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Definitive answer: there is not a definitive answer. Thanks anyway to anyone. I still think that with calcific touch you don't "hold a charge" like other spells (shocking grasp and other instantaneous spells), but I'm going to reach an agreement with my master. Thanks again!

Actually, the rule quoted refer to holding a charge and this is undeniable.
Supposing that Calcific Touch "charge" my hand once every round, I can discharge the spell and then cast another spell. In the next round my hand will be charged again and so on. If I cast a spell before discharge calcific touch I lose that charge for that round, but Calcific Touch as a spell has a duration, it continues.
I think it might work in this way.

Thanks for the answer, snowlilly. Now I'm beginning to understand why calcific touch is so highly appreciated.

Thanks for the answer to you too, Melkiador. I agree with snowlilly: I'm not holding a charge, the rules you're quoting doesn't apply on calcific touch.

Yep, I know that this question was answered before, but I still can't understand how the hell this work.
So, as a 13 level magus I take the spell blending arcana and choose calcific touch; now calcific touch is in my magus spell list and I can use it with spellstrike.
Now, in the first round of a fight I can cast calcific touch and get the free melee attack thanks to spellstrike, so in the first round I do 3 attacks (+9,+9,+4). And in the first round is easy, it work as always.
In the second round... I really can't understand...

In the second round:
1) Calcific touch still work
2) I'm not actually "holding the charge" because calcific touch has a duration
3) I don't have another free melee attack because (as the spellstrike say) "Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell", and I'm not casting the spell again
4) I can still deliver calcific touch through my normal weapon attack. At least "chill touch" build work in that way (if I remember correctly), with the difference that I can deliver only one calcific touch per round.

If I'm right untill now, this mean that I can cast other spells and in the same round deliver calcific touch through my normal weapon attack.
And if I'm right untill now this mean... That I can cast other "touch" spells, gain the free attack and THEN deliver calcific touch through the normal weapon attack?

Please, tell me where and why I'm wrong...