Before acting, each local character must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 6 check or suffer 1d4-1 Electricity damage.
Recharging Frostbite to add 1d4+1.[/dice]
Acrobatics 6:1d8 + 1 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + (1) + 1 = 5damage:1d4 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2 [ooc]Shuffle Radovan in to reduce the damage. Then I'll reveal the Circlet, then recharge it to add 1d4+1. Combat 16:1d12 + 5 + 2d4 + 1 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (3, 1) + 1 + (3) + 1 = 18Forced to reroll the 4 on the d12. reroll:1d12 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16Defeated!
To close, I'll use my Wand of Flame, recharging Steal Book to power it. combat 5+6+3=14:3d6 + 3 + 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (4, 4, 2) + 3 + (6) + 4 = 23Closed. We all move to the Chambers.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1). ([X] If it is an Arcane card, add its level, and you may add each of its traits.)
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards ([ ] or you may reload that number of cards instead).
[ ] On your check that has a trait matching the adventure’s harrow suit, you may recharge ([ ] or reload) a spell or a Harrow boon to use Arcane instead of the normal skill.
[ ] You may bury a spell or a Harrow boon from your hand or discards to reload or recharge ([ ] or draw) an Arcane spell from your discard pile.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear, Laori Vaus
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Varian's Hour is The Rabbit Prince. Explore to find Ill Tidings, so I encounter the top card of the hourglass, which is Nethys' Duality. Nice. I reveal my Circlet of Mental Acuity and cant' fail the check.
I'll discard it to examine the top 2 cards and reorder them. Treacherous Tunnels and the Bahor. I'll put the Bahor on top.
End of turn, I'll display the Red Carriage and move to the Barracks.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1). ([X] If it is an Arcane card, add its level, and you may add each of its traits.)
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards ([ ] or you may reload that number of cards instead).
[ ] On your check that has a trait matching the adventure’s harrow suit, you may recharge ([ ] or reload) a spell or a Harrow boon to use Arcane instead of the normal skill.
[ ] You may bury a spell or a Harrow boon from your hand or discards to reload or recharge ([ ] or draw) an Arcane spell from your discard pile.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear, Laori Vaus
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Varian moves to the Chambers after the Manor closes.
Start of turn, I encounter a random monster from the hour, which is a Deadfall Scorpion. I'll use Twisted Space to evade it.
Explore to find Frostbite. Automatic.
Alaeron to explore again. Circlet of Mental Acuity. I'll use my Blessing of the Spellbound. Intelligence 11:1d12 + 3 + 1d12 ⇒ (1) + 3 + (3) = 7Using my reroll on that 1. reroll:1d12 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12Acquired.
Riftwarden to explore again. Burglar. Using my Foreign Trader blessing. Charisma 6:1d6 + 1d6 + 1d12 ⇒ (6) + (5) + (6) = 17Acquired.
Burglar for one more explore. Droogami. Wisdom 6:1d6 ⇒ 5
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1). ([X] If it is an Arcane card, add its level, and you may add each of its traits.)
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards ([ ] or you may reload that number of cards instead).
[ ] On your check that has a trait matching the adventure’s harrow suit, you may recharge ([ ] or reload) a spell or a Harrow boon to use Arcane instead of the normal skill.
[ ] You may bury a spell or a Harrow boon from your hand or discards to reload or recharge ([ ] or draw) an Arcane spell from your discard pile.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear, Laori Vaus
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1). ([X] If it is an Arcane card, add its level, and you may add each of its traits.)
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards ([ ] or you may reload that number of cards instead).
[ ] On your check that has a trait matching the adventure’s harrow suit, you may recharge ([ ] or reload) a spell or a Harrow boon to use Arcane instead of the normal skill.
[ ] You may bury a spell or a Harrow boon from your hand or discards to reload or recharge ([ ] or draw) an Arcane spell from your discard pile.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear, Laori Vaus
Supporter feat on: Trinia
CotCT Blessing 1
Traits: Harrow Suit: Books Veteran
When this is the hour: On any non-combat check, you may freely recharge an ally that lists Diplomacy in its check to acquire to bless. To Acquire: Intelligence Knowledge 4+#
On a local non-combat check, discard to bless and add your Intelligence die. Discard to explore.
