About 575Male Nagaji Brawler 6
AC 24, touch 15, flat-footed 20 (+5 armor, +3 shield, +2 dex, +2 dodge, +1 natural, +1 deflection)
hp 58 (6d10+12+6) Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +3; +2 vs mind-affecting and poison Offense:
Speed 30 ft
Melee unarmed strike +12/+7 (1d8+8, 20/x2) or flurry +10/+10/+5 (1d8+8, 20/x2) Ranged javelin +8 (1d6+5, 20/x2) Special Attacks Knockout (DC 17) Statistics:
Str 21 (+5), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 8 (-1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 12 (+1)
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +11 (+12 grapple); CMD 26 (27 grapple) Feats Power Attack, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dirty Fighting, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Weapon Specialization (unarmed strike), Dodge Traits Mentored, Quain Martial Artist Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +9, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (local) +3, Knowledge (nature)ᶜᶜ +0, Linguisticsᶜᶜ +0, Perception +8, Perform (oratory) +10, Sense Motive +4, Swim +9, +3 Languages Tian, Draconic, Common, Orc, Sylvan Special Abilities Brawlers Cunning, Martial Flexibility, Martial Training, Brawler's Flurry, Maneuver Training Equipment:
(Currently carrying 60 pounds, with a 153 light load)
+1 darkleaf lamellar armor +1 large darkwood shield javelin x 2 cold iron punching dagger cold iron dagger silver tonfa monk's outfit +2 belt of giant strength +1 ring of protection +1 cloak of resistance bandolier wand of cure light wounds [ 43 ] acid x 2 bedroll canteen silk rope grappling hook mwk backpack torch x 5 fishing kit wood holy symbol (Irori) journal ink inkpen skeleton key waterproof bag mess kit oil trail rations x 4 2651 gp, 5 sp Special Abilities:
Brawler's Cunning (class) if int < 13, it counts as 13 for the purposes of qualifying for combat feats
Martial Flexibility (class) gain the benefit of up to two combat feats you meet the prerequisites for, for 1 minute. Two feats as a move action, one as a swift action. 5/day Martial Training brawler levels count towards both fighter and monk levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats and for magic items that have effects based on those classes. Maneuver Training select one combat maneuver (grapple) and receive a +1 to CMB and CMD for that maneuver AC Bonus gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC and CMD Knockout 1/day, can knock a target unconscious for 1d6 rounds with a successful attack (Fort DC 17 negates) Brawler's Strike unarmed strikes count as magic for overcoming DR Close Weapon Mastery all close weapons do a minimum damage equal to the unarmed strike damage of a brawler 4 levels lower (currently 1d6) Background:
Like many of his kind, Morae Kiru was born in Nagajor, on the Tian Xia continent. Also, like many of his kind, once he came of age, he was sent to a school favoring martial traditions... to learn to use his strength for the betterment of Nagajor society.
But unlike many of his kind, Morae was curious... not particularly bright, but interested in the world around him nonetheless... about many things, but mostly the western lands of Avistan and Garund. He desired to visit these strange far away places, and in preparation for that, wanted to learn the common tongue of that land. Unfortunately, no one knew the language where he trained... or at least did not admit to knowing it or wanting to teach it to him. Eventually though, he found a set of dust-covered books, being used to prop up a table in a storeroom that appeared to be written in the Taldan language of the west. These particular books were written by a Ulfen man named Olaf Wright, from the Linnorm Kingdom's city of Bildt. Olaf had become fascinated with the Tian style of poetry known as Haiku, and had taken to writing such poems in his native language. Unfortunately, the people of Avistan had no appreciation for the art form... and the people of Tian Xia even less so when it was written in western tongues, as none of the poetic form's meter and syllable structure survived translation to the Tian language... not to mention the general prideful Tian people not wanting to accept one of their own art forms being co-opted by a foreigner. So the books were discarded, good only for leveling furniture. The set Morae found only existing due to that later convenience. But, not all Tian creatures found the books abhorant. A small spirit kami, a shikigami named Tiro, decided that these books, and the poems therein, were worth protecting... taking them on as its ward. Tiro was not sure what to make of the strange nagaji investigating its ward, and at first tried simply to scare him off... only to have him return every few days, interested in actually looking at the books the kami warded, even if he did not understand the words therein. Eventually, Tiro decided that Morae was someone who might be taught to appreciate his ward! So Tiro began to talk to the nagaji. As far as Morae was concerned, Tiro was nothing more then a small jade statue of an old man in a robe. But the statue seemed able to talk, much to his surprise, and apparently knew the language of Avistan used by the books he had found... and most importantly, was willing to help him learn! What he did not know was that Tiro's intent was to teach him the artistic style represented therein, not just the language it was written in. Morae was no genius, he knew no better. As far as he knew, the strange cadence and grammatical structures were all part and parcel of the language itself. And so, he learned to speak Taldan, but all if it consisting of specific syllabic structure... and now, he only speaks common in a structure represented by the Tian poetic art of Haiku. Not realizing that that's not how the language actually works. His command of the Tian language, and the draconic tongue of his ancestors, does not suffer the same experimental teaching methods, and he speaks those with more normal fluency. Eventually, Morae left Tian Xia, to travel to Avistan ... where his command of the local language raised more then a few eyebrows... but Morae himself none the wiser, thinking others way of talking merely regional dialects. People started to refer to him as five seven five, referencing the strange syllable structure of his words, and he decided that was as good a western 'name' as any.
Boons & Vanities:
Horn of Aroden you recovered the Horn of Aroden
Codebreaker (Grand Lodge) +2 bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher writing or understand codes. May use Linguistics untrained for this purpose The Favor of Cartahegn while in a settlement of 5k+ people on Garund, can purchase mundane equipment at a 10% discount Goblin Bane+2 bonus on Intimidate checks vs goblinoids Goblin Scourge once per scenario gain a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage and a +2 morale bonus on will saves against spells or effects vs goblinoids Lamashtu's Bane +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls vs anyone displaying an unholy symbol of Lamashtu Martyr's Shard 1, 2, 3 and 4 Belkzan Veteran Scarred Champion Fangwood Purifier Blood and Courage Explorer (faction card 1) once per adventure gain a +2 bonus on a acrobatics, climb, survival or swim check, and half armor check penalties on the check. Guiding Compass (faction card 2) if you fail a will save vs an effect that allows additional saves, gain a +1 bonus on those additional saves Frozen Fortitude [1 use] swift action to gain cold resistance 5+Character Level for one minute.
Faction Card:
** 4/8 Season 8 Faction Card goals completed **
G1 5/8 G2 1/2 G3 1/1 G4 0/1 G5 0/2 G6 0/2 G7 1/1 G8 5/5 Society Stuff:
PFS# 84637-20
Faction Grand Lodge XP 15 Prestige/Fame 20/26 Chronicles:
(HP 44/49 | AC 24, Touch 15, FlatFooted 20 | CMD 25 | Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +2 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | MartialFlexibility 4/5) | Active Conditions: <none> ) |