Flesh Golem

AStinson's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts (6 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge 1/5

Here are my totals:

Rogue: 2 (dead character)
Bard: 1 (dead character)
Magus: 12
Inquisitor: 10 (a Dead level 2 and a level 8)
Gunslinger: 4
Barbarian: 1

Grand Lodge 1/5

My totals are pretty easy. I have:
Taldor: 5 (3 are dead)
Cheliax: 2

With the Season 6 faction changes I'll have:
Taldor: 3
Sovereign Court: 1
Grand Lodge: 1
Dark Archive: 2

Grand Lodge 1/5

Of my 7 characters I have:
Human: 6 (2 Taldans, 1 Chelaxian, 1 Garundi, and 2 Ulfen)
Half-elf: 1

Pretty plain now that I look at it. Maybe i should use that ifrit boon i have laying around.

Grand Lodge 1/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My inquisitor of Zon-Kuthon and a fellow players Cleric of Asmodeus are no longer allowed to practice law within the confines of Citadel Vraidby order of Lictor Severs DiVri

My inquisitor is also not allowed to explain the finer points of his religion in graphic detail.

My Magus is not allowed to seduce Pharasma, even if he has visited her 6 times.

The Party is no longer allowed to throw the Dwarf Barbarian at monsters.

If not used during combat Intensified Shocking Grasp's are not to be used as joy buzzers when greeting a Xorn, who claims you stole his food.