Yep, I know that this question was answered before, but I still can't understand how the hell this work.
So, as a 13 level magus I take the spell blending arcana and choose calcific touch; now calcific touch is in my magus spell list and I can use it with spellstrike.
Now, in the first round of a fight I can cast calcific touch and get the free melee attack thanks to spellstrike, so in the first round I do 3 attacks (+9,+9,+4). And in the first round is easy, it work as always.
In the second round... I really can't understand...
In the second round:
1) Calcific touch still work
2) I'm not actually "holding the charge" because calcific touch has a duration
3) I don't have another free melee attack because (as the spellstrike say) "Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell", and I'm not casting the spell again
4) I can still deliver calcific touch through my normal weapon attack. At least "chill touch" build work in that way (if I remember correctly), with the difference that I can deliver only one calcific touch per round.
If I'm right untill now, this mean that I can cast other spells and in the same round deliver calcific touch through my normal weapon attack.
And if I'm right untill now this mean... That I can cast other "touch" spells, gain the free attack and THEN deliver calcific touch through the normal weapon attack?
Please, tell me where and why I'm wrong...