Othlo Janke

Chimon Quinn's page

22 posts. Alias of Dealan.

Full Name

Chimon Quinn




Cleric of Desna 1 | HP 9 | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F+4, R +3, W +6 | CMB -1, CMD 11 | Init +6, Per +6












Stolen Lands, River Kingdoms


Common, Gnome, Halfling

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 14

About Chimon Quinn

"One day, halflings will have a homeland. In too many places, they are chattel. In others, though nominally free, they are second-class citizens: servants and menial labourers, oppressed by circumstance and prejudice. They live in human cities, adopt human customs, and see to human needs.

"There is a land that proclaims 'slavery is an abomination'. That land is a wilderness, but that one truth is a seed. When that seed is protected and nurtured, that land will grow into a beacon of hope for halflings and oppressed peoples across Avistan. In that land, if halfings gather in sufficient numbers, they can meaningfully participate in their own government and build a home of their own.

"That land is the Stolen Lands. That seed is the Fifth River Freedom. I will grow that seed. I will gather my people and build a nation. I will set them free."

Chimon Quinn should not have been a Desnan. Born in Cheliax, a child of slaves, he should have lead a life of servitude. He should have been taught bow his head, to scrape and serve, and to woreship Hell. Circumstance and luck conspired to liberate him.

Lissa Kemble was a healer of some renown in Cheliax. She was the personal phsyician of Count Wardroxan of Longacre. She was also his property. The count had her married (or "mated", as he put it) to Elun Quinn, his horticulturalist. "A clever slip, that one," the count was heard to say of Elun. "He oversees my agricultural holdings in Chelum. Couldn't get along without him. Should be a fruitful match."

Eventually, affection developed in the marriage. Chimon was born, and several years later, Lissa became pregnant again. It was then that Count Wardroxan fell upon hard times. A string of bad gambling debts compounded by two years of drought on the Plains of Chelum left him in dire financial straights. Lissa overheard him negotiating to sell his farms. She and Elun feared that Elun would be sold as well. Their position of relative privilege and comfort was deteriorating. With the prospect of division for their young family, they decided to escape.

The Quinns sought out the Bellflower Network and fled toward Andoran. This was timely as Elun had been contracted to another Chelaxian noble, a lesser second cousin of House Thrune. Annoyed at being unjustly deprived of his property, Elun's new owner contacted the Order of the Chain. Hellknights pursued the family to the border of Andoran. An agent of the Bellflower Network was captured while helping the Quinns to escape; she was not heard from again.

Fearing that House Thrune could reach across the border into Andoran, at least to kill if not to capture, the Quinns decided that they needed to go further. They heard of a northern land, far up the Sellen River, where the people abhorred slavery. They set out for the River Kingdoms.

The trip up the Sellen River was arduous. Having no wealth to pay passage, Lissa worked as a healer in addition to caring for her young son. A daughter, Bellis, was delivered in a Hanspuri temple floating on Lake Kellis. This was a thoroughly creepy experience as the temple had a strong drowning motif; the family, now four, continued up the East Sellen as soon as Lisa was able.

Having grown up in Cheliax, the Quinns were unprepared for the wilderness that confronted them. The forest stretched on, devoid of civilization, until they reached the Kingdom of Mivon. With two young children care for and continued work to pay their passage, Lissa's health was failing. However, the atmosphere of paranoia and corruption in Mivon drove them on in haste. Finally, they reached Restov and could go no further.

To their dismay, they discovered that they had gone too far. They had passed into a land where, if not as prevalent as in Cheliax, slavery existed nonetheless. They saw halflings employed in menial labour, much as they were in Cheliax. Halfling teamsters, halfing nannies, halfling footmen. Halflings toiling as migrant workers on the larger farms that they had passed. Not all were slaves, and not all slaves were halfings. However, out of options for the moment, Elum tried to find work in the style to which he was accustomed.

