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This is the first time I'll announce our upcoming app, Combat Counter Mobile for Android (and eventually iOS, I hope) by Treasure Trove Software. I thought this might be a good opportunity to ask people what features they'd like to see in a hand-held app for GM's (or whomever be the Keeper of the Initiative in your gaming group). So far I've either implemented or am working towards the following:

- Initiative and round count
- Hit point counter option for all combatants
- Condition tracking and effect durations
- Enter combatants in any order and sort descending or ascending.
- Choose static initiative values or use bonus + die roll.
- Option to re-roll initiative each round (Ex: 2nd edition)
- Condensed stat block entry including Ability Scores, Armor Class, attack bonus, relevant skills, saving throws, etc.
- Save and load encounter data to file system
- Support for multiple rule sets: 2e, 3.x, 4th, Pathfinder, and possibly d6 (ala Shadowrun) and d10 (ala Whitewolf) systems.

Two preliminary screenshots:

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

Any other suggestions folks would be willing to offer?

Any thoughts?

It's new from Treasure Trove Software and it's completely free. I literally just posted this ten minutes ago. Have a look and let me know what you think. As always, comments and suggestions are more than welcome:


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I originally started working on this for the benefit of my gaming group, but I thought other Pathfinder players out there might get some good use out of it as well. Keep in mind it is a work in progress, but I welcome any suggestions or comments.


Does this convert to the Beta Playtest rules or to the newly released Core Rulebook rules?