Keleshite Wizard

Aakif Al-Khismia's page

286 posts. Alias of TreasureFox.

Full Name

Aakif Al-Khismia Abadar Al-Katapesh




Cleric 5 l HP 28/28 l AC 22 T 13* FF 20 l Ft +6 Re +5 Wi +10 l Init +6 l Perc +12 l CMD 16 l Channel 4/5 l Aura 1/1 l Tongue 7/7 l Current Effects: Bless (5mins), Shield (5mins)







Special Abilities

Aura of Law, Channel Energy, Domains (Protection[defense], Travel[trade]), Spontaneous Spellcasting






Katapesh city


Common, Osiriani, Kelish, Celestial


Employee of the Tetrad

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 11
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 18
Charisma 12

About Aakif Al-Khismia

Male Human Cleric 5
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +12
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +2 dex, +1 attunement, +1 deflection)
hp 28
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +10
Resistance bonus +2 from protection domain, does not stack with ABP
Speed 40 ft.
Melee Mwk dagger +4 (1d4)
Ranged +1 Mwk pepperbox pistol +7 (1d8+1), range 20ft, misfire 1-2
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 16
Traits civilized, eyes and ears of the city
Drawbacks N/A
Feats improved initiative, martial weapon proficiency (firearms), defiant luck, point-blank shot, precise shot
Skills (6 points; 2 class, 2 INT, 1 human, 1 favoured)
ACP -1
*ACP applies to these skills
Appraise +10(5r)
Artistry (Calligraphy) +9(2r)
Bluff +4(2r)
Diplomacy +9(5r)
Heal +9(2r)
Intimidate +4(3r)
K.Engineering +3(1r)
K.Local +9(3r)
K.Nobility +7(1r)
K.Planes +7(2r))
K.Religion +8(3r)
Linguistics +6(1r)
Perception +12(4r)
*Ride +2(1r)
Sense Motive +10(3r)
Spellcraft +6(1r)
Stealth +2(1r)
Non-Standard Skill Bonuses artistry (calligraphy) +2 item bonus, k.local/nobility/perception +1 trait bonus
Languages Common, Osiriani, Kelish, Celestial

Special Abilities:

Aura of Law
Channel Energy 3d6
Domains (Protection[defense], Travel[trade])
Spontaneous Spellcasting


0th (at will) Create water, Guidance, Light, Mending
1st Ears of the City, Bless, Remove Fear, Open, Shield (domain)
2nd Aid, Restoration (lesser), Zone of Truth, Locate Object (domain)
3rd Agonizing Rebuke, Blessing of the mole, Fly (domain)


Ring of Feather Falling
Bandolier, Beneficial
Mwk pepperbox pistol (1,050gp)
10 doses of black powder
10 bullets
Traveler's Anytool
Gunsmith's kit (3.7gp)
Powder horn (0.75gp)
Mwk chain shirt (250gp)
50ft silk rope
Mwk Dagger (302gp)
Outfit, hot weather (free)
Outfit, courtier (30gp + 50gp jewelry)
Scarf, filter (5gp)
Sash, adventurer's (20gp)
Pouch, spell component (5gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Kit, grooming (1gp)
Kit, healer's (50gp)
Kit, mess (0.2gp)
Masterwork calligrapher's tools (50gp)
Gold holy symbol (100gp, Abadar)
Holy text, The Order of Numbers (100gp)
Masterwork backpack (50gp)
2 Flasks of Holy Water (50gp)
Beautiful Tapestry (100gp)
Money 976 GP 13 SP 5 CP


Aakif Al-Khismia was born and raised in Katapesh city to a wealthy merchant family. He's the eldest of the family, with a younger brother and a much younger half sister. His father passed away when Aakif was 14, which meant that Aakif had to grow up quickly to bring income for the family. Though he was already quite well educated, he had to force himself to become a decent merchant in order to carry the family. This did not come naturally to him, as he was much more inclined towards being a reclusive scholar. It wasn't until he was nearing his mid twenties that his mother remarried, this time to a travelling merchant from Varisia. Aakif was already quite pious, and felt some conflict with his mother marrying a half-elf Desnan, but his step father was particularly generous. He took over caring for the family, which let Aakif pursue his studies in faith and magic, in part from a gift from his step father.

After being ordained by the church of Abadar, Aakif went on several tours around Katapesh to aid travelers, confront bandits, and pray in the desert heat. This is where he learned to fight, which he was never skilled at, but possessed a certain determination that most combatants lacked. He focused his spellcasting to aid his team, which composed of various ethnicities, religious beliefs, and personal goals. After his third tour, one of his companions offered him a good word for the Tetrad. Ever keen to saying yes, Aakif agreed, and was hired shortly thereafter. He's been employed by the Tetrad for a year now, and he's quite pleased with the quality of payment. The jobs are sometimes a struggle for him, however, because of his desire to remain within his integrity and faith. He prefers to be merciful when the luxury presents itself, and remain within the law as much as possible.

Appearance and Personality:

Aakif Al-Khismia is a Kelish man in his late thirties, with a long black hair and an enormous beard. He's of average height and build, but tries to stand out with colourful clothing and jewelry. Aakif pays a lot of attention to etiquette when interacting with people. He's very polite and respectful to everyone except the vilest of scum.

Aakif is well educated, and quite pious. He desires to help the poor and needy when he can, mainly to avoid being sent to Hell. He's optimistic, though cautious in general. His desires generally boil down to power in the forms of money, magical ability, and status. He wants to feel like he can make a difference in the world, such as bringing people back to life. He wants to receive recognition from Abadar. Aakif values loyalty, honesty, integrity, and justice. He does not lie unless he has to, and tries to be honest and fair in his dealings. His biggest fears are being helpless, bringing shame to his family and faith, and being sent to Hell.