
Adam Ashworth's page

Organized Play Member. 77 posts (95 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Scarab Sages

The Scroll Thaumaturge feat has the line: You can draw and activate scrolls with the same hand holding an implement, much like you can for esoterica.

Drawing esoterica from what I understand is a free action, and while the Second Implement class ability refers to free action swapping of implements, that doesn't directly carry over to esoterica.

Does that line imply Thaumaturges with the feat can as a free action draw scrolls, or does it only mean that they don't need a free hand to draw/use a scroll? At my table we've been ruling it functions like a free draw, but I'm wondering if there was a misunderstanding.

Any feedback is appreciated - and if anyone knows of an official developer word on the issue, even more appreciated!

Scarab Sages

I was hoping to switch out my PFS character's bo staff to one that is cold iron. Is there any reason why a weapon normally made of wood couldn't be made of cold iron/silver/mithril etc?

The flavor text of the bo-staff has no mention of wood: This strong but slender staff is tapered at the ends and well balanced. It’s designed to be an offensive and defensive weapon.

A normal staff does: This long piece of wood can aid in walking and deliver a mighty blow.

I understand in a home game that it would likely be allowed, but is there any RAW reason this wouldn't be possible?

Scarab Sages

Does anyone know how long it usually takes to have a new books content be legal for PFS play? I have a PF2e character that just hit level 2, and plan on playing him at a convention this weekend. I'm hoping to use the Pathfinder Agent Dedication feat and Godless Healing feat on him, but I noticed that the Society Character Option page has not been updated yet to allow for Lost Omens World Guide content.

Anyone have any advice for how I should proceed? Better to play a pregen instead of my beloved character to be on the safe side, or just ask the GM at the convention if he'll allow it?

Scarab Sages

I really like the flavor of the Dirty Trick combat maneuver, and was hoping to know all my options for optimizing it for PFS play to blind foes for multiple rounds. Here's what I've got so far:

18 in Str or Dex (w/ Agile Maneuvers) for +4 (20 in a stat isn't effective at 1st level)
Shoanti Race Trait for +1 to manuevers/Intimdate
Heirloom Weapon Trait for +2 to Dirty Trick when wielding that specific weapon (with the masterwork transformation spell to allow it to be magical later on)
Improved Dirty Trick for +2
Greater Dirty Trick for +2
Lore Warden Fighter level 3 for +2 to all maneuvers (Cad archetype gives +3 by level 10 I know, and a free trick at level 7, so its a maybe)
Daredevil Bard level 2 for +2 to Dirty Trick

By level 6, +2 stat belt for another +1 to maneuvers (4000gp)
Ioun stone for insight to AC+wayfinder for +1 to maneuvers (5250gp)

That's all I've got, planned to level 7 as a Dex based bard 4/fighter 3. With all of that, he'll have a +23 for Dirty Trick (+24 if the judge allows the masterwork enhancement to work which isn't RAW), +15 to all other maneuvers without further modification.

Anything I missed? Would a maneuver master monk be better or something else?

Scarab Sages

I've read that you can use a double weapon in one hand and only use from one side of it (from the weapons page on the SRD: A creature wielding a double weapon in one hand can't use it as a double weapon—only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round). So, theoretically, could I have a character with a quarterstaff in one hand and a shield in the other?

This isn't for arcane bond and the annoyance of the word "wield", but for a cleric of Nethys with the Magic domain who wants to throw his staff around Wis mod+3 times per day while still benefiting from a shield via Hand of the Acolyte.

Anyone know if this is legit, or if it may have problems arise in PFS play? I know I could just use a club, but for thematic reasons I want a quarterstaff - each side of the staff will be carved differently to represent the dual positive/negative nature of Nethys.

Scarab Sages

I've always wanted to play a character with a small black panther animal companion, and I'm finally getting it worked out. I realize that big cats are optimal for damage, wolves for trip, rocs for awesomeness... but would what I've got together/planned be viable for PFS play? I'd also like a double check on my numbers to make sure I didn't mess anything up.

