
Aeonica Yukiko's page

No posts. Organized Play character for MIB.

Full Name

Aeonica Yukiko Tayatomi Kaleendar




Oracle (Dual Cursed)/Exalted of Nethys







Special Abilities

Huanted Oracle's Curse & (Non-improving) Legalistic Oracle's Curse, Time Mystery






Tian Xia


Common, Sylvan, Tien, Celestial

Strength 10
Dexterity 15
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 19

About Aeonica Yukiko

"Its time for my moment to shine! Blessings to my friends and death to my foes! Feel the power of my magic!" - Aeonica Yukiko Tayatomi Kaleendar

A dual cursed kitsune oracle chosen by Nethys to bring salvation to her allies and ruin to her enemies. She seeks to unlock the power of time to be on her side as she adventures to discover more clues of her visions of immortality.

Student of Spells

Height: 5ft 4in
Weight: 135lbs
Bust/Waist/Hip: 33-27-32
Skin: White
Hair: Brown Black
Eyes: Yellow
Ethnicity: Tien
Nationality: Tien
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings/Marks: N/A

Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Spouse: N/A
Siblings: N/A

Primary Motivator: Balance/Peace, Creation, Destruction, Discovery/Adventure, Play, Understanding
Emotional Disposition: Excited
Moodiness: Even-tempered
Likes: Peace
Dislikes: Unncessary slaughter
Topics of Conversation:
Quirks, Habits, & Oddities:
Phobias: Insects
Hobbies & Enjoyments:

Outlook: Optimistic
Integrity: Conscientious
Impulsiveness: Spontaneous
Boldness: Cautious
Flexibility: Flexible
Affinity: Warm
Comportment: Agreeable
Interactivity: Engaging
Disclosure: Candid
Conformity: Conventional
Sense of Humor: Jokey


Intended build:

+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength: Kitsune are agile and companionable, but tend to be physically weak.
Medium: Kitsune are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Kitsune: Kitsune are humanoids with the kitsune and shapechanger subtypes.
Normal Speed: Kitsune have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision (Ex): Kitsune can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Change Shape (Su): A kitsune can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. The kitsune always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. A kitsune in human form cannot use her bite attack, but gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear human. Changing shape is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except that the kitsune does not adjust her ability scores.
Agile (Ex): Kitsune receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Kitsune Magic (Ex/Sp): Kitsune add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against enchantment spells that they cast. Kitsune with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like ability: 3/day—dancing lights.
Natural Weapons (Ex): In her natural form, a kitsune has a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage.
Languages: Kitsune begin play speaking Common and Sylvan. Kitsune with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: any human language, Aklo, Celestial, Elven, Gnome, and Tengu.

Level 1 - Oracle (Dual Cursed)
Level 2 - Oracle (Dual Cursed)
Level 3 - Oracle (Dual Cursed)
Level 4 - Oracle (Dual Cursed) +1 Cha
Level 5 - Oracle (Dual Cursed)
Level 6 - Oracle (Dual Cursed)
Level 7 - Oracle (Dual Cursed)
Level 8 - Exalted of Nethys +1 Dex
Level 9 - Exalted of Nethys
Level 10 - Exalted of Nethys
Level 12 - Exalted of Nethys +1 Cha
Level 13 - Exalted of Nethys
Level 14 - Exalted of Nethys
Level 15 - Exalted of Nethys
Level 16 - Exalted of Nethys +1 Cha
Level 17 - Exalted of Nethys
Level 18 - Exalted of Nethys
Level 19 - Oracle (Dual Cursed)
Level 20 - Oracle (Dual Cursed) +1 Cha


1: Extra Revelation/Temporal Celerity & Misfortune
3: Deific Obedience (Nethys)/Knowledge of the Ages
5: Improved Initiative/Fortune
7: Skill Focus (Knowledge [religion])/Time Hop
9: Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) & Alertness
11: Quicken Spell
13: Divine Interference
15: Improved Eldritch Heritage (Arcane)
17: Greater Eldritch Heritage (Arcane)
19: Cunning

At level 9, Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) for Arcane Bond familiar of either a green-sting scorpion or compsognathus for +4 to initiative!

Intended Equipment:
Weapon - +1 Underwater Light Crossbow
Armor - +1 Fortification (Light) Mithral Agile Breastplate

Rings - 1. Lesser Ring of Revelation (Time Flicker) 10,000gp 2. Ring of Evasion 25,000gp

Belt - Belt of Physical Might (Dex & Con)
Body - Lupine Robe 6,800gp
Chest - Tunic of Careful Casting 5,000gp
Eyes - Eyes of the Eagle 2,500gp
Feet - Boots of the Cat 1,000gp
Hands - Gloves of Elvenkind 7,500gp
Head - Circlet of Persuasion 4,500gp
Headband - Headband of Alluring Charisma
Neck - Swarmbane Clasp 3,000gp
Shoulders - Cloak of Resistance
Wrist - Spellguard Bracers 5,000gp

Ioun Stones - Scarlet and Blue Sphere (Normal) 8,000gp