About Adalricus
Character Name: Adalricus
Player Name: Psionichamster
Past Event: Veteran of the Tyrannic Wars
Chapter: Ultramarines; Specialty: Tactical Marine; Rank: 1
Personal Demeanor: Studious
Chapter Demeanor: Honor the Codex
Power Armor History: Terror Be Thy Friend (Fear (1) vs enemies in melee)
Description: Adalricus is generally quiet and observant and has 2 service studs embedded over his left brow. He wears his black hair close-cropped, and has dark brown eyes.
Weapon Skill: (WS) 53
Ballistic Skill: (BS) 44
Strength: (S) 44 [64 in armor] {8}
Toughness: (T) 39 {6}
Agility:(Ag) {4}0
Intelligence: (Int) {4}1
Perception: (Per) {4}4
Willpower: (WP) {3}6
Fellowship: (Fel) {4}4
Movement: Half: 5m; Full: 10m; Charge: 15m; Run 20m
WOUNDS: 0/19
XP to spend: 100
Total XP Spent: 900 (Tactics: Stealth & Recon, Command +10)
(Only basic & trained skills included)
Awareness (Per) [44]
Barter (Fel) [22]
Carouse (T) [19]
Charm (Fel) [22]
Ciphers: Chapter Runes(Int) [41]
Climb (S) [64]
Command (Fel) 44 +10
Common Lore: Adeptus Astartes (Int) [41]
Common Lore: Deathwatch (Int) [41]
Common Lore: Imperium (Int) [41]
Common Lore: War (Int) [41]
Concealment (Ag) [40]
Contortionist (Ag) [20]
Deceive (Fel) [22]
Disguise (Fel) [22]
Drive: Ground Vehicles (Ag) [40]
Dodge (Ag) [40]
Evaluate (Int) [20]
Forbidden Lore: Xenos (Int) [41]
Gamble (Int) [20]
Inquiry (Fel) [22]
Intimidate (S) [32]
Literacy (Int) [41]
Logic (Int) [20]
Navigation: Surface (Int) [41]
Scholastic Lore: Codex Astartes (Int) [41]
Scrutiny (Per) [22]
Search (Per) [22]
Silent Move (Ag) [40]
Speak Language: High Gothic (Int) [41]
Speak Language: Low Gothic (Int) [41]
Swim (S) [32]
Tactics: Assault (Int) [41]
Tactics: Recon & Stealth (Int) [41]
Tracking (Int) [41]
Betcher’s Gland: You may spit acid as a ranged weapon with the following profile: Range: 3m; Damage: 1d5; Pen 4; Toxic. If you hit your target by 3 or more degrees of success, you have blinded him for 1d5 Rounds.
Black Carapace: While wearing Power Armour, enemies do not gain a bonus to hit you due to your size.
Catalepsean Node: You suffer no penalties to Perception based Tests when awake for long periods of time.
Oolotic Kidney: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test to resist poisons and toxins, including attacks with the Toxic Quality.
Larraman’s Organ: You do not suffer from Blood Loss.
Mucranoid: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Tests caused by temperature extremes.
Multi-Lung: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test for drowning or asphyxiation. In addition, you gain a +30 to Toughness Tests made to resist gases, and may re-roll failed results.
Neuroglottis: You may detect any poison or toxin by taste with a successful Awareness Test. You gain a +10 to Tracking Tests against a target you have tasted.
Occulube and Lyman’s Ear: You gain the Heightened Senses (Sight and Hearing) Talents, +10 to relevant Awareness Tests.
Omophagea: You may gain a Skill or Skill Group by devouring a portion of an enemy.
Preomnor: You gain +20 to Toughness Tests against ingested poisons.
Progenoids: These may be retrieved with a successful Medicae Test.
Secondary Heart/Ossmodula/Biscopea/Haemastamen: You gain the Unnatural Strength and Toughness Traits.
Sus-an Membrane: You may enter suspended animation.
Bolter; CLASS: Basic; DAMAGE: 2d10+5 Explosive, Pen 5
RANGE: 100m; ROF: S/2/4 CLIP: 28; Reload: Full; SPECIAL RULES: Tearing
Bolt Pistol ; CLASS: Pistol; DAMAGE: 2d10+5 Explosive, Pen 5, RANGE: 30m; ROF: S/3/-; CLIP: 14; RLD: Full; SPECIAL RULES: Tearing
Combat Knife; CLASS: Melee; DAMAGE: 1d10+10 Rending, Pen 2
Astartes Weapon Training
Bulging Biceps
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight)
Killing Strike
Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
True Grit
Unarmed Master
Unnatural Strength (x2)
Unnatural Toughness (x2)
Bolter Mastery (+2 dmg, +10 BS; solo mode)
HEAD: 8 (1-10)
BODY: 10 (31-70)
LEFT ARM: 8 (21-30)
RIGHT ARM: 8 (11-20)
RIGHT LEG: 8 (71-85)
LEFT LEG: 8 (86-00)
Servo-Augmented Musculature: +20 Strength
Auto-senses: Dark Sight, immune to Photon Flash and Stun Grenades; Called Shots are Half Actions; +10 to Sight and Hearing Awareness Tests (total of +20 bonus with Heightened Senses)
Built-in Vox Link
Built-in Magboots
Nutrient Recycling: Can operate for two weeks without re-supply
Recoil Suppression: May fire Basic weapons 1-handed without penalty
Size: Hulking (Black Carapace means no bonus for enemies to attack)
Poor Manual Dexterity: Delicate tasks suffer a –10 penalty, unless using equipment designed for Space Marines
Osmotic Gill Life Sustainer: With the helmet on, the armor is environmentally sealed
Chapter Trapping: Cingulum (Marks of Leadership)
Repair Cement
Krak Grenade (3)
Frag Grenade (3)
Combat Knife
Bolt Pistol
Bolter w/ Fire Selector