Ados's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Torradin341 wrote:
Ados wrote:
Seriously though, thanks for pointing this out. It kind of sucks that I need to dig through the deck and figure out which are duplicates, but it's nice to know I'll still functionally have the product I was hoping for. Here's hoping that my new players' first starship combat goes smoothly!

Okay, hopefully I can save you some time here. Start with all of the odd-numbered cards from 19 - 95. That'll give you all the correct cards for everyone but the gunner (which will also repeat on cards 81 and 83). If you take cards 94 and 96 for the gunner (Deploy Drone and Lay Mines), replace those two with the magic officer cards 50 and 52 (Mystic Haze and Psychic Currents), and then replace those with the engineer cards 38 and 40 (Overpower and Quick Fix), you should then have a full deck.

The final set of gunner cards should be 35, 81, 83, 94, and 96.
Engineer will be 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 38, and 40.
Magic Officer will be 85, 87, 89, 91, 50, and 52.
All other roles will be their odd numbered cards, which should be in order.

I hope that makes sense and helps!

Holy crap, thanks a ton! This seriously needs to be pinned to the top of this store page. Was able to get them all separated out and sleeved up so I have the quick handouts for everyone like I'd wanted.

Seriously, thanks so much. You've been an incredible help!

Torradin341 wrote:
Ados wrote:
I guess if you buy two sets, you can sleeve them to block the reverse side and create a "proper" set of cards, but then you're dropping $50 and ending up with a bunch of duplicates for things that may not be used terribly often.
That's entirely unnecessary. The backs of all of the crew action cards are duplicates of the fronts. For instance, card 19 is the captain's Demand action, which is the same as card 54 on the back of the science officer's Balance action. The only exception to this is the gunner's Lay Mines, Deploy Drone, and Firing Arcs, where Firing Arcs is only printed on the "front" of the cards, and Lay Mines and Deploy Drone only have one copy each. That said, they're printed in such a way you can still have a full set of actions for every roll with one copy of the deck.

I'll readily admit I didn't notice this looking through the cards - the initial look of the setup seemed so poor that I immediately dismissed them. I'll have to go back through them and see how much of a pain it is to organize functional decks for everyone - I'll probably still sleeve them up to block the duplicate sides to help keep my players from getting swapped around.

Seriously though, thanks for pointing this out. It kind of sucks that I need to dig through the deck and figure out which are duplicates, but it's nice to know I'll still functionally have the product I was hoping for. Here's hoping that my new players' first starship combat goes smoothly!

Leon Aquilla wrote:
Anybody criticizing them as a dramatic disappointment, I suspect, don't actually play the game but just sit around talking about playing it.

I'm new to running Starfinder and bought these to help ease my new players into a part of the system a lot of people talk about having issues with. Newer DMs/players (so people who, as you said, "don't actually play the game") are the exact type of person this product is theoretically great for, so I really don't understand the point of being rude to and disparaging them just because they took these cards at face value and didn't double-check every single card for duplicates.

Je'Daii Ranger wrote:
Wow...just wow. These were such a huge let down. The layout on these is so horrible. You can't just hand out a set of cards to the captain, pilot, etc. You have cards printed double sided but with different information on either side and not even related information at that. You might as well just print random captions from the rulebook on card stock and throw them in a pile on the table for everyone to dig through. Hopefully those of you getting the PDF, (I bought the actual cards) can make better use of these. Unfortunately my physical copies will be collecting dust on the shelf.

Unfortunately have to agree with you here. Saw these on the shelf at my LGS, and thought these would be *perfect* for teaching starship combat - just hand out a little stack of cards, and each person has a quick reference for their roles. Sounds amazing! But nope - each side is seemingly random information from different roles. Why do I have a bunch of cards that are half Captain and half Chief Mate instead of a few cards that are Captain information on both sides and other cards that are Chief Mate on both sides? Why are Gunner and *Magic Officer* of all things sharing cards?

I guess if you buy two sets, you can sleeve them to block the reverse side and create a "proper" set of cards, but then you're dropping $50 and ending up with a bunch of duplicates for things that may not be used terribly often.

Really, really disappointed.