The human druid has the Eye for Talent racial ability instead of a bonus feat, to give it a 4 Int and know every trick possible - as well as learn to understand Common via Linguistics. For the 1st level feat, he's got the new ARG Huntmaster feat to have his cat count as one level higher, 3rd level the APG Racial Heritage (Aasimar) feat, 5th level the Celestial Servant feat - applying the Celestial Template to the cat. Also, when the cat has a chance to advance, I'd like to keep him small (granting a +2 Dex/Con instead of the growth to medium).

I started a thread here in regards to the SR of a Celestial Servant animal companion (as well as the smite evil ambiguity).

I was tempted to have the intelligent cat take Additional Traits to get a religion trait (Blade of Mercy, slashing weapons deal subdual +1 damage), but I'm going to guess most DMs will veto an animal worshipping a goddess. Any suggestions for the level 6 builds third feat? I'm torn between Power Attack->Furious Focus, Combat Reflexes->Stand Still and Step Up->Following Step. Eldritch Claws seems like a good idea for it's 5th feat at level 10 (level 9 Huntmaster druid).

Here's the build as a 3rd level companion (technically level 2 druid due to Huntmaster):

3rd level small cat:
Small Cat 3HD
low light vision, scent, evasion, link, share spells
HP 16 (4.5x3 +3)
Speed 50

Str 13
Dex 22
Con 13
Int 4
Wis 12
Cha 6

AC: 10+2 armor+6 Dex+3 natural+1 size= 22
Touch AC: 17
Flatfooted AC: 16
Saves: +4 Fort/+9 Reflex/+2 Will

Attacks:+2 BAB+6 Dex+1 Size= +9
+9 bite/+9 claw/+9 claw
1d4+1 and trip +7/1d2+1/1d2+1

CMB: 2 BAB+6 Dex-1 Size=+7
CMD: 10+2 BAB+6 Dex+1 Str-1 Size=18 or 22 vs trip

Tricks: all (3x4 Int=12+2 bonus=14 tricks, only 12+1 for attack all exist)

Weapon Finesse, Agile Maneuvers

Acrobatics 1 rank+3 trained+6 Dex=+10
Survival 1 rank+3 trained+1 Wis=+5
Linguistics-Common 1 rank-3 Int=-2
Perception 0 ranks+1 Wis=+1 (+9 with scent)
Stealth 0 ranks+6 Dex+4 size=+10

Leather Barding (20gp; 7.5lbs)
Training harness (20gp; 5lbs) [ARG]

Here's the build as a 6th level companion with Celestial (technically a 5th level druid)

6th level small cat:
Small Cat 6HD
low light vision, scent, evasion, link, share spells, devotion, darkvision 60', smite evil 1/day
HP 45 (4.5x6 +18)
Speed 50

Str 14
Dex 25 (+2 advancement at level 4)
Con 16 (+1 at level 4) (+2 advancement at level 4)
Int 4
Wis 12
Cha 6

AC: 10+4 armor+7 Dex+5 natural+1 size= 27
Touch AC: 18
Flatfooted AC: 20
Saves: +8 Fort/+11 Reflex/+3 (+7 vs enchantment) Will
DR 5/evil
Resist Cold, Acid, and Electricity 10

Attacks:+4 BAB+7 Dex+1 Size= +12
+12 bite/+12 claw/+12 claw
1d4+7 and trip +10/1d2+7/1d2+7
Power Attack (-2 attack, +4 damage to all attacks)
smite evil 1/day +6 damage

CMB: 4 BAB+7 Dex-1 Size=+10
CMD: 10+4 BAB+7 Dex+2 Str-1 Size=22 or 26 vs trip

Tricks: all (3x4 Int=12+3 bonus=15 tricks, only 12+1 for attack-all exist)

Weapon Finesse, Agile Maneuvers, Power Attack

Acrobatics 4 rank+3 trained+7 Dex=+14
Survival 1 rank+3 trained+1 Wis=+5
Linguistics-Common 1 rank-3 Int=-2
Perception 0 ranks+1 Wis=+1 (+9 with scent)
Stealth 0 ranks+7 Dex+4 size=+11

+1 Darkleaf Cloth Studded Leather Barding (Small, non humanoid) +3 AC (+1 enhancement), 0 ACP, 7 Max Dex (2550gp; 5lbs)
Amulet of Mighty Fists (Agile) (5000gp)
Training harness (20gp; 5lbs) [ARG]

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I'm building a druid with Celestial Servant from the ARG, and I came up with an issue with applying the Celestial Template. It says the affected creature gains SR equal to the creature's CR+5. What's the CR of an animal companion? I know, I know, they don't have a CR... class features don't have CR. So what to do? I'd like this in a PFS game, so a ruling that works there is particularly important. Might be FAQ worthy - I think it is.

