Loris Raknian

Adam W. Roy's page

Goblin Squad Member. 59 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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The assumption was that, unless you are using our alternate traits, you were using the standard stats and abilities in the Pathfinder Reference Document: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/featuredRaces/aasimars .html#_aasimars

Sorry if that wasn't clear in the text. Glad you are enjoying the series, and if you like the PDFs, please post reviews here on the review tab. Endzeitgeist can't do it all by himself...... (and if there is stuff you don't like, definitely post a review too, so we can improve on it)!

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Yes, I have been running "Fang" the Darakhul monk in convention play, and other than her pale skin and ....unusual....dietary needs, she fits in pretty well with most partys. If you can have clockwork sorcerers and half-orcs throwing fireballs about, a pale, toothy monk or fighter that likes her steaks raw doesn't really stick out that much with most PC groups....

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All new material from the twisted mind that brought you the Midgard Player's Guides....! I look forward to your review, EZT. :-)

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pricing and damage for steel caps and tips are in the Book of Drakes (also available at KoboldPress.com store, and a great companion book to this one - Adam Daigle and Mike Welham at their best), the prices for the mithral and adamantium razors and caps are in the list I just sent to Wolfgang and Miranda - look for it on the KoboldPress.com forums shortly, pending the approval of the Kobold King and the Queen of the Interweb Pits... ;-)

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Thanks @KTFish7 for the great and detailed review - as far as your half point deduction goes - The Kobold King already has me hard at work on fixing that oversight...keep a scaly eye posted on the Kobold Press Forums page....

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There is some major "minotaur action" in the Midgard Campaign Setting book, with some minor Gnoll and Centaur action...see KP's "Kobold Ecologies" for Wolfgang's take on Centaurs, and gnolls will be getting their due very soon, if my Wolfgang blackmail scheme (involving photos and videos of the Midgard Launch Afterparty...) comes to fruition....

This book focuses on the traits, feats, spells, magic items, trade goods, archetypes and prestige classes of the Dragon Empire.

The playable PC race that is featured is the Dragonkin (who, like your avatar, Teiidae, are impressive and dangerous at the same time). They are a unique truebreeding hybrid race of dragons/drakes and men, a product of the Empire's founding. They make excellent warriors, sorcerers and oracles.

Kobolds get their due in the Campaign Setting, as well as the Crossroad's Players Guide, co-written by the talented Christina Stiles and Your Humble Author. (All the really icky, gory stuff is mine) **flashes fangs***