ABTY's page

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Aaron Shanks wrote:
xNellynelx wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:

Thanks all. We are talking out the right next step, which may be a reprint or a new product.

I'll be a little philosophical and say that part of Paizo's Mission is to support "cooperative strategic play." Our pawns, Foundry tokens and Wizkids minis, for example, are a way to do that. We understand their importance.

I once used gummy bears and Swedish fish as a GM, which was fun when you got to eat the defeated, but I think Paizo can do a little better. :)

Perception to Sense Motive, I feel this is a hint that Paizo will be releasing candy mini's. I'm sure I rolled a nat1, but Sense Motive is a secret check so I'll never know.
Ingredients: sugar, caffeine, gelatin, tears of my enemies...

Thank you so much Sir. Just saw it is back in stock. Immediately bought a copy. Thank you again :)

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Aaron Shanks wrote:
Thanks for your feedback!

Sir I hope you can convince the shot callers that Player Character Pawns should be considered core products like the Bestiary Pawns. The surge of interest in PF2 will for sure bring in new players and these new players will need pawns to properly depict their characters.

Thank you for your internal advocacy for this product.