It would also be wonderful to get a dev comment on the whole celestial/fiendish template smite evil ability and if it functions like the paladins ability. I've scoured through the forums, and no official word could I find. Seems like player consensus is that it does not, but considering it's a simple abbreviated template instead of a full one like half-celestial, it might be an oversight. Probably not, but would be great for PFS games to have official word.

Scarab Sages

An idea popped into my head for a character that boosts a party's ability to flank enemies for PFS play.

It starts with 4 levels of Freebooter Ranger for Freebooter's Bane (+2 to flank bonus for all allies within 30' for the encounter as a move action). Then take 3 levels of Holy Tactician Paladin for Battlefield Presence (standard action, grant all allies within 30' a teamwork feat for the encounter as a standard action). Coupled with the Outflank feat and a menacing weapon, you end up granting all allies a +6 bonus when they flank vs the standard +2, or a +8 if you are adjacent to the enemy with your menacing weapon.

It should all stack, as Outflank changes the bonus from +2 to +4, but Freebooter's Bane and menacing both just boost it by +2 instead of replacing it. And if you are being cheesy you could potentially try and get away with using two menacing weapons for a +10 bonus, but that is far too controversial (same source ambiguity) for a PFS game.

Any other ways of making flanking for your allies even better?

Scarab Sages

I'm looking for suggestions on debuffing/buffing feats and ranger/bard spells for wands, if anyone has a moment to help! I'm playing a level 2 PFS bard/ranger build now, and for my own sanity I'm locking myself in to my choice of future progression so I can stop obsessing about it. No dipping or deviating, no other archetypes. Within these constraints I want to maximize my potential to buff allies and debuff enemies.

The build:
Currently Dawnflower Dervish 1/Freebooter Shapeshifter Ranger 1 (to 11)
Stats: Str 12/Dex 18/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 11/Cha 12 (raising Dex)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Bodyguard (racial bonus), Dervish Dance (class bonus)
Combat Style (Natural Weapons): Weapon Focus at Ranger 2, Vital Strike at Ranger 6, Improved Vital Strike at Ranger 10
Future feats: 3rd: Enforcer ; 5th: Dazzling Display; 7th:? ; 9th? ; 11th?

I've already got the Bodyguard/Helpful trait combo for +4 to adjacent allies against adjacent enemies against 5 attacks/round, and Freebooter's Bane for a +1 for all allies attack and damage (+2 at 6th and +3 at 11th). I plan on using the Blade of Mercy/Enforcer combo for free demoralize attempts at 3rd. With Freebooter's Bond, I'll also use a menacing weapon quality to give allies a total of +6 whenever they flank with me around. Then Dazzling Display at 5th for AoO. But at 7th, 9th, and 11th I had feats that only helped myself (Shatter Defenses, Improved Critical, Critical Focus) because I couldn't find good support feats.

Gory Finish looked good, but I'll be doing nonlethal damage primarily for Enforcer, and that means that not many enemies I touch will be at negative hit points before they go unconscious. I'm too stupid for Combat Expertise (yeah, I know about Lore Warden, no dipping!!) and thus combat maneuver feats, so that's a wash. Skill Focus (Intimidate) maybe?

Spell wise, Blistering Invective (yay bard list) for a wand sounds amazing - 1d10 fire damage and demoralize all in 30' as a standard action instead of a full round, and there's a very small chance they'll catch on fire (DC 13 I think). When ranger spells are granted, I was thinking Liberating Command as a good one to prepare.