The Snakebite:
CotCT Blessing 1
Traits: Harrow Suit: Books Veteran
When this is the hour: On your combat check, you may add the Poison trait; if you do not, suffer the scourge Poisoned. To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 4+#
On any combat check that does not use Dexterity or Strength, recharge to bless; if it invokes Poison, bless twice instead. Discard to explore. This exploration, on your combat checks, you may add 1d4 and the Poison trait.
The Vision:
CotCT Blessing 1
Traits: Harrow Suit: Books Veteran
When this is the hour: At the start of your turn, examine the top card of your location; if it is a Magic card, encounter it. To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 4+#
On any check, discard to bless and choose a number. After the roll, if the value of any die matches your choice, add 3. Discard to examine the top card of up to 2 locations, then you may explore.
The Wanderer:
CotCT Blessing 1
Traits: Harrow Suit: Books Veteran
When this is the hour: When a local character fails to acquire a boon, you may bury a card to encounter it. To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 4+#
On any check, discard to bless; if the character attempting the check moved this turn, bless twice instead. Discard to explore. If you moved this turn, recharge instead.
3C: Wrath of the Arkonas At the artist Salvator Scream’s suggestion, you
ascend to a palace at the highest point of Old
Korvosa. It’s a breathtaking structure built in
the Vudrani style, with windows that rise to
tapered points, minarets, and domes. Statues
of elephants and six-armed deities keep watch
outside the gates.
Your host, a resplendent merchant lord
named Glorio Arkona, hears how your efforts
have left the Arkonas as the only real power
on the quarantined island. You see a satisfied
glimmer of appreciation in his eye.
“You have done well for my people,” he says.
“And now there is the matter of the queen.
Obviously, as a citizen of some renown, I must
serve the Crown with all my loyalty. Betrayal
is not in the Arkona blood, you see. But there
are ways to unseat even the most tyrannical
of monarchs.”
“The seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis has
gone missing,” you say. “We have reason to
believe you know where he is. Perhaps also
his ally, Vencarlo Orisini.”
“Ah,” says Glorio. “Yes, you are most direct.
It is true that the seneschal is the only person
who can legally depose a Korvosan monarch.
And we are all about the law here, which is
why we have quite legally made him our guest
in the Vivified Labyrinth below our castle.
Returning him to you is... a trifle complicated.
While I cannot enter the labyrinth, I can tell
you how to enter it. Simply rotate the elephant
statue in the garden and you can come and go
as you please.”
That was all you needed to hear. For Salvator
Scream may not have known where the Arkonas
kept the seneschal and the sword master, but
he did know the Arkonas were all replaced by
rakshasas, animal-headed demons with malice
in their hearts. Now, with weapons drawn, you’ll
make it clear that you know as well.
After a rousing game of Blood Pig, you ended
the reign of Emperor Pilts. His crowd dispersed,
grateful for the loss of their insane tyrant.
“Hi. I’m Laori Vaus of the Brotherhood
of Bones,” says the elf. “Wasn’t it fun to be
covered in pig blood? And weren’t those
squeals delightful?”
You assure her that it and they were not.
“To each your own. Anyway, it was the only
way I could get to Salvator Scream.”
The artist is chained to an easel, busily
painting in the Emperor’s theater, Exemplary
Execrables. His recent work is violent, colorful,
and uninspired.
“Do you have any older works?” asks Laori.
Salvator produces three paintings, and
they are indeed more inspired. One depicts a
blue dragon towering over a castle while its
citizens are impaled. This makes Laori’s day.
“Such a dreary life,” Scream says. “Before
we escape Old Korvosa, we need to rescue the
seneschal. Only he can depose the queen.”
Priest of Asmodeus (Ally 1)
Noble (Ally 2)
Studded Leather Armor (Armor 0)
Tower Shield (Armor 1)
Armor of Insults (Armor 1)
Archer's Kite Shield (Armor 1)
The Snakebite (Blessing 1)
The Rakshasa (Blessing 1)
The Wanderer (Blessing 1)
The Inquisitor (Blessing 1)
Compass (Item 0)
Elixir of Energy Resistance (Item 0)
Lucky Starknife (Weapon 2)
Venomous Hand Crossbow (Weapon 2)
Vicious Scythe (Weapon 2)
Light Crossbow (Weapon 0)
Loot: Salvator Scream
Rally the supporter Laori Vaus.
