Abrisene's page

Organized Play Member. 91 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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OmNomNid wrote:
Hark wrote:
In honor of the greatest Kobold of all time the only right and proper class for a Kobold would be a Psion. If you're not into 3pp, I guess you could try the psychic.
...that kobold's name wouldn't be Billy, would it?

The greatest kobold's name is Tucker.

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Have one quiver equipped at a time.
Each quiver has 20 arrows, weighs 3 lbs.
When the quiver runs out, use a Move Action to retrieve the next quiver, which provokes for Retrieve a Stowed Item.
If generous, have the quivers replaced during the Retrieve.
If not, have a Move to remove empty quiver, Move to Retrieve, then a Move to don the new quiver.

Force your archers to rely on scouting in order to stash quivers in tactical locations, such as fall-back points.

Trying to play a dedicated arrow turret should not be feasible without a +2 Endless Ammunition enchant, whereas managing weight and the Action economy of quiver rotation is intrinsic to the archer experience.

Roll or otherwise determine weather.
Random Weather
Almost 20% of the time, weather should be modifying play; mostly to the detriment of ranged attacks.

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Some things that may help encounters to be more interesting, without having to resort to Tucker's Kobolds

Very few encounters should be about instantly murderous groups bumping into each other. It'd be wise to have the encounter statted out in case of combat, yet the violence should grow instead of being assumed. There should be a chance to RP most encounters; win strange friends, earn favors, get weird one-off magic items. Assume as a GM that all monsters and NPCs are up to something other than waiting in a room to kill whatever enters.

A room of zombies ballroom dancing; only becoming hostile if attacked or the party is impolite.
A cave of welcoming kobolds and goblins at their annual swap meet.
A Griffon, or even some demon, teaching a younger one how to hunt animals; is very encouraging.
Have a vampire really want to be understood as a talented banjoist.

Combat Motivations
When an encounter turns violent, choose an objective for the NPCs other than uniform murder.

Have the loot plainly visible when the characters enter, then have the NPCs try to escape with it.
Use subdual damage.
Try to capture.
Have disabled PC's carried off.
Use a fighting retreat to back up past traps, doors to lock, bridges to cut, etc.
Waste NPC turns laughing, taunting, or doing the cabbage-patch.
Have NPCs call for a time-out, lunch, or something to drink.
Steal shoes.
Steal mounts.
Steal animal companions and familiars.

Keep it weird.
It is a world of powerful magic, and magic users on powerful drugs. Not everything needs be meaningful. Even if your party is very accustomed to solving all situations with homicide and homelessness, the players are still human and a little oddity sparks inquisitiveness.

A moonlit glade where perfectly normal owls are stacking themselves as high as they can and then running around.
A giant ant fitted with a saddle, yet missing it's rider, wanders up to the party from a field. It is covered in honey and Halfling laundry.
A procession of thirty Zoog all chained together and in bad shape; they follow the party and beg for food in Aklo.

Magic items.
Try to make every magic item memorable, if not cursed in some way. NPCs should use the treasure that the party will take.

Replace the rule of magic weapons having a 30% chance to glow with instead a preset prestidigitation. Maybe you smell like birthday cake when that uber-gothic greatsword is drawn, maybe your holy avenger must loudly play gnomish pop songs.
Have your Eyes of the Eagle be a five pound unwieldy thing in the vein of an Amerindian ceremonial mask.
Have stat items give tardive dyskinesia.
Have command words be parts of children's songs, or phrases that were to be used in conversation, such as:
"and sometimes Y." - Flaming property of weapon.
"I didn't order the salmon." - Lightning Bolt wand.
"Hold on, lemme find my wallet." - Ring of the Ram

Where the fight takes place determines the relative strength of those involved. Play up the movement modes, skill advantages, and environmental abilities off those the party face.

Have fights in knee deep mud.
Have fights in a mangrove, with plenty of balance checks.
Have fights while squeezing through a tight tunnel.
Medium characters have to squeeze when inside a Small environment; this is fun.
Have fights where the party is chained together, or to something else.
Remember to roll for weather.
Sleet, snow, slippery embankments, rainy peaked roofs; these are all good.
A forest fire is CR 6.

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Anzyr wrote:
He explicitly never mentions killing fallen characters. And sees the game as a story where the players succeed. Maybe you should reread it?
Abrisene wrote:

To quote a different game:

Human Occupied Landfill wrote:
If you want the campaign to last -- don't kill off the players. Yes, unless the drama dictates you should for the purpose of the story, it's best to let them keep kickin'. Let them develop into their characters -- torture them all you want, tease them with the scythe -- but if you're going to dice 'em, do it in a way that makes them want to spew epic poetry. (Or whatever). Remember -- f%#$ rules, the play's the thing.