Any suggestions on feats or spells I've missed that I can do with my existing feats and spells? There must be some form of debuff outside of combat maneuvers and demoralize that I'm missing, or some feat I can use to provide allies with some sort of bonus or protection I've overlooked.

Scarab Sages

Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows for sure if I can apply the Skirmisher Ranger archetype that replaces spellcasting at level 5, or if that is something I had to apply at level 1. In the guide, it just says "If you wish to apply a legal archetype to your character, you may do so at 1st level as normal. Additionally, you may apply an archetype to an existing class at any time you level up as long as the first alternate ability does not replace an ability granted at a previous level".

Technically, I don't get spell-casting till level 4 for high Wisdom, or level 5 normally. However, I'm able to benefit from wand use from level 1. Is it too late to apply the archetype if I do it at level 5, where I would still have access to wand use levels 1-4?

Scarab Sages

On a whim, I'm trying to create the most protective focused PFS character, using the new Archon Style with the Bodyguard line and shield feats/abilities. Anyone have any ideas on how to improve, or an alternately better protector?

I've got a human Sacred Shield Paladin, Monk of Many Styles, Lore Warden wearing plate armor and using a tower shield.

Anyone got a better protector build, or can think of ways to refine mine?

Character Progression:

Str 14
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 7
Wis 9
Cha 16+2

Adopted by Halflings/Helpful trait (+4 to Aid Another/Bodyguard instead of +2)
Skills (3 Ranks Acrobatics for defensive AC boost, Diplomacy and Intimidate max for Antagonize)
Sacred Shield Paladin
1 Combat Reflexes, Bodyguard (Bastion of Good 1/day)
Lore Warden
2: Saving Shield
3: Combat Expertise, Archon Style, In Harms Way
Monk of Many Styles
4: Archon Diversion
5: Tower Shield Proficiency, Archon Justice (Evasion)
Sacred Shield Paladin
6: (Lay on Hands, Divine Grace)
7: Shield Focus (Aura of Courage, Mercy)
8: (Holy Shield, Bastion of Good 2/day)
9: Covering Defense (Divine Bond +1/shield)
10: (Mercy)
11: Antagonize (Bastion of Good, 3/day)
12: (Aura of Resolve, Divine Bond +2/shield)

Protective Abilities:
Attack of Opportunity Actions:
Bodyguard (AoO vs AC 10 to give adjacent ally +4 AC vs threatened enemy)

Immediate Actions:
In Harms Way (take a hit for ally when using Bodyguard, unlimited)
Saving Shield (+2 shield bonus to adjacent ally, unlimited)

Swift Actions:
Activate Archon Style (unlimited)
Use Archon Style (+2 dodge to AC vs single target's next attack to all adjacent allies, unlimited)
Bastion of Good (single target does half damage to allies, full damage to protector, protector gains deflection bonus to AC vs target Cha mod +2, 3/day)

Standard Actions:
Total Defense-Covering Defense (+6 AC to self, shield bonus to AC as cover bonus to adjacent ally)
Divine Bond (8 minutes, +2 bonus to shield or special abilities, 1/day)
Holy Shield (adjacent allies gain shield bonus for 3 + Cha bonus rounds, 2 lay on hands uses)

Archon Diversion (when using style, divert blow to self before attack roll, protected ally gets AoO, and if protector is hurt from attack, all allies threatening attacker get AoO, 1/round)

Spells (wands/casting)
1st: Knights Calling, Compel Hostility, Challenge Evil
2nd: Holy Shield, Bestow Grace

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm using the Dervish Dance feat, and am thinking about getting Quickdraw feat in combination with a light quickdraw shield to get around the inability to use a shield, as so:

Start combat with scimitar and shield
Start of round: free action put away shield
Make attacks with scimitar (using Dex for attack/damage)
End of round: free action don shield

I realize that my AoOs wouldn't be able to use Dex for attack/damage, but would this be a viable option to boost defense (assuming no readied actions to attack me when I stow away my shield)?

I'm only playing in PFS, so my concern is having a judge rule I couldn't put away and don the quickdraw shield in the same round (even though they are both free action) or that there's something I'm missing and it's not legal. Anyone know if that's a likely ruling? I'm looking to get Saving Shield to complement my Helpful trait/Bodyguard feat combo (total of +6 to an allies AC potentially!)