Salvator Scream:
Traits: Human Loot
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 10 OR Knowledge 9
On a local Knowledge or Perception check, recharge to add 1d8. Discard to draw the top card of the hourglass. If it is not a blessing, shuffle it into the hourglass.
Laori Vaus:
CotCT Supporter 3
Traits: Cleric Elf
Display. While displayed: * After you discard cards as damage, you may draw a card. * ? When you would fail your combat check, you may bury to add 1d8.
Alright, so I started doing my turn and realized that I never actually shuffled Pits into the location, I accidentally put him on top and then put the cards from the emperor pile on top of that. So I'm going to shuffle before I explore.
The hour really sucks. Start of turn, I draw 3 cards (Blessing of the Spellbound, Twisted Space, Captain's Cutlass) and recharge 3 (Venomous Hand Crossbow, Captain's Cutlass, Red Carriage).
Varian explores to find a Bloodbug. Casting Force Missile on it. I'll recharge Acid Arrow to add 1d4+1. Combat 11/15:1d12 + 4 + 2d4 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 4 + (3, 4) + (4) + 1 = 20Defeated.
BotSpellbound to go again. A Vicious Scythe. I'll cast Fire Snake to try to pick it up, since it's a Weapon 2. I'll also recharge Blade lash for an extra 1d4+3. Strength 11:1d12 + 4 + 1d4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 + (1) + 1 + 2 = 13
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1). ([X] If it is an Arcane card, add its level, and you may add each of its traits.)
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards ([ ] or you may reload that number of cards instead).
[ ] On your check that has a trait matching the adventure’s harrow suit, you may recharge ([ ] or reload) a spell or a Harrow boon to use Arcane instead of the normal skill.
[ ] You may bury a spell or a Harrow boon from your hand or discards to reload or recharge ([ ] or draw) an Arcane spell from your discard pile.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Hour is The Idiot. Not a fan.
Varian, having several ways to fight things, decides to go clear the Tenement.
Move to Tenement and explore, finding Treacherous Tunnels. Reload Radovan to use Knowlege and recharge Steal Book to add 1d4. Wisdom 9:1d12 + 4 + 1d4 ⇒ (10) + 4 + (3) = 17Defeated.
Varian sends Rodrick to ferret out the last enemy. He returns chased by a Ghost. I'll bury my Wand of Flame on this check, and discard Acid Jet to add Arcane. I have to save my blessing to bury to close, so requesting a blessing from Koren. Combat 11+6=17:3d6 + 1d12 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4) + (7) + 4 + (2) = 23Defeated. Location is empty, so I bury my Blessing of the Gods to close. I'll move back to the Throne Room. End turn, recharge my Acid Jet from discards, draw up.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1). ([X] If it is an Arcane card, add its level, and you may add each of its traits.)
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards ([ ] or you may reload that number of cards instead).
[ ] On your check that has a trait matching the adventure’s harrow suit, you may recharge ([ ] or reload) a spell or a Harrow boon to use Arcane instead of the normal skill.
[ ] You may bury a spell or a Harrow boon from your hand or discards to reload or recharge ([ ] or draw) an Arcane spell from your discard pile.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Start of turn, Blood Piggy moves to random location:1d3 ⇒ 1 the Pits. Varian draws 3 cards (BotG, Wand of Detect Magic, Acid Jet), then recharges 3 (Captain's Cutlass, Wand of Detect Magic, Riftwarden).
Varian moves to the Pits, drops his Squealing Pig, and encounters the Blood Pig Bout. Using Radovan to use Knowledge+#. Acrobatics 7:1d12 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 3 = 18Auto. I draw the top card, which is a Lucky Starknife.
Varian then sends his trusty pup Arnisant to look around. Arnisant returns with a Boggard chasing him. I'll use that Lucky Starknife I just picked up. Arnisant gives me another 1d4, and I'll recharge the starknife to add another 1d4. Combat 10:1d8 + 1 + 1d4 + 1 + 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 1 + (1) + 1 + (1) + (2) = 7Wow, what the hell? LOL. I think I need to use my last hero point for this, as I really don't want to take a bunch of damage right now. reroll:1d8 + 1 + 1d4 + 1 + 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 1 + (3) + 1 + (2) + (4) = 18Better.
