Aaron Armstrong |
Fighters have some advantages to help them keep an edge with grapple. They usually have higher STR score (increase bonus to grapple skill). They also have plenty of bonus feats and can choose Improved Grapple, or equivalent.
Grappling is far for being resolved I think...
Well, I have always been of the opinion that being able to use the SKILL Escape Artist has and continues to ruin Grappling. These new rules simplify the sequence of events but instead of making it more of a boon to the fighter or barbarian it instead shifts it VASTLY in the favor of the rogue and other "more skillful" classes.
I support my case by pointing out that the new rules have even watered down the Improved Grapple Feat, making it grant a mere paltry +2 bonus to the grapple instead of the much more substantial bonus granted to even a level 1 Rogue with the Escape Artist skill (example Rogue having a Dex Mod of +2, with two skill ranks in Escape Artist for a total +7 opposed modifier)
Does anybody else agree with me when I state that the grapple skill has been hamstrung for fighters to the point of being an almost useless maneuver?
I propose that Escape Artist can only be used to break out of the Grappled or Pinned condition after a Concentration check with a DC equal to 10 + the Grappler's CMB + damage taken.
I suggest this because I think it makes sense that somebody being grappled would need to be able to focus in order to break free of a continuous effort of others to restrain and subdue them.