Nazhena Vasilliovna

Adela von Suderburg's page

114 posts. Alias of Grumbaki.


WS (50) BS (26) Str (50) T (51) Init (29) Ag (30) Dex (28) Int (31) WP (52) Fel (43) W (20)


Fate (3) Fortune (4/4) Resilience (3) Resolve (4/4) Melee (75) Cool, Pray (67) Heal (46) Dodge (45)


[CAMPAIGN OVER] Priestess Captain of Ulric: Melee Armor Legs, Arms, Body, Head (4/4/4/0) Shooting Armor (5/5/5/1)

About Adela von Suderburg


Art (Dex) = 28
Athletics (AG) = 35
Bribery (FEL) = 43
Charm (FEL) + 15 (58)
Charm Animal (WP) = 52
Climb (STR) = 50
Cool (WP) + 15 = 67
Consume Alcohol (T) = 51
Dodge (AG) + 15 = 45
Drive (AG) = 30
Endurance (T) + 15 = 66
Entertain (FEL) = 43
Gamble (INT) = 31
Gossip (FEL) = 43
Haggle (FEL) = 43
Intimdate (STR) = 50
Intuition (I) = 29
Leadership (FEL) + 15 = 58
Ranged (Parrying) (WS) + 5 = 55
Melee (Brawling) (WS) + 5 = 55
Melee (Basic) (WS) + 25 = 75
Navigation (I) = 29
Outdoor Survival (INT) = 31
Perception (I) + 15 = 42
Ranged Thrown (BS) = 26
Ride (AG) = 30
Row (STR) = 50
Stealth (AG) = 30
Swim (STR) = 50


Language Reiklander (INT) +3 = 36
Language Battle (INT) +5 = 36
Language Reikspell (INT) +5 = 36
Lore Theology (INT) +15 = 46
Heal (INT) + 15 = 46
Pray (WP) + 15 = 67


* Combat Aware (You are used to scanning the battlefield to make snap decisions informed by the shifting tides of war.You may take a Challenging (+0) Perception Test to ignore Surprise, which is modified by circumstance as normal.)
* Pure Soul (Your soul is pure, quite resistant to the depredations of Chaos. You may gain extra Corruption points equal to your level of Pure Soul before having to Test to see if you become corrupt.)
* Stout Hearted (No matter how bad things get, you always seem to come back for more. You may attempt a Cool Test to remove a Broken Condition at the end of each of your Turns as well as at the end of the Round (see page 168 for more on this))
* Warleader (Your stern gaze and inspiring words motivate your soldiers to fight on to the end. All subordinates able to see you may add your level in War Leader to their SL in one Willpower Test per Round. This bonus does not stack.)
* Furious Assault (Your blows follow one another in quick succession, raining down on your opponents with the fury of Ulric. Once per Round, if you hit an opponent in close combat, you may immediately spend an Advantage or your Move to make an extra attack (assuming you have your Move remaining).)
* Blessing
* Etiquette Cultists
* Read/Write
* Strong Minded (You are the epitome of determination and resolve. Add your level in Strong Minded to your maximum Resolve pool.)
* Mimic (Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important You have a good ear for accents and dialects, and can reproduce them accurately. You may replicate any accent you are exposed to for at least a day with an Initiative Test; this Test may be attempted once per day. Once passed, you may always mimic the accent, and locals will believe you to be one of their own.)
* Luck (They say when you were born, Ranald smiled. Your maximum Fortune Points now equal your current Fate points plus the number of times you’ve taken Luck.)
* Attractive ( When you successfully use Charm to influence those attracted to you, you can choose to either use your rolled SL, or the number rolled on your units die. So, a successful roll of 38 could be used for +8 SL.)
* Suave (+5 Fel)
* Noble Blood (You are either born into the nobility, or otherwise elevated to it by in-game events. Assuming you are dressed appropriately, you are always considered of higher Status than others unless they also have the Noble Blood Talent, where Status is compared as normal.)
* Invoke (You are blessed by one of the Gods and can empower one of your Cult’s Miracles. Further, you may purchase extra miracles for 100 XP per miracle you currently know. So, if you already know 3 miracles, your next miracle costs 300 XP to purchase. Full rules for learning new miracles are provided in Chapter 7: Religion and Belief. Under normal circumstances, you may not learn more than one Invoke (Divine Lore) Talent. Further, you may not learn the Petty Magic or Arcane Magic Talents when you have the Invoke Talent. You can unlearn this Talent for 100 XP, but will lose all of your miracles if you do so, and will also garner the extreme disfavour of your God, with effects determined by your GM.)


* Blessing of Tenacity (Remove 1 condition)
* Winter’s Bite (Fel duration, When wielding an axe, it counts as Magical, causes an additional + SL Damage, and any living targets struck must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or gain a Stunned Condition. Further, struck targets lose any Bleeding Conditions as their blood freezes; similarly, attacks from your axe cannot cause any Bleeding Conditions.)


Weapons: 2x Practical Battleaxes, 3x Daggers

Armor: Lightweight Mail Coat and Chausses underneath Lightweight Breastplate, Bracers, Plate Leggings, White Wolf Cloak (1 armor vs shooting), Lightweight Shield (2 armor)

Other: backpack with 2x antitoxin kits, bandages, bedroll, and 5x healing droughts (TB healed in wounds), 5x vitality droughts (removes fatigue) and 5x healing poultice (no infection from critical wound), common clothes, noble clothes, foldable tent, Lantern with oil, 2x torches with flint

Gold: 10


Human Skills: Lore Reikland, Lore Middenland, Language Reikland (3) Melee Brawling, Melee Two Handed (5) Language Battle (5, originally Charm but easier to track this way as that is from tier2)

15x Cool, Dodge, Endurance, Heal, Leadership, Lore (Theology), Melee (two handed), Pray, Charm, Perception (1750) + 10 Melee Basic (350)
+15 WS, Str, T, WP, Fel (2375) +1 Initiative (25)
Career Advancement (300)
Talents: 1x Invoke, Stout Hearted, Pure Soul, Fearless Assault, Combat Aware, Warleader, Noble Born, GM = (700)

Warrior Priestess:

Novitiate — Brass 2
Skills: Cool, Dodge, Endurance, Heal, Leadership, Lore (Theology), Melee (Basic), Pray
Talents: Bless (Any), Etiquette (Cultists), Read/Write, Strong-minded
Trappings: Book (Religion), Leather Jerkin, Religious Symbol, Robes, Weapon (Any Melee)

Warrior Priest — Silver 2
Skills: Charm, Entertain (Speeches), Intimidate, Language (battle), Melee (Basic), Ranged (Thrown)
Talents: Dual Wielder, Inspiring, Invoke (Any), Seasoned Traveller
Trappings: Breastplate, Weapon (Any)

Priest Sergeant — Silver 3
Skills: Animal Care, Intuition, Perception, Ride (Horse)
Talents: Combat Aware, Holy Visions, Pure Soul, Stout- hearted
Trappings: Light Warhorse with Saddle and Tack

Priest Captain — Silver 4
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Lore (Warfare)
Talents: Fearless (Any), Furious Assault, Holy Hatred, Warleader