Choosing not to close the location since we can display Pigs here.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1). ([X] If it is an Arcane card, add its level, and you may add each of its traits.)
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards ([ ] or you may reload that number of cards instead).
[ ] On your check that has a trait matching the adventure’s harrow suit, you may recharge ([ ] or reload) a spell or a Harrow boon to use Arcane instead of the normal skill.
[ ] You may bury a spell or a Harrow boon from your hand or discards to reload or recharge ([ ] or draw) an Arcane spell from your discard pile.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Start of turn, Blood Pig Bout moves to random:1d5 ⇒ 3 Abandoned Shacks. Varian draws 3 cards (Blade Lash, Wand of Flame, Red Carriage) and recharges 3 (Venomous Hand Crossbow, Blade Lash, Red Carriage). Then he moves to the Abandoned Shacks and encounters the bloody piggies. Reload Radovan to use Knowledge and recharge BotSpellbound to add 1d4.. Acrobatics 7:1d12 + 4 + 1d4 ⇒ (9) + 4 + (2) = 15Defeated. I draw the next card which is Bloodbug, and banish it.
Varian defeats a pig, which he then tosses casually into the pen, where it happens to crush a huge mosquito.
He then looks around the Shacks some more to find yet another Pig, which he scoops up. Draw the Squealing Pig.
Using The Snakebite to explore again, and find an ugly-looking mask.
Intelligence 4:1d12 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 [ooc]Acquired.
To close, I have to summon and defeat the Danger, which is a Thug. I'll cast Twisted Space to let Koren encounter it instead.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1). ([X] If it is an Arcane card, add its level, and you may add each of its traits.)
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards ([ ] or you may reload that number of cards instead).
[ ] On your check that has a trait matching the adventure’s harrow suit, you may recharge ([ ] or reload) a spell or a Harrow boon to use Arcane instead of the normal skill.
[ ] You may bury a spell or a Harrow boon from your hand or discards to reload or recharge ([ ] or draw) an Arcane spell from your discard pile.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Start of turn, the Blood Pig Bout moves to random:1d5 ⇒ 2 the Plaza. Varian draws 3 cards (Twisted Space, Force Missile, and Acid Jet) and recharges 3 (Wand of Detect Magic, Acid Jet, and Steal Book). Display Radovan.
Varian will follow the procession to the Plaza, where he attempts to deftly grab a pig with a spell as it runs past. Using Fire Snake and recharging Force Missile for 1d4+1. The Harrow suit gives me another 1d4. Acrobatics 7:1d12 + 4 + 1d4 + 1 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 4 + (4) + 1 + (1) = 14Defeated. I draw a Venomous Hand Crossbow +1 from the location.
He then looks around the Plaza, finding a sick child in need of some medicine.
Reloading Radovan to use Knowledge+#. Harrow suit gives me another 1d4. Constitution 10:1d12 + 4 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 3 + (4) = 18Defeated.
Varian uses his knowledge of medicines to brew up the perfect remedy for the child, who quickly regains her health.
Blessing of the Gods to explore one more time. Balmberry. Wisdom 6:1d6 ⇒ 5Banished.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1). ([X] If it is an Arcane card, add its level, and you may add each of its traits.)
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards ([ ] or you may reload that number of cards instead).
[ ] On your check that has a trait matching the adventure’s harrow suit, you may recharge ([ ] or reload) a spell or a Harrow boon to use Arcane instead of the normal skill.
[ ] You may bury a spell or a Harrow boon from your hand or discards to reload or recharge ([ ] or draw) an Arcane spell from your discard pile.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Varian follows his charge Radovan to the bank, wondering what business the half-devil may have there.
Start of turn, draw 2 cards (Red Carriage and Elixir of Focus) and recharge 2 (Captain's Cutlass and Elixir of Focus).
He looks around, and finds an assassin just waiting in the wings. Recharging a card on the BYA. Perception 4+2=6:1d6 + 1 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 + (1) + 1 = 9
Burying Wand of Flame and discarding Steal Book to fight him. I'll also recharge a card for my Urban power, and discard Blessing of the Spellbound for a die. Combat 10+4+4=18:3d6 + 1d12 + 4 + 1d4 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 3) + (2) + 4 + (4) + 1 + (5) = 25Defeated!
Hour is Shelyn's Song. Start of turn, draw 2 cards (Arnisant and Invisilibity) and recharge 2 (Tinker and Invisibility).
