
Aerik's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Mark Moreland wrote:
Aerik wrote:

I was tentatively waiting on a second printing of the Player Core before buying a hardcover. (It's kind of hard to find info on what printing is "current" in the physical releases.)

Do you have any hints of when you might get to a second printing?

We do not discuss reprints publicly (except last winter when we sold out of the Core Rulebook amid the Late Unpleasantness). If we said a new printing were on the way, sales of the existing printing would dry up, and we'd be stuck with a bunch of stock we couldn't move. It's further complicated when we have multiple versions of the same content, as is the case with Player Core (hardcover, special edition, sketch cover, pocket edition, PDF). If you purchase the digital version of a book, that will always be updated when we release a new printing, even if physical copies are not, so you can pick that up now. Otherwise, you just have to wait until a new printing comes out.

Understood. Thanks for the response. :)

I was tentatively waiting on a second printing of the Player Core before buying a hardcover. (It's kind of hard to find info on what printing is "current" in the physical releases.)

Do you have any hints of when you might get to a second printing?

Elfteiroh wrote:
Aerik wrote:

Does anybody know if they ever did a physical second printing of the Bestiary 2?

Now that it's deprecated in favor of the Remaster, I'm looking to get a kind of archival copy for my library.

Not as far as I know. The PDF was never updated.

Good to know. Thanks!

Does anybody know if they ever did a physical second printing of the Bestiary 2?

Now that it's deprecated in favor of the Remaster, I'm looking to get a kind of archival copy for my library.