About 2E - MiladistraPFS # 133608-1504 Saving Throws:
Fort 10 + 1 Expert + 2 Con + 2 Potency = 14 Ref 10 + 0 Trained + 4 Dex + 2 Potency = 15 Will 10 + 1 Expert + 5 Wis + 