Varian explores the Manor to take out the henchman hanging out there.
BA Wisdom 4+2=6:1d6 ⇒ 4 difficulty increase:1d6 ⇒ 4Yuck. He's also resistant to my spell. Lovely. I'll recharge my Acadamae Student and request Blessing of Shax from Koren. Also recharging Arnisant for 1d4+1. Combat 10+4+4+4=22:1d12 + 4 + 2d4 + 1d4 + 1 + 1d12 ⇒ (3) + 4 + (1, 4) + (3) + 1 + (11) = 27Defeated.
Recharging Blade Lash for 1d4+1 on the close check. Charisma 5+2=7:1d6 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + (1) + 1 = 4Shirt reroll on that d6. Need a 5 or 6. reroll:1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5Nope, not closed.
random location:1d3 ⇒ 2how many cards?:1d4 ⇒ 2I examine my own location, see the barrier that's there again, and it stays where it's at.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Hour is The Rabbit Prince. Start of turn, draw 2 cards (Captain's Cutlass, Force Missile) and recharge 2 (Wand of Flame, Captain's Cutlass)
Varian explores the manor, finding some simple armor.
Constitution 4:1d4 ⇒ 1 He leaves it be.
Send my Wand of Detect Magic to recovery, finding a Heat Metal spell! I'll recharge my Red Carriage to add 1d4+1 Arcane 9:1d12 + 4 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 4 + (2) + 1 = 18Acquired.
Riftwarden to explore again. Elixir of Focus. Intelligence 8:1d12 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12Acquired.
Rodrick for one more explore. A Wounded Warrior. I'll recharge my Elixir to add 1d4+1. Requesting The Joke from Zadim. Wisdom 8:1d6 + 1d4 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (3) + 1 + (6) = 14Defeated. I summon and encounter a Tinker. I'll topdeck Radovan to use Knowledge instead of Disable. That makes it automatic.
End of turn, I examine how many?:1d4 ⇒ 4 from which location?:1d4 ⇒ 3 The Office. (Henchman Proxy A - summon and encounter the danger, Door Spike) They stay in that order. Encountering the Inferno. I first take 1 Fire damage in the form of Heat Metal. Requesting a blessing from Koren. Acrobatics 5+2=7:1d8 + 1 + 1d8 ⇒ (1) + 1 + (5) = 7Defeated!
recharge Wand Arcane 6:1d12 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8Recharged. Then I recharge Heat Metal from discards and draw up.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Radovan's end of turn: random location:1d6 ⇒ 4how many?:1d4 ⇒ 4 Radovan examines the top 4 cards of the Office, finding Door Spike (barrier), Bodyguard (ally), Ring of Protection (item), and Iron Shackles (item). The three boons banish, and the Door Spike goes to the bottom.
Hour increases barrier difficulties. Start of turn, draw 2 cards (BotG1 and BotG2) and recharge 2 (hmm... I guess a BotG and my Acadamae Student).
Varian starts looking around at the Library, and finds a harrow card stuck under a book. He tries to pull it out, but it rips in half. Auto-fail and banish The Desert.
He sends his trusty pup to have a sniff around. Arnisant returns with a compass in his mouth.
Wisdom 4:1d6 ⇒ 3Compass banished.
He casts a detection spell to try to find something useful. Casting Detect Magic, and I find an Invisibility spell. Arcane 7:1d12 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13Acquired.
He then pulls out the harrow card that he was recently given by a harrower, and concentrates on it, trying to glean some useful information from its magic. Discard The Inquisitor to explore, and I'll recharge my new Invisibility spell to draw Steal Book. It's the henchman! The card points the way to an Assassin trying to hide in the corner nearby. Varian smiles, and casually casts a jet of acid at him.
Red Mantis Assassin:
Story Bane
Traits: Assassin Human Red Mantis Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 10+##
Resistant to Attack and Fire. Before acting, succeed at a Wisdom or Perception 4+# check or the difficulty to defeat is increased by 1d6. If undefeated, suffer the scourge Wounded.