The game does not run itself. That is a CRPG
The game has narrative and characters. Without, it is wargaming.

Success is perspectival. Success is not survival.
In Call of Cthulhu, success may be having the final party member be insane instead of ghoul poo.
In Braunstein, it may be getting your faction's students released from jail, yet dying.

Iv'e had more than one plot involve trying to track down a character's body in order to resurrect it. As well, I've been KO'd more than once, to wake up with no gear yet a new owner.


Abrisene wrote:

The point of playing this, or most any, RPG is to tell the story of how this weird improbable group of characters succeeds.

The GM needs to kick out the crutches of characters, needs to put them in unusual situations, else the players have no real stories of how they overcame.

A litmus test of whether a campaign was good or not, is for how long do the players keep talking about it. The dice inform the narrative; as the narrative is repeated for years after, no dice are involved.

This game makes stories.

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To quote a different game:

Human Occupied Landfill wrote:
If you want the campaign to last -- don't kill off the players. Yes, unless the drama dictates you should for the purpose of the story, it's best to let them keep kickin'. Let them develop into their characters -- torture them all you want, tease them with the scythe -- but if you're going to dice 'em, do it in a way that makes them want to spew epic poetry. (Or whatever). Remember -- f%#$ rules, the play's the thing.

The point of playing this, or most any, RPG is to tell the story of how this weird improbable group of characters succeeds.

The GM needs to kick out the crutches of characters, needs to put them in unusual situations, else the players have no real stories of how they overcame.

Yes, gear should get broken.
Yes, gear should get stolen.
Yes, monsters should steal fallen characters and escape.
Yes, monsters should sell fallen characters.

No, the GM should not grease you in the first round of combat whilst shrugging. They are doing it wrong.

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Mandatory YouTube Link

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Blur has no interaction with Stealth.

Opponents that cannot see the subject ignore the spell's effect (though fighting an unseen opponent carries penalties of its own).

Stealth into your own Blur? Cool, can't be seen. Oops, Blur's effects now ignored. Now seen.

Using Bluff in order to "Create a Diversion to Hide" has no listed Action, though it would most likely be a Standard Action. Also, it does not note whether the Action includes movement.
The Heretic's (Inquisitor) Judgement:Escape changes it to a Move Action after an attack. It's only usable if movement is included in the Diversion, or very poor if a 5-Foot Step is expected.
The Street Performer's (Bard) ability Quick Changes allows a Diversion as a Swift Action. If a Diversion includes movement, then this is very powerful.

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Light Generation: Fully 30% of magic weapons shed light equivalent to a light spell. These glowing weapons are quite obviously magical. Such a weapon can't be concealed when drawn, nor can its light be shut off. Some of the specific weapons detailed below always or never glow, as defined in their descriptions.


We had a jerk/fun GM that started using other effects of equivalent power in place of boring old light. This started with a munchkin Paladin that kept bothering him for a holy avenger; he eventually found one that played "Pump Up the Jam" at an uncomfortable volume; much frowning ensued. Good times.

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Faelyn wrote:
Action is faster than reaction. An armed subject can lift a weapon from their side, aim, and fire faster than you can recognize the action, process it, and then respond. This is a scientifically proven fact... If you guys are interested in this type of thing, check out This Website for a wealth of knowledge on the subject, it's a very interesting field. Perhaps it might make you think about situations like this a little differently. Or maybe not, but that's your decision.

Science isn't with you on that: The quick and the dead: when reaction beats intention

Further reading:
Changing the “When” and “What” of Intended Actions
Internally generated and externally triggered actions are physically distinct and independently controlled (Paywall)

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When searching for names, I have found this to be a fantastic resource:

Names (for uh, dogs)

I am partial to names taken from Gnostic theology; these among others, may be suitable for a female death deity:

Armozel: First of the Four Archangelic Lights. Aeon of Grace, Ruler of grace, truth and form.

Athoth: “The reaper.” Ruler of Saturn. Ruler of Saturday. Has a sheep’s face.

Nenentophni: Ruling Demon of “grief” passion. Bearer of envy, jealousy, distress, trouble, pain, etc.

Ouriel: One of the seven Ruling Authorities of the Body’s Activity.

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Are there rules that disagree with using improvised ammunition with a sling?

I've personally used D batteries, golf balls, full cans of beer/soda, shoes, large pinecones, tent stakes, and other absurd ammo when I got a sling as a kid. I've always appreciated it more as an all purpose hurl-a-majig.

