Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Elven Curve Blade, Toughness, Extra Bane
Teamwork Feats: Precise Strike,
Traits & Drawbacks:
Charming: +1 to Bluff and Diplomacy vs those who are sexually attracted to her.
Calistrian Prostitute: +1 to Sense Motive and Diplomacy to Gather Info.
Minor Wishcraft(Inner sea Races:197): May use a use of Elemental Assault to produce a 0 level spell effect to grant a wish made by another person.
Hedonistic: Whenever I spend the day without gaing reward or treasure(atleast 10 or more gold pieces or spending a hour on entertainment or pleasure. Must attempt a Fort Save DC 20 Fatigued for 4 hours the next day...or till recieves a reward or pleasure.
Racial Abilities:
Native Outsider
Low Light Vision
Negotiator: +2 to Diplomacy and Sense Motive.
Elemental Assault:Once per Day as a Swift Action can shroud her arms with acid, cold, fire or electricity adding +1d6 of damage of the appropriate energy type.
Energy Resistances: Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5.
Class Abilities:
Fervor Inquisition:
-Fires of Belief: (see combat stats)
Monster Lore: Add Wis Mod to knowledge skills rolls to ID monster's weaknesses.
Stern Gaze: + 1/2 Class level(min. +1) to Diplomacy and Sense Motive.
Judgement: 2/Day.
-Destruction: +1/3 levels to weapon damage rolls.
-Healing: Gain Fast Heal 1 plus 1/3 levels.
-Justice: +1/5 levels to Attack rolls. At 10th level double this bonus to confirm crits.
-Piercing: +1/3 levels to Concentration checks and Caster Levels checks to overcome SR.
-Protection: +1/5 levels to AC. At 10th level double this bonus vs crit confirmation rolls.
-Purity: +1/5 levels to Saving Throws. At 10th level double the bonus vs cures, diseases, and poisons.
-Resiliency: Gains DR 1/Magic. The DR increases by 1 for every 5 levels. At 10th level the DR becomes /Lawful.
-Resistance: Gains Energy Resistance 2 of chosen type. This increases by 2 points every 3 levels.
-Smiting: Her Weapons bypass DR as if magic. At 6th level the is becomes Chaotic. At 10th level this becomes Adamantine.
Cunning Initiative: Adds her wisdom mod in addition to her dexter mod to initiative rolls.
Detect Alignment: At will use on of these: Detect Good, Detect Evil, Detect Law, Detect Chaos.
Tracking: Add half her level to Survival checks to follow and ID tracks
Solo Tactics: Allies count of having a teamwork feat.
Bane: 8 rounds/day
Discern Lies:5 rounds/day
Spells Per Day: 1st: 5; 2nd: 3
Spells Known:
0 level: Brand, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Stabilize, Acid Splash, Light,
1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith, Ear-Piercing Scream, Wrath
2nd: Cure Mod Wound, See Invisible, Confess
Magic Items:Wand of Cure Light Wounds (18 charges)
Other: Inquisitor's Kit(Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candles(10), holy text, flint and steal, iron pot, manacles, mess kit, rope, soap, spell component pouch, torches(10), trail rations(5 days), waterskin, holy symbol.)
Adriana was born of a elven priestess of Calistria and a Jann she met on her travels. She never knew her father as her mother give birth to her and tailed her in the Calistria temple in Absalom.
At the temple were other half siblings...her brother, a half elf bard, and her sister, a elf warpriest of Calistria. She grew up in a loving family and received plenty of instruction in the teachings of Calistria. She however display great natural aptitude towards being a Inquisitor.
After her investment has a Inquisitor of Calistria she decided to travel and see the world.
Adriana favors her mother in appearance. She look like a elf except her eyes betray her Genie heritage changing color to match her elemental disposition. She dyes her bangs various colors currently red like the profile picture.