Shiyara the High Mediator


6 posts. Alias of Kelsey MacAilbert.


DJ-Bogie is banned for misogyny.

Slaad is banned because I don't care.

Scholz is banned for failing to properly worship me.

TOZ wrote:
I turned down culpability. Subtle difference.

A true leader knows how to deflect blame onto her lessers.

TOZ wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:

So would you be promoted to Sergeant? Or Corporal? Or SPC/E5?
Next is Sergeant. If they still had Spec-5 and 6 I'd have been promoted long ago. :) Didn't want the responsibility back then.

You turned down power? I am very disappointed in you.

Quite certainly. I may not type in all capital letters using horrid grammar like my pigheaded cousins (there is a reason I am the mistress of Hell and AM BARBARIAN is not), but I most certainly am Lucifer.

Why, yes, Lucifer is a woman. Did you honestly expect me to be a man?

You dare summon me? You do know who I am, do you not?