Casting Fire Snake on the BA check. Wisdom 4+2=6:1d12 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 Casting Acid Jet, recharging BotSpellbound for a die, and recharging Steal Book for 1d4+1. Combat 10+4+4=18:1d12 + 4 + 1d6 + 1d12 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + (1) + (2) + (4) + 1 = 15Oof. I'll use my shirt reroll on the 2. reroll:1d12 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25Better. I'll recharge my BotG to add 1d4+1 on my closing check. Knowledge 5+2=7:1d12 + 4 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + (4) + 1 = 11Library closed. No discarded books. I move to the Manor.
End of turn, heal back Fire Snake.
which location?:1d5 ⇒ 1how many?:1d4 ⇒ 3I examine the top 3 cards of the Bank, finding a Flame Staff, Wand of Force Missile, and The Waxworks. They all banish.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Start of turn, draw 2 (Captain's Cutlass and Arnisant) and recharge 2 (The Sickness and Captain's Cutlass). Then I have to fight a random monster, which is a Necrophidian. Casting Acid Jet. Combat 12:1d12 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 4 + (6, 5) = 20
Explore the Lair to find a Cultist! Casting Life Drain. Also asking Koren for a discard. Combat 10+4=14:1d12 + 4 + 2d4 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + (3, 2) + (5) + 1 = 16 Defeated!
Using my BotGods on the closing check and asking Koren for another discard. closing Strength 5+2=7:1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + (6) + (4) + 1 = 14 Closed but NOT closed, because the villain is in the deck, so now we have just the villain left.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Hour is Sands of the Hour, no effect. Start of turn, draw 2 (Wand of Flame, BotG) and recharge 2 (Captain's Cutlass, BotG).
Varian searches around the Pits to find some boots.
Acrobatics 5:1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8Acquired.
Varian then sends his trusty pup Arnisant to sniff out useful things. Recharge Arnisant to explore, finding a Crow. Wisdom 5:1d6 ⇒ 4Banished. Discard BotSpellbound to explore. Henchman!
He then sends the crow off to search, and it comes back chased by a Cultist. Wand of Flame for combat, discarding Force Missile to power it up. Combat 10+4=14:3d6 + 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (5, 1, 3) + (9) + 4 = 22Defeated. To close, I just need to draw a card and recharge my whole hand.
Requesting Radovan's BoKofu on the after acting check. After acting Constitution 5:1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + (4) = 9Not plagued!
Varian finds a nice big rock, and Radovan helps him roll it to cover the yawning pit he just crawled out of.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Start of turn, draw 2 cards (Acadamae Student and The Sickness) and recharge 2 (Unerring Weapon and Red Carriage).
Varian looks around and finds a spell scroll.
Arcane 6:1d12 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12Good Omen acquired.
He then asks Rodrick to look around, who returns holding a chest. Top-decking Radovan to use Knowledge +2. Knowledge 7+2=9:1d12 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 = 7Ugh. Shirt reroll. reroll:1d12 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 2 = 12Defeated. I'll summon and encounter a spell, which is Magic Eye.
Magic Eye:
Core Spell 0
Traits: Arcane Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Wisdom Arcane Divine 7
Banish to examine the top 3 cards of your location. DURING RECOVERY If proficient, discard this card; you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 9 check to recharge it instead.
Arcane 7:1d12 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6Bah, it goes away. Oh well, it was a 0. I take 1 damage in the form of Detect Magic.
Recharge The Sickness to explore again. A Mace. Strength 4:1d6 ⇒ 3Boo. I take 1 damage in the form of Good Omen.
Radovan then sends his student to look around one more time, and she returns chased by a skull that is shooting acid at her! Using my BotG on it. This REALLY should be an Undead card, but it's not. Acrobatics 4:1d8 + 1 + 1d8 ⇒ (2) + 1 + (1) = 4LOL, just BARELY defeated.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
It's the hour of the Owl. Unlikely to affect my turn.
Varian sighs and heads for the Pits. He explores there to find some magic armor. He turns up his nose at it. "Not the garb of a wizard, despite its beauty."
He then pulls out a wand, and with a flourish tries to divine what is ahead of him.
Sending my Wand of Detect Magic to recovery. It's a Mercenary.
He sees a dangerous ruffian ahead, and sends his friend the Riftwarden to take care of him. Riftwarden to explore, casting Life Drain on the Mercenary. Requesting a blessing from Radovan, please. Combat 10+4=14:1d12 + 4 + 2d4 + 1d12 ⇒ (12) + 4 + (4, 1) + (1) = 22Defeated, and I heal a card.