His attempts to gain employment with the nobility of Restov were rebuffed. Refused an audience with yet another Swordlord, a kindly old butler gave him advice. "You've got skill at farming, eh? You're young. Go west. There's land to be had, even for a slip."

Until Lissa's health recovered, Elun took work at the docks loading cargo. The following spring, the family received a charter to pioneer a small farm near the Stolen Lands.

Chimon and Bellis, soon joined by little Yamyra, grew up on a small homestead on the southern edge of Rostland. Lissa and Elun were determined to educate their children and to give them a choice about what they did with their lives. It has not been an easy life, carving a home out of the wilderness. However, so close to the Stolen Lands, the River Freedoms hold some sway. Many of the folk who cross back and forth over the poorly defined border are former slaves themselves, and even those who aren't have little patience for such injustice. The Quinns had found a home.

One spring day, Chimon was sewing a field. The sun was setting and a chill wind had started to blow when two figures left the forest to the south leading a heavily-laden mule. As they approached, Chimon saw that they were gnomes. Curious, Chimon accosted them and asked about their travels. The gnomes grew quite interested when they saw a birthmark on Chimon's hand that strongly resembled a butterfly. They agreed to tell their tales in exchange for a space to sleep in the Quinns' small barn.

The gnomes shared a meal with the Quinns, and both parties shared stories. They were Desnan priests from the Gronzi Forest, traveling as Desnans are wont to do. They told of their visit to the Kingdom of othe Elves. Chimon was enthralled by their story, as were the gnomes by the tale of the Quinns' flight from Cheliax. The Desnans stayed for much of the following day, and Chimon shirked his chores and spoke with them. He was intrigued by their description of their goddess, of her love of freedom and travel. They invited him to visit them in Gronzi Forest and study with them. Elun allowed that he could, "after the fall harvest, if you work rather harder between now and then than you have today."

Chimon was 18 when he met the gnomes, and he turned 19 before he left to visit them for a season. He returned to Gronzi Forest again the following winter and spent the next five years traveling and training with them as a Cleric of Desna.

Chimon Quinn
Male Halfling Cleric of Desna 1
CG Humanoid (Halfling)
Init +6; Senses Perception +6

AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+5 amour, +2 shield, +2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 9 (8+1)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 (+8 vs fear, +8 vs charm and compulsion)

Speed 20 ft.
Melee morningstar +1 (1d6) or spiked gauntlet +1 (1d3)
Ranged sling +3 (1d3)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 12, 1d6)
Cleric Spells (CL 1st; concentration +4)

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11

Improved Initiative


Aura (Ex)
Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day, DC 12)
Liberation Domain: Liberation (1 round/day) (Su)
Travel Domain: +10 base speed and Agile Feet (6/day) (Su)
Spontaneous Casting


Acrobadics -2
Appraise +1
Bluff +2
Climb -4
Diplomacy +2
Disguise +2
Escape Artist -4
Fly +0
Heal +7
Intimidate +2
Knowledge (religion) +5
Profession (farmer) +7
Perception +6
Ride -4
Sense Motive +3
Spellcraft +5
Stealth +0
Survival +3
Swim -6

Combat Gear morningstar, spiked gauntlet, sling, bullets (20), heavy wooden shield, scale mail

Non-Combat Gear backpack, bedroll, explorer's outfit, flint and steel, healer's kit, sewing needle, soap, waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Desna, 14 gp, 3 sp, 8 cp

Thanks to his Pioneer trait, Chimon starts play with a horse, Farasi.

Languages Common, Gnome, Halfling

Appearance Chimon Quinn ("Quinn" to his friends) is tall for a halfling. At 3'4" tall and weighing only 33 pounds, he's slender too. His thin build belies his not inconsiderable toughness developed while growing up on a frontier farm. He has curly, sandy-blond hair and a quick smile. On the back of one of his calloused hands is a birthmark that is strikingly similar to the Wings of Desna.