Admaletz's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Elfteiroh wrote:
Admaletz wrote:
Apologize if I missed this, but what are the monsters in the image? The one coming up behind the two PCs looks very 40K Eldar to me.

They are Clockwork Automaton. They were in PF1, and they are coming in Bestiary 3 for PF2!

(And they will become a playable ancestry in the Guns & Gears book)
Also, this picture comes from the Lost Omen World Guide book, one of the first second edition book!

Thank you! Much appreciated

Apologize if I missed this, but what are the monsters in the image? The one coming up behind the two PCs looks very 40K Eldar to me.