End of turn, Life Drain goes in discards and I try to recover my wand. Arcane 6:1d12 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11Recharged, as is Life Drain afterward.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Totally missed that this was a closing henchman, so here's my check to try to close: Intelligence 5+2=7:1d12 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7Laboratory closed! I get to draw 3 spell and choose one to keep. Harrowstrike, Magic Eye, Life Drain. I'll keep Life Drain.
Start of turn, draw 3 cards (Force Missile, Wand of Flame, Blessing of the Gods) and recharge 3 (Acid Jet, Wand of Flame, Rodrick). Explore to find... ugh a Thunderstorm. It displays.
Varian walks through the Laboratory, picks up a vial, and unexpectedly drops it. Out of the broken vial comes a cloud that starts shooting out lightning bolts.
He then asks his little buddy Arnisant to sniff around, and the pup comes back with a spell scroll.
Arcane 4:1d12 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14Auto.
Blessing of the Gods to explore again. A Vampire! That actually works out well, having to recharge some cards will be helpful to me. Radovan, I assumed you and Koren were stying with me at the Lab, and that's good because I need help! :) [b]So I'll assume Radovan is willing to take the second combat check. First check, I'll cast Force Missile on. I recharge The Sickness for the Vampire's power, and also recharge Blessing of the Spellbound for an extra die, recharging Steal Book beforehand.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft (with Supporter Feat), Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri (with Supporter Feat), Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Start of turn, draw 3 cards (Force Missile, Riftwarden, Unerring Weapon) and recharge Unerring Weapon, Dagger, and Detect Magic. Varian heads over to the Barracks. He explores to find the Attic Whisperer. Recharging my cutlass to add 1d4+1. Wisdom 4:1d6 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + (2) + 1 = 6 Casting Acid Jet on him. Recharging Wand of Detect Magic to add 1d4+1. Combat 13:1d12 + 3 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 1 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 3 + (6) + (1) + 1 + (2) = 17Defeated.
Varian asks his Riftwarden to look around, and she returns with a flask. Recharging Force Missile to add 1d4+1. Intelligence 10:1d12 + 1 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + (1) + 1 = 7Dangit. Banished.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft, Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri, Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft, Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri, Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Varian heads to the Hospice and explores to find a Queen's Physician! I'll use my Captain's Cutlass since it's resistant to Attack. I'll also recharge Detect Magic to add 1d4+1 and request a blessing from Radovan. Combat 11:1d6 + 1d6 + 1 + 1d4 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (3) + 1 + (4) + 1 + (4) = 15Defeated.
Closing is another Queen's Physician. I'll banish my Wand of Flame to recovery and discard Force Missile to add my Arcane skill. Combat 11+4=15:3d6 + 2 + 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (2, 4, 6) + 2 + (7) + 3 = 24Defeated. Hospice closed!
[ooc]Well then, that was unexpected. I move to the Base. :) End of turn, I'll recharge Arnisant to add an extra 1d4+1 to my recharge check on the Wand of Flame.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft, Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri, Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft, Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri, Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Display Radovan. Varian explores the office to find some runes. Recharging Unerring Weapon to add 1d4+1 Arcane 6+2=8:1d12 + 3 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 3 + (3) + 1 = 15 Defeated.
Acadamae Student to explore again. It's an Acid-Spraying Skull (though the spoiler is messed up. :( I'll reload Radovan to use Knowledge against it.
Knowledge 4:1d12 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 Auto. Luckily, since I rolled a 1.
The Tangled Briar to explore again. I choose NOT to heal an ally since I'm playing my harrow (which I always forget) because it would shuffle in Radovan. It's a henchman already! I'll use Stealth against it, and cast Fire Snake to use my Arcane instead.
Arcane 7:1d12 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 Defeated.
Requesting Blessing of the Quartermaster from Radovan on the close. I'll also recharge Steal Book to add 1d4+1 Charisma 5+3=8:1d6 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + (3) + (2) + 1 = 7Ugh. Using my shirt reroll on that 1. reroll:1d6 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 Success! Office closed. I'll move to the Base.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft, Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri, Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft, Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri, Keppira D'Bear
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Varian banished the Kukri and the Tangle of Debris from the top of the Den of Iniquity. Not going to re-capitulate the turn in its entirety... I'm calling Box Runner Fiat on this. :)
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft, Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Varian nods at Zadim, his friend looking a bit worse for wear. At least the shaman had healed him a bit.
