
AJ Petersen's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Sovereign Court

I signed up, it's game time. I'm here. I haven't gotten a link yet, so I'm guessing nobody has dropped. Good luck.

Sovereign Court

Current Roster:
1. Alex Greenberg - Paladin 7
2. Patrick Harris - Master of Tripping 7
3. Samantha Deger - Bard 7
4. Keht - Tetori Monk 7
5. Michael Eshleman - Wizard 6?
6. Steven Schopmeyer - Bard 6


1. AJ Petersen - Cleric 7 (sent you an email in case someone bows out)

Sovereign Court

I just had to drop my spot for anyone that wants it. I signed up through warhorn and didn't realize part 2 was on tuesday. I had already signed up for a different game on tuesday.

I have already played the scenario once, so it's only fair to someone else get the full AP.

Just hit the warhorn site, I've already unrolled.

Sovereign Court

1. Vincent / Cerise - Half-elf Witch 6
2. Charlie / Cole - Half-orc Fighter 1 / Monk 1
3. Xavier / Bilal - Fighter 4
4. Kim / Bethany - Gunslinger 2
5. Kenneth / Valcom - Oracle 2
6. AJ Petersen / Brahk FTR3 or Ah'mauhn Cleric 7 (aj.pete@mediacombb.net)

shoot me a link, I'll show up if you do.

Sovereign Court

I'm game for that.

Sovereign Court

If they simply just allowed this, I think most Humans in PFS sacntioned play would end up taking this.

You want the sweet ass +2 to all stats? Gotta go to a convention and beg/steal/borrow/connive for it.

Sovereign Court

Aeshuura wrote:
If not auto-import, at least have an option to access them based on our Downloads page... :)

If you have trouble getting maps into roll20.net or something like that. I just thought i'd post what I found too work. I use Snipping Tool that came with my Win Vista to cut the picture outta the PDF. Then I paste it right into roll20 or Gimp if I need to blend something or put grids on it.

Just thought I'd share.

Sovereign Court

I'm curious what design software they used to make the flipmats.