Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal

3961yoCcMD's page

11 posts. Alias of Dale McCoy Jr (Jon Brazer Enterprises).


Scarab Sages

Charles Scholz wrote:
?nem fo straeh eht ni skrul live tahw swonk ohW

?namow A

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages


!frums sdrawkcab a evah t'nod I ,yeH :tidE

Scarab Sages

Lanx wrote:

The situation there is even more ludicrous: One of the three had staunchly argued that Dragon and Dungeon when they were licensed by Paizo were not D&D. Of course, many disagreed, but he did not yield. Then a mod came in, and, after warning everybody to remain respectful, confirmed that Dragon and Dungeon, when licensed by Paizo, were official material for D&D; they had to be even proof-read by WotC before they were published. At this said guy only answered (basically): Yeah, but only when they actually published some articles for D&D.


.meht pots t'nac uoY .dia-look eht knird taht elpoep eb syawla lliw ehehT

Scarab Sages

.gnihtyna llems t'nod I *hctorc dna teef ,stipmra nwo sffinS*

Scarab Sages

.ycaripsnoc a s'tI

Scarab Sages

.pot no yats yeht erus ekam nac yeht ,dlrow gnihsilbup eht nwo yeht ecnO .sdnatsrednu esle eno on taht yaw a ni etacinummoc ydaerla yehT .sdrawkcab gnihtyreve tnirp dna dlrow gnihsilbup eht revo ekat lliw elpoep cixelsyD

Scarab Sages

.driew m'I ,seY .ecap emas eht ta siht daer nac I dnA .siht ekil gnidaer sekatsim gnidaer ssel ekam yllautca I .redrah etartnecnoc ot niarb ym secrof sdrawkcab gnidaer tub ,wols daer I .daerht siht ekil I

Scarab Sages

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
.desufnoc llits m'I
?tuoba desufnoc uoy era tahW

.saila sdrawkcab ym esu ot togrof I ,gnaD

Scarab Sages

Lipto the Shiv wrote:
.edacrA eviL xobX rof emag remroftlap-elzzup yzarc sihT

.gnitirw ysub oT .flesym nosrep emag oediv a ton m'I

Scarab Sages

hcnemrebU wrote:
?esrever ni sevil rieht yalp dna htaed sretcarahc ruo ta trats ew od sreitnorF ratS fo emag sdrawkcab a trats ew fI

?nottuB nimajneB gniyalp ekil eb taht t'ndluoW