About AeternusHull Fluff:
Falchion-class frigate Dimensions: 2.2 km long, 0.3 km abeam at fins approx. Mass: 6.5 megatonnes approx. Crew: 27,000 crew, approx. Accel: 4.6 gravities max sustainable acceleration. The Falchion is considered a new class, having only been laid down in 261.M41. Given the Imperial Navy’s deference towards the truly ancient ships in its arsenal, the class (given its mere 550 years of service) is regarded as an untried and untested pretender to the throne of more established ships like the venerable Sword. As such, it has engendered some undisguised and unfair hostility from the more hidebound and traditional sections of the Battlefleet Calixis officer class. This is a pity, for the Falchion, like all Voss Forge world ships, is a thoroughly well-constructed and innovative design. It is more flexible than many frigates, having, unusually, the capacity to carry torpedoes. This has led to the class being used in a more aggressive capacity than perhaps suits it, more reactionary officers tending to treat it as an upgunned heavy destroyer. This ignores its abilities as an escort vessel for larger craft, its original purpose. Battlefleet Calixis currently has only one squadron of these ships, the three-vessel Broadsword Squadron patrolling a long loop around the Scintilla/Iocanthus/Sepheris Secundus triangular trade route. There is, however, talk of diverting the squadron to conduct long-range scouting patrols into the Halo Stars. Rogue Traders, being freethinking innovators, are less likely to adopt the Navy’s unsympathetic approach to the new class, and it is not surprising that some Falchions have already been sighted within the Koronus Expanse.
Hull Crunch (base):
Speed: 8 Maneuverability: +17 Detection: +14 Hull Integrity: 36 Armour: 18 Turret Rating: 1 Space: 34 Base SP: 42 Weapon Capacity: Prow 1, Dorsal 2 (of these slots, 1 prow slot comes pre-equipped with Components) Torpedo Specialist: The Falchion has been designed as a torpedo gunship. The Falchion’s Prow weapon slot is occupied by a Voss-pattern Torpedo Tube Component. This Component may not be removed, and has half the usual ammunition capacity. The space required is already taken into account, but when this ship is constructed, it must provide one power to this Component.
Complication and Machine Spirit Oddity:
Planetbound for a Millennia Cost: 3 SP Gravity's harsh Embrace: Decrease Hull Integrity by 1d5-1 Lost Relics of the Past: Modified Drive for no extra SP cost. Also, one additional Archeotech component (Teleportarium). Dreams of Distant Worlds: +10 Maneuverability while within 5 VUs of a planet. Essential Components:
STC Drive: Modified Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive: Modified Drive (Archeotech) Overcharged: The strange and exotic nature of the materials used in the drive’s containment domes allows for a hotter plasma ‘burn,’ while taking up less space. This adds +1 to the ship’s Speed, decreases the space the drive takes up by 4, and is of extreme interest to agents of the Mechanicus. Power Generated: 45, Space: 6, SP: 0 Warp Engine: Strelov 1 Warp Engine
Geller Field: Geller Field
Void Shields: Single Void Shield Array
Ship's Bridge: Combat Bridge
Life Sustainers: Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer
Crew Quarters: Clan-kin Quarters
Augur Arrays: Deep Void Auger Arracy
Supplemental Components:
Arboretum Replenishing supplies: Double the time a ship may remain at void without suffering Crew population or Morale loss. Increase Crew Population permanently by +2. Power: 2, Space: 2, SP: 1 Trophy Room
Teleportarium (Archeotech)
Supplemental Components, Weapons: -
Astropathic Relay
------------ Ship Stats- Speed: 9 Manoeuvrability: +17 Detection: +24 Hull Integrity: 33/33 Crew Population: 102/102 Crew Rating: Competent (Skill 30) Morale: 100/100 Armour: 18 Turret Rating: 1 Space Remaining: 0 (34 Used) Power Remaining: 0 (45 Used) Weapon Capacity: Port 1 (1 used), Dorsal 2 (2 used) ------------ Sum Passive Effects of Components- 1. +10 Maneuverability while within 5 VUs of a planet. 2. As long as the bridge remains undamaged, all Tech-Use Tests to repair the ship gain +10. 3. All Command Tests to defend against boarding and hit and run actions gain +5. In addition, all sources of Morale loss are reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. 4. The exceptional sensitivity of the array grants +10 to the ship's Detection. 5. Double the time a ship may remain at void without suffering Crew population or Morale loss. Increase Crew Population permanently by +2. 6. When working toward an Exploration, Trade, or Criminal objective, the players earn an additional 50 Achievement Points toward completing that objective. 7. Characters may make Hit and run attacks without a piloting test, as they travel directly to the heart of the enemy vessel. When using the teleportarium to perform such an attack, the attacker receives +20 to his Command Test. (The teleportarium may be used in any number of other was, such as guaranteeing escape from sticky situations on a nearby planet, at the GM's discretion.) 8. Astropathic Relay ------------ Dynasty Status and Acquisitions- Starting PF- 34 Current PF- 34 PF Gained & Sources- Acquisitions- Astropathic Choir of a single lesser Astropath |