James Jacobs wrote:
I wish you would share with us your tentative plans so we may all treat them as absolute fact. Wow, that was a mouth full! I bet you can't say that ten times fast. I double dare you. Just say what I said, especially the beginning. Yesssssssss. Three out of six of our players think Varisia is awesome so we don't mind it. I'm going Jade Regent style on The Shattered Star for a bit though; not making a decision on whether to purchase or not until we get close to the release dates and I can see who's writing what.
Name Violation wrote:
The PC in question is the "chosen one." Norgorber is betting everything on this one PC and his group of friends. The story why... spoilers for my game:
When Dou Bral became Zon-Kuthon, he still had a shred of his humanity left deep within his soul. It ached him whenever he spoke to Shelyn or thought of his father, the Prince that Howls, and Zon-Kuthon hated it. In order to imprison his heart forever in a place where it would never bother him-- for his heart, if ever destroyed, would kill him forever-- Zon-Kuthon took part of the eternal shadow, the ideal shadow he had won from Abadar, and crafted a monster from it to contain his heart. This monster was the blue dragon Kazavon, who immortally regenerates whenever he is killed. The players will face down Kazavon at the end of the campaign in order to stop him from leading Zon-Kuthon's armies into the material plane to conquer and destroy the world. Norgorber is betting on this cleric killing Kazavon for him, while he helps the other good gods subdue Zon-Kuthon, who has finally made manifest to try to stop the PCs from freeing his heart. When it's all done and over and Zon-Kuthon has become Dou Bral again-- or been destroyed by the PCs, their choice-- Norgorber can bow down and act the redeemed god who has given so much for this to happen and will plead mercy. The good gods will grant him mercy so that he may leave, and Norgorber snatches up the eternal shadow and leaves. Basically, the entire campaign is a ploy for Norgober to take over the hinterlands of Zon-Kuthon, and to absorb Zon-Kuthon's clergy and domains into his own. Killing this cleric would put a _significant_ damper on that plan... but I'm not sure if Norgorber would be able to keep his composure or not.
I apologize for the National Inquirer title, but I've got a strange situation on my hands. Recently, in my Curse of the Crimson Throne game, a player got their hands on a Harrow deck of many things and pulled out the card that allows them to know any one bit of knowledge that they ask about. So, the player, being a cleric of Norgorber... asked how Norgorber ascended to the Starstone, and who he was before he ascended. This is the most tightly guarded secret in all of Golarion, from what I hear. This is one of the most sought after pieces of information in the universe of Pathfinder... and now only two people know. Norgorber, and his cleric. What do I do? I'm on the fence between having Norgorber come down to berate his follower and having Norgorber promote his follower, and I'm unsure of who Norgorber was before he ascended. The worst part is that this information is actually extremely pertinent to the future of my campaign... so I need to be able to craft it right! So... anyone have any bright ideas?
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Ignore this simpering wretch! Give in to your desires that I will conveniently fulfil for you and reward you* for taking part of! Type up the entire APG and send it to my home at 666 NE. Catastrophic Mistake Lane
I will reward you with gems! And women! And more gems! Gems! Mortals love gems! *your reward shall be my freedom and permanent soul enslavement |