Scarab Sages

A party member in my last PFS game had a +11 Initiative bonus at level 1, which got me thinking ways to beat it. The highest I got was the following:

Any Race
1st level Wizard
20 Dexerity (+5)
Reactionary Trait (+2)
Improved Initiative Feat(+4)
Scorpion/Compsognathus Familiar (+4)
Forewarned/Divination School (+1 - half level bonus)
Total= +16 Initiative

Coupled with the Defensive Strategist Trait and the Forewarned class feature, the wizard always acts in surprise rounds and isn't flat footed before acting/when surprised.

A much more capable (but 1 less bonus) version is:

1st level Tattooed Sorcerer
Any Bloodline (or Arcane if you don't want Tattooed)
20 Charisma
Reactionary Trait (+2)
Noble Scion feat (Scion of War, Cha to Init, +5)
Improved Initiative feat (+4)
Scorpion/Compsognathus Familiar (+4)
Total= +15

Can anyone beat those bonuses at 1st level (or even 2nd or 3rd?)

Scarab Sages


I just raised my first PFS character to level two last night, a Dawnflower Dervish bard that I plan on having as a Freebooter Ranger for the rest of his levels. I'm looking for some advice on how to proceed going forward in terms of combat styles, with my aim of being extremely supportive - protect allies, debuff enemies, deal moderate damage. I've got a bodyguard build with the adopted/helpful trait (good chance of +4 to adjacent ally's AC vs adjacent enemy as an AoO), and am going Freebooter because the at-will +1 to attack and damage for my allies sounds great (especially since my bardic performance would only affect my character).

Three major options are what I see (if you see any other good ones, please advise!!)

1) Enforcer - at level 3 (1 bard/2 ranger) choose the Two-Handed Weapon style for Cleave (then Greater Cleave etc) and the Enforcer feat. My character has the Blade of Mercy trait for nonlethal scimitar use, but only a 12 Charisma and no Intimidate boosts (+5 at level 1). I'm thinking that getting a chance to shake up two enemies each round with Cleave, even without super high odds of success, might be nice.

2) Shapeshifter - at 3rd, choosing Natural Weapon style for Weapon Focus (then Vital Strike etc) and apply the Shapeshifter template (so at 4th (1 bard/3 ranger) I'd exchange favored terrain for a nice tactical benefit like the Jackal no AoO move. This route I could either go the same Enforcer at 3rd route or Dazzling Display, but same low Intimidate problem.

3) Shielded - a weird one - at 3rd, choosing Two-Weapon Fighting for Quick Draw, and selecting Saving Shield. Using a light darkwood quick draw shield, would as a free action unsling shield during his turn so as to be able to benefit from Dervish Dance, and at end of turn drawing the shield again as another free action. Off-turn I would take a hit to AoO power (using 13 Str instead of 18 Dex) including less of a chance of Bodyguard working (although it is only a DC 10, 3rd level would have a +4 instead of +7 for the aid another roll without situational mods), but I'd have the extra +1 AC (more with enchantment) and be able to grant the +2 shield bonus to a single ally once a round on top of the Bodyguard feat.

I'm at a loss for what feats to choose besides Saving Shield or Enforcer for the protection/debuff I'm looking for that I can get early in the game. I wouldn't be opposed to going Fighter instead of Ranger if I could see immediate support boosts from it (like the Freebooter minor but typeless boost).

I'd love any feedback!

Scarab Sages

I'm building a Varisian Pilgrim Cleric with the Azata domain, and I noticed something odd it. The description mentions affecting creatures, not a creature.

"you can imbue creatures" and "The creatures touched" and "In addition, targets receive" - it's all plural, unlike the other touch based powers I've seen which specify a single target.

WIth the rule that you can touch up to six allies with a full round action, would this power be able to be used to affect up to six adjacent allies normally?

And with the Varisian Pilgrim ability, with a full round action would you be able to remotely "touch" up to six of those affected by your caravan bond with this power?

It doesn't specify affecting multiple targets directly, but by using plural language where none of the other touch domain powers I've seen do makes me wonder.

