HP:9|BaB:0|AC:17 T:14 FF:14|Fort:4 Ref:4 Will:3(8 vs charm/compulsion) |Init:+10
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About Adil Alhazrad
Adil Alhazrad Halfling NG Fire(Ash) Domain Druid(Feyspeaker + Mooncaller) Favored Class Druid[Skillx1]
HP:9|BaB:0|AC:17 T:14 FF:14|Fort:4 Ref:4 Will:3(8 vs charm/compulsion) |Init:+10
Str: 9-2 =7
Dex: 14+2 =16
Con: 12 =12
Int: 12 =10
Wis: 10 =10
Cha: 18+2 =20
Ranks Stat Class Misc Total
Bluff 1 5 Y 0 9
Diplomancy 1 5 Y 0 9
Disguise 1 5 Y 0 9
Handle Animal 1 5 Y 0 9
Heal 1 0 Y 0 4
Survival 1 0 Y 0 4
Knowledge Planes 1 1 N 0 2
Stealth 1 3 Y 4 12
Slight of hand 1 3 N 0 4
Knowledge Geography 1 1 Y 0 5
Racial Features
Fleet of foot: (30ft move speed, replaces slow+surefooted
Shadowplay (+1 CL to light, darkness, shadow spells, replaces weapon familiarity)
Fey Quickened: (Grants Run as a bonus feat, and +2 to initative, replaces fearless and keen senses)
Halfling luck: +1 to all saves
Cool Class Features
Domain: Fire(Ash)
-3xday, 30ft ranged touch attack d6 +1/2lvl
Wild Empathy
Half BaB, 6 skill points per level, no medium armor proficiency, cha to spells, bluff, diplomancy, disguise, sense motive as skills
Wild Mischeif
Reactionary: +2 init
Irrepressible: +Cha instead of Will vs charm/compulsion
Consider dipping one level of Loremaster to get secret of magical discipline, get agile training weapon finessse amulet of might fists, Planar Wildshape at 9th
The desert is not a place that most would consider teeming with life. As such, it might be considered strange for there to be druids there. Adil knows that those people who question finding life in the desert are fools. Life is mighty, and powerful. Below the surfice of the sand, beetles crawl. Above it, even plants have adapted to survive in the harsh conditions. Not even the fey have abandoned the desert, although they tend to be harder, less forgiving, competing as they are with the Djinn, the Eefrit, the Peri. Someone has to watch over the life here, and ensure that the cochineal that grow on the cactus flowers are not overharvested for their pigments. Someone must maintain the delicate balance of oasisis, lest they dry up. Adil is the newest addition to the druidic circle that protects these areas.
Born a servant to the Drow, Adil had an uncommon affinity with nature even as a youth. More concerningly, he also had a fondness for flame, often staring directly into candles or fires for hours at a time. As such, many thought the little halfling boy to be simple, or at the very least slow. This was far from the truth. Adil had a keen mind, it just worked slightly differently than others. Always constantly lost in a world of his own making, Adil absentmindedly wandered off once, into the desert. That should have been the end of him. But somehow, Adil wandered into a meeting of the Council of the Desert, the druids who oversee this area. That shouldn't have been possible, as the area was warded against all non-druids entering their sanctum. So they assumed that he must be their newest recruit. You see, one of them had finally gotten old enough to die of natural causes, the fate that will befall most druids, and so were looking for a new member. Fate had brought Adil there that day.
Indeed, it seemed as if Fate had truely smiled upon the Council of the Desert that day, as the Druidic council had just been growing more and more concerned about the activities of the Drow. Their proclivity for incestuous relationships and demon summoning had always been seen as troubling, but something bigger was afoot. And they had just aquired a new recruit who had a job working with a Drow family. Watch, investigate, report, that was Adil's granted mission. For the first time in the young Halfling's life, he felt seen by the druids. He gladly accepted his new mission. After all, he had no love for his Drow masters, who had seperated him from his family at birth.
Slow to realize what is going on around him, and almost floating through life, Adil nevertheless harbors a deep memory for those who have wronged him. As a halfling, he is less carefully watched than some of the other servants, giving him plenty of time to slip away for a day or two. Some of the other halflings noted that when he came back from the desert, he was different, but they couldn't quite put their finger on it. But at the end of the day, Adil is a kind soul, who would be caring if he had anyone to care for.