Abelmont8's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Shadrayl of the Mountain wrote:

Are you sure? I looked at the picture of yetis and they really don't look like that.

I'm curious about this, thanks in advance.

I am a player who enjoys making characters greatly. I have spoken to my gm at length about this exact problem id be very interested to hear some advice about this.

I've decided on him secretly worshipping his toad as a god, unbeknownst to the rest of the tribe. Does anybody have an idea oh what patron i should have? as i said before i am not at all worried about optimization and just want to have fun

mdt wrote:

Have him be absolutely convinced that his Familiar is actually in charge. Have him tilt his head and 'listen' to the toad, and then nod and do whatever it says. Have him tell his companions that the toad thinks this or that. :)

You could even go as far as having him think he's the familiar and the toad is the wise mystic casting spells through him. :)

That is a great idea, I''l definitely do that.

I am going to play a witch in my up-coming we be goblins game and I was wondering what advice people have to help make the character flavorful. I am obviously going to have a toad familiar, but I was wondering what hexes and patron you thought would be most thematic. I am definitely not trying to make a highly optimized character and am most interested in making him as fun and interesting as the 4 presets that came in the module. THanks for your help.

Thanks for the tips guys, I think I'm just gonna go straight inquisitor

I am going to play an inquisitor/ranger in our upcoming Carrion Crown campaign and was wondering what optimization tips i could get. The feel that i want from the character is basically a stereotypical monster hunter and i am probably going to use a crossbow.