Anyone know?

Scarab Sages

Hello, I'm building a character with a 7 Intelligence as a bard (Dawnflower Dervish) to start, and then will become a highly dextrous fighter (Lore Warden) for every level after for Pathfinder Society play.

My question: The Scholastic class feature of the Lore Warden gives two extra skill points per level that must be used on Intelligence skills. My character has -2 skill points every level, so with a normal fighter would only get the minimum of 1 every level without Scholastic.

As a Lore Warden, would I get:

1) 2 skill points per level, - 2 skill points per level due to low Int. Minimum 1. Then +2 from Scholastic that need to be Int based. I'd then get 1 skill point to spend on anything, and 2 skill points to spent on Int skills.

2) As option 1, but the minimum 1 skill point per level applies after all calculations, so I'd have no skill points I could use on anything, then 2 skill points I must use on Int skills.

3) 2 skill points per level, +2 skill points per level that need to be Int based, - 2 skill points per level due to low Int. I could have my Int penalty take out the extra two Int skills, then apply my base two Int skills to whatever skills I want.

4) As option 3, but I would have to choose from Int skills only for the two skill points I'd get per level, as the penalty can only apply to general skill points

I realize this is a weird situation (a stupid Lore Warden), and I appreciate if anyone can clarify this for me!

Scarab Sages

Greetings! I'm new to Pathfinder, but a long time player of D&D (2e, 3 and 3.5e, 4e), and I'm looking to hop on to some Pathfinder Society play. I was originally going to play a squishy sorcerer, but have decided to play for something a bit sturdier. Below is my idea for a 1 level dip of dawnflower dervish bard with all weapon master fighter planned afterward. I'd love some advice on improvement, especially from Pathfinder Society folk!

My main questions are: will the Bodyguard feat, with the halfling helpful trait's +4 to adjacent allies' AC, be beneficial? I'm pretty fond of the concept, but I'm curious to what the community thinks. General thoughts would be appreciated too, especially suggestions for improvement - will I be able to contribute to a normal PFS group in being a tank/support with this build?

As for advancement, the weapon master fighter appeals. Are there better fighter archetypes (or even other classes) to have the kind of mobile combatant/guardian that I'm proposing? Combat Expertise and the maneuver feats seem out of my league without the Lore Warden archetype or a stat overhaul ... is that a worthwhile choice? Without raising Int, it doesn't seem like it'll help much. Thanks in advance!!

1st Level:

Human (Shoanti human enthnicity)
Bard [Dawnflower Dervish, Inner Sea Magic]
Chaotic Good
Osirion Faction

Str 11 [1]
Dex 18+2 [17]
Con 14 [5]
Int 7 [-4]
Wis 10 [0]
Cha 11 [1]

HP: 10

Fort: +2
Reflex: +7 (+8 when adjacent to two allies)
Will: +2

Initiative: +5

AC: 10 + 3 (armor) + 5 (Dex) = 18 (19 when adjacent to two allies)
Touch: 10 + 5 (Dex) = 15 (16 when adjacent to two allies)
Flat-footed: 10 + 3 (armor) = 13

Tomb Raider (Campaign)- +1 to Perception and Dungeoneering, Perception class skill [Guide to Pathfinder Society Play]
Adopted by Halflings (Social)- Helpful (+4 when using the aid another action) [APG->Halflings of Golarion]

Favored Class: Fighter

Racial Traits:
+2 Dexterity
Heart of the Streets [instead of skilled, APG]
Bonus Feat

Class Traits:
Weapon Proficiency - Longsword, sap, shortsword, shortbow, and simple weapons. Also, scimitar [instead of whip and rapier, ISM]
Armor Proficiency - Light armor and shields
Battle Dance (+2 to attack/damage/vs charm/vs fear, 4 rounds/day, move action, self only)
Distraction (Perform- Dance check vs illusion figment/pattern, requires battle dance round use)

0th: prestidigitation, detect magic, dancing lights, spark
1st (1/day): cure light wounds, timely inspiration

Perform- Dance (4+0= +4)
Acrobatics (4+5-1= +8)
Stealth (4+5-1= +8)
Perception (4+1= +5)