Would not using improper ammo have the whole thing ruled as an improvised weapon, with the benefit of a better range increment, having it be a touch attack if using alchemical items, yet with a -4 to hit due to being improvised?

Maybe more weapons need to exist in multiple proficiency categories, like the bastard sword. Having a sling be usable as a Simple Weapon, but gain in benefits such as damage or reload time as one gains Martial or Exotic proficiency with one.

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Given their horrible rate of fire, my group started using them more once it was house-ruled that slings could use alchemical items as ammo to at least take advantage of the sling's range increment. Although no one has yet to bother to have one enchanted, I doubt there would be a problem adding the enhancement bonus to initial damage, or even the save DC of things like a tanglefoot bag. Now that I think about it, I think it would be reasonable to use Alchemist bombs with one.

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Fighter Changes (EDITED)

Intent: To address issues regarding lack of utility out of combat, and to hopefully bring combat ability up to that of at least a partial Caster. There is an emphasis on melee, fighting Casters, and having armor play a more important role.

This post only lists changes to the existing Fighter.
Items list with * have been altered, or are new.

Rogue Changes

Everything is an Extraordinary Ability unless otherwise noted.

HD d10

Use Stealth changes:
Paizo Blog: Stealth Playtest

Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Added Skill: Heal

LVL / BAB / Fo / Re / Wi

. 01 / 01 / 02 / 00 / 00 --- *Battle Ready, Bonus Feat

. 02 / 02 / 03 / 00 / 00 --- Bravery +1, Bonus Feat

. 03 / 03 / 03 / 01 / 01 --- *Coerce, *Armor Training +1, *Armor Expertise v1

. 04 / 04 / 04 / 01 / 01 --- *Dragoon v1, Bonus Feat

. 05 / 05 / 04 / 01 / 01 --- *Weapon Training +1

. 06 / 06 / 05 / 02 / 02 --- *Sacrifice Guard, Bravery +2, Bonus Feat

. 07 / 07 / 05 / 02 / 02 --- *Armor Training +2, *Armor Expertise v2

. 08 / 08 / 06 / 02 / 02 --- *Dragoon v2, Bonus Feat

. 09 / 09 / 06 / 03 / 03 --- *Mettle, *Weapon Training +2

. 10 / 10 / 07 / 03 / 03 --- *Battle Hardened, Bravery +3, Bonus Feat

. 11 / 11 / 07 / 03 / 03 --- *Armor Training +3, *Armor Expertise v3

. 12 / 12 / 08 / 04 / 04 --- *Dragoon v3, Bonus Feat

. 13 / 13 / 08 / 04 / 04 --- *Weapon Training +3

. 14 / 14 / 09 / 04 / 04 --- *Menace, Bravery +4, Bonus Feat

. 15 / 15 / 09 / 05 / 05 --- *Armor Training +4, *Armor Expertise v4

. 16 / 16 / 10 / 05 / 05 --- *Dragoon v4, Bonus Feat

. 17 / 17 / 10 / 05 / 05 --- *Weapon Training +4

. 18 / 18 / 11 / 06 / 06 --- *Improved Mettle, Bravery +5, Bonus Feat

. 19 / 19 / 11 / 06 / 06 --- *Armor Mastery

. 20 / 20 / 12 / 06 / 06 --- Weapon Mastery, Bonus Feat

Battle Ready: 1

With an hour’s worth of work, the Fighter can repair a single set of armor and one shield with the Broken Condition. You can take time during a rest period to restore a set of armor and one shield without interfering with the rest. This ability can be used any number of times each day, and can only be used on armor or shields that were Broken while used by the Fighter. This does not work on Destroyed items. An item repaired in this manner is restored to full Hit Points.

Coerce: 3

If the Fighter uses First Aid of the Healing Skill to save a Dying enemy, and then uses Intimidate to Influence Attitude on the same enemy within one hour, the Fighter gains a bonus on the Intimidate check equal to the Fighter's Intelligence Bonus (Minimum 1).

Armor Training: 3, 7, 11, and 15

When the Fighter is wearing armor, this bonus reduces the Armor Check Penalty by the listed amount and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by the Fighter's armor by the same amount.

Armor Expertise: 3, 7, 11, and 15

3 The Fighter can move at normal speed while wearing Medium Armor.

7 The Fighter can move at normal speed while wearing Heavy Armor.

11 The Fighter gains Evasion while having a shield equipped. This does not work with a Buckler.

15 The Fighter gains Evasion when wearing Medium or Heavy Armor, or Improved Evasion if using a shield.

Dragoon: 4, 8, 12, 16

4 The Fighter gains a Bonus to Sense Motive when an opponent attempts to Feint equal to the Fighter's Intelligence Modifier. The Fighter also adds their Intelligence Modifier to the DC of any attempt to use Acrobatics or Cast Defensively by opponents in squares Threatened by the Fighter.