He then walks around the base, recruiting followers to help defeat the zombies that are overrunning Korvosa!
Explore to find Trinia, draw and display her and draw a card. Blessing of the Spellbound to explore again, draw and display Cressida and draw a card. Recharge Arnisant to explore again, draw and display Amin, heal a card. Finally, reload The Teamster and discard Wand of Detect Magic to draw and display Vencarlo, and heal a card. Then I'll bury Cressida to get a new weapon, which is a Dagger (whoop-dee-doo!), then bury Trinia to heal Zadim a card. The Base is empty, so it will close once Zadim and I move away from it.
Varian grabs all of our allies from the base, and heads off to do more of the dirty work.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft, Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Hour is the Foreign Trader, letting me recharge allies to bless my non-combat checks. Nice. Start of my turn, Thunderstorm! ouch?:1d4 ⇒ 4 No ouch. It moves to random:1d5 ⇒ 3 Stays at the Shop. Hopefully I can close it down and get rid of it.
Varian looks outside to see a hell of a storm, so he decides to clear out the rest of the shop before he braves the rain. A zombie pops out of a doorway! i'll bury the Wand of Flame on the second check, and use my Flame Staff, powered up by discarding Steal book, on the first.
Combat 10:1d12 + 3 + 1d4 + 1d8 ⇒ (8) + 3 + (3) + (7) = 21 Combat 11+4=15:1d12 + 3 + 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 3 + (2, 2, 2) + 2 = 12Ugh. I'll use a hero point to reroll, I guess. reroll:1d12 + 3 + 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 3 + (2, 1, 1) + 2 = 17Defeated. after acting damage:1d4 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3Oww. Shuffle Radovan into my deck to reduce that to 0.
can I close?:1d8 ⇒ 6Yes. I'll recharge my Acadamae Student to add 1d4+1 to my close check. Charisma 5+2=7:1d6 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + (2) + 1 = 8Shop closed. Varian will move to the Base.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft, Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Start of turn, draw 2 cards (Flame Staff and Rodrick) and then recharge 2 (Wand of Force Missile and Rodrick 2).
Varian explores the Shop and finds Smoke Bomb.
Intelligence 7:1d12 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 He picks it up.
Reload Teamster and discard that Smoke Bomb to explore again. Magic Hide Armor. I'll let that banish.
Rodrick to explore again. A Thunderstorm! It displays next to the location.
Blessing of the Gods to explore one more time. Proxy B! Plague Zombie. Flame Staff on both checks, discarding my two spells to power it. Requesting a blessing from Zadim on the second check, please.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft, Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Varian peruses the defunct Shop, looking for useful items hidden away.
First explore, Wand of Force Missile. Arcane 6:1d12 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 He picks up a wand, examines it, and stows it for later.
Recharge Arnisant to explore again, Bolas. Banish them. He passes over some common bolas.
Riftwarden to explore again. Phantasmal Minion spell. Arcane 4:1d12 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 He grabs a cheap but effective spell scroll.
Reload Teamster and discard Phantasmal Minion to explore again. Shrieky Plant. Reload Radovan to use Knowledge.
Knowledge 6:1d12 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 3 = 12 Varian sees a silly plant that starts yelling at him, but he has Radovan quickly silence the thing with his knives.
BotG for one more explore. Imps and House Drakes! I'll recharge Force Missile to add 1d4+1 for Urban. Arcane 6:1d12 + 3 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 3 + (3) + 1 = 10 A few imps pop out of a summoning scroll that was accidentally left active, and Varian quickly banishes them.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft, Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri
Supporter feat on: Trinia
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell Cohort: Radovan Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8☐ 9☐ 10☐ 11 Proficiencies: Arcane Sword POWERS:
On your check to recharge a spell, you automatically fail.
Before you reset, you may recharge an Arcane spell ([ ] or 2 Arcane spells) from your discards.
On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X] +1).
[X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to # cards, then recharge that number of cards.
Rallied Supporters: Amin Jalento, Cressida Kroft, Vencarlo Orisini, Thousand Bones, Trinia Sabor, Ishani Dhatri
Supporter feat on: Trinia