Combat Reflexes
Bodyguard (racial bonus) [APG]


Monks Outfit (0gp) (2lbs)
Studded Leather (25gp) (20 lbs)
Sling (0gp) (0 lbs)
Scimitar (15gp) (4 lbs)
Weapon cord (1sp) [AA]
Wandermeal, 4 servings (4cp) (2 lbs) [AA]
Waterskin (1gp) (4 lbs)
32 lbs of light load 38 lbs, spent 41 gp 1sp 4cp of 150 gp

Advancement Ideas:
Weapon Master Fighter archetype
Favored Class increase: HP
Stat Increases to Dex (23 at level 12)
Skill increase: Acrobatic (-2 Int mod makes 1/level I believe)

2nd level: Fighter 1 (Stand Still)
3rd level: Fighter 2 (Dodge, Mobility)
4th level: Fighter 3
5th level: Fighter 4 (Step Up, Spring Attack)
6th level: Fighter 5
7th level: Fighter 6 (Following Step, Step Up and Strike)
8th level: Fighter 7
9th level: Fighter 8 (Improved Critical, Disruptive)
10th level: Fighter 9
11th level: Fighter 10 (Pin Down, Spellbreaker)
12th level: Fighter 11

Scarab Sages

Hello! I'm looking to do some convention games in a few months, and I'm hoping to get some feedback on the legality and feasibility of the character I'm planning.

One of the characters I'm working on is a Half Elf Sorcerer with the Empyreal Celestial archetype (Ultimate Magic) and the Tinkering (Pathfinder Society FIeld Guide) archetype. They don't overlap in regards to abilities substituted as far as I can tell, and while I know I can use a legal archetype I don't know if I can start with two. Anyone know if it is possible?

Mechanics-wise, I'm building a spell-casting trapfinder. Wisdom 20, using Wisdom as the casting stat as a sorcerer, with the trait (Wisdom in the Flesh) that allows you to use Wisdom for a single physical skill. It would allow me to start with a +13 to both Perception and Disable Device checks at level 1, as well as allowing the disabling of magical traps. My concerns is the AC of 10, the lack of Reflex, and the general poor combat ability (other than the 5 spells a day and the daze spell). Also not sure about the spell selections... ear-piercing scream and stumble gap seem like they'd help, but perhaps not as much as the crowd control of color spray and grease. Any optimizations in regards to PFS play anyone could recommend?

Half Elf (Arcane Training substitution [APG])
Sorcerer, Celestial (Tinkering [PFSFG.29] and Empyreal Archetypes [UM])
Lawful Good

Str 8 [-2]
Dex 10 [0]
Con 12 [2]
Int 14 [5]
Wis 18+2 [17]
Cha 8 [-2]

Fort: +1
Reflex: +0
Will: +7

Tomb Raider- Perception class skill and +1 to Perception and Dungeoneering [free.GtPFSOP.12]
Wisdom in the Flesh (Irori) [free.LoF.9] - Wisdom for Disable Device, class skill

Favored Class Bonus: +1 skill point

Racial Traits:
Low LIght Vision
Adaptability: Skill Focus: Disable Device
Elf Blood
Elven Immunities
Keen Senses (+2 Perception)
Arcane Training - Sorcerer [instead of multitalented, APG]

Class Traits:
Tinkering [instead of Eschew Materials, PFSFG.29]
Empyreal Bloodline Arcana (Wisdom instead of Charisma for class abilities, +2 Heal/Knowledge Religion) [instead of Celestial Bloodline Arcana, UM]
Heavenly Fire (8/day, 1d4 healing good or hurting evil)

Spells/Day: 5 1st level

Spells known:
0th - Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Daze, Light
1st - Ear-Piercing Scream [UM] OR Color Spray, Stumble Gap [APG] OR Grease

Perception (4+5+2+1+3= +15) (+16 vs traps)
Disable Device (4+5+3= +12) (+13 vs traps)
Knowledge (Arcana) (4+2= +6)
Profession (Herbalist) (4+5= +9)
Spellcraft (4+2= +6)
Heal (0+5+2= +7)

Skill Focus (Perception)