8 Whenever a Fighter moves 10 feet or more during any Action that involves a Melee Attack (Charge, Spring Attack, etc.), the Action deals extra Damage equal to the base Armor Bonus of the armor worn by the Fighter if the Attack hits, excluding any other bonus to the efficacy of the armor worn. This bonus is not Precision Damage, and is multiplied on a Critical Hit. This damage may only be applied once each Action.

The Fighter may Charge an inanimate object and attempt a Strength check as the Attack. A bonus of +2 is granted from Charging, with an additional Bonus equal to the base Armor Bonus of the armor worn by the Fighter. If the Strength Check succeeds in destroying the object, the Fighter may continue the rest of the movement allowed the Charge.

12 The Base Speed of a Fighter, during any Action that involves an Attack(Charge, Spring Attack, Shot on the Run, etc.), is increased by an amount equal to the Fighter's Strength Modifier times 5. The Fighter must move at least 10 feet during this Action to receive this Bonus. This is a Competence Bonus.

16 Any Group chosen by the Fighter for Weapon Training has its Damage Die increased by one step, as if by an increase in Size.

Weapon Training: 5, and every 4 Levels after.

The Fighter also adds this bonus to any Combat Maneuver checks made with weapons from this group. This bonus also applies to the fighter's Combat Maneuver Defense when defending against Combat Maneuvers made by weapons from this group.

Sacrifice Guard: 6

The Fighter may choose to have the Damage of an Attack that does Hit Point Damage instead deal its Damage to the Fighter's armor or shield. If this is enough Damage to cause the armor or shield to be Broken, the remainder to the Damage is applied to the Fighter. This ability may not be used if the Fighter's armor is already Broken. This is a Free Action that be be used only once each round when not Flat Footed, and a number of times each day equal 1 + the Fighter's Dexterity Modifier (Minimum 1). Only when using this ability, the armor or shield used by the Fighter gains a bonus to Hardness equal to half of the Fighters level. This ability may be used when the Fighter's armor or shield are hit by a Sunder Combat Maneuver.

Mettle: 9

If the Fighter makes a successful Fortitude or Will Saving Throw against an effect that normally has a reduced effect on a successful save, the Fighter instead takes no effect. A Helpless Fighter does not gain the benefit of Mettle.

Battle Hardened: 10

A Fighter wearing armor gains a Bonus to Armor Class equal to the Fighter's Intelligence Modifier when an opponent is rolling to confirm a Critical Hit on the Fighter.

Menace: 14

When the Fighter hits with a Critical Hit, the target is unable to Cast Defensively until the beginning of the Fighter's next turn.

Improved Mettle: 18

The Fighter's Mettle ability improves. The Fighter still receives no effect on a successful Fortitude or Will save, but henceforth only receives the reduced effect on a failed Saving Throw. A Helpless Fighter does not gain the benefit of Improved Mettle.

Armor Mastery: 19

The Fighter gains Damage Reduction 5/- whenever the Fighter is wearing armor or using a shield. This ability stacks with other sources of Damage Reduction, and is not applied twice if using both.


Added Heal as a Class Skill

Battle Ready: 1

Changed to usable every rest of at least one hour. Clarified HP gain.

Coerce: 3

Added out of combat interaction using Intelligence.


4 Changed mechanic to run off of Intelligence.

8 Provided examples, exempted Pounce abuse, and included non combat use.

12 Provided examples.

Weapon Training:

The only change made to how it's listed in the Core Book, is to allow the bonus to apply versus all incoming weapon based Combat Maneuvers, rather than just Disarm and Sunder.

Battle Hardened:

Changed to work off of Intelligence

On having to wear a shield:

A Core Book Fighter already needs to use Medium or Heavy Armor to gain the benefit of being able to move at full speed. If you are wearing Light Armor, then the upgrades at those levels are pointless.

On weak saves:

Able to get both Improved Evasion, and Improved Mettle.

Armor Mastery: 19

Sacrifice Guard is already very powerful, as it can reduce elemental damage, negate precision damage, and negate criticals. It allows greater protection, but must be used before knowing the damage, and only a limited number of times each day. Having an untypes DR scale through the levels seems overkill.


Why oh why can I not edit my post?

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If a Rogue uses Talent:Cunning_Trigger to set off a trap, would they be allowed Sneak Attack damage on the attack? As the attack occurs as the result of the Rogue using an action, I'm having difficulty arguing against this.

Please advise.