for Henway's menagerie. I *know* my PCs are going to want to go and see it when they get to the Free City...

My group consists of...

Braggi Thum: Female Half-Orc Bard. The daughter of Aria, a now-deceased prostitute from the Midnight Salute and of Cullen, the albino half-orc who works for Smenk. She loathes Cullen, who's never admitted to having sired her, so it should be good fun when they find out they need to go after him...

Bazlond Duerbek: Male Dwarven Ranger. Employed by the Greysmere Covenant as something of a rat-catcher and very much seeking to escape this lowly existance. Although he's been in town longer than anyone but Braggi, he's something of an outsider, due to his position and life as a dwarf. He's made friends with Gwen, though, as they both had discovered the old mining office and use it as a place to escape to.

Gwen Henry: Female Human Barbarian. Her secluded family was killed by bandit raiders when she was young, but she protected herself with her father's huge warhammer. How she found her way to Diamond Lake is still unknown, but she was sponsored by Smenk with the priests of St. Cuthbert. Recently, Smenk has been suggesting she could find another way to work off her debt to him, so she's looking for escape.

Brother Michael O'Malley: Male Human Cleric of St. Cuthbert. Brother Michael was a little too over-zealous in the pursuit of corruption in his home temple. He found himself "rewarded" by being sent to study with the head priest of one of the fastest-growing churches of St. Cuthbert in the region...Father Jierian Wierus. Wierus thinks Michael is a soft city-boy, and Michael thinks Wierus is insane. He seeks funds to make an appropriately large donation to his home church in order to be re-assigned to a better temple.

Rosco Readhand, a.k.a. Padfoot: Male Halfling Rogue. Never one to let an opportunity for profit go by, Rosco was wondering where some of his old friends had gone for a week, until he spotted Braggi in town with a big bag of gold. He basically attached himself to her until she grudgingly admitted that someone versed in trap-finding might well make everyone's life a little easier... (Rosco's player joined at the second session.)

This intrepid little group has just struck their bargain with Alastor Land's ghost, and they are taking his bones back to town with them...

My group have all been in Diamond Lake for a year or more (the half-orc bard and the halfling rogue were born here, the dwarven ranger was assigned as a vermin-slayer to the Greysmere covenant, the human barbarian came here after bandits slew her family and now labors for Smenk in the mines, and the cleric of St. Cuthbert is a reluctant acolyte to Jierian Wierus and considers him quite mad). I scanned the map and then printed it with water-resistant inks, aged it with tea, burned parts of the edges, gave it a wine glass stain or two, and then handed it to my players. It instantly gave the town a feeling of decrepitude and ruin.