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Hi all, as a historian of medieval Central Asia and friend of Chad I can say that it seems the word limit hindered him from getting some really interesting tidbits into his submission. I offered to him that the name didn't particularly resonate with me, but it raises an interesting design challenge. If you can choose a more specific flavored name for the region it brings it into a more specific historical feel perhaps. This would potentially alienate some folks who may prefer say, a Native American feel nomadic culture as opposed to Central Asian, or African, or whatever. So the more 'generic' name seems like a fair call to minimize alienation...though personally I would've given the entry a significantly more distinct flavor.

Beyond that, I thought it was a well designed submission, but agree that perhaps there could be more adventure seeds. However, it depends on what kinds of adventures a DM has in mind, because politically, the delicate relationship between 'steppe and sown' could create a wealth of possibilities due to their fragile and tense, but symbiotic relationship. I did suggest perhaps an 'evil' nomadic tribe that had morphed into some 'monster' after generations of excessive drinking of the blood of horses. Historically, nomads on long journeys that required speed often cut a vein on the neck of the horse drinking the blood for sustenance so they wouldn't have to dismount. I thought this historical tidbit could've possibly added a bit more color and allowed for a fun deviation and created a memorable 'fantastic' enemy for the region.

The word limit prevented this, and other ideas from being able to be used. I really don't see much that could be trimmed.

Also, yes, semi-nomadic is a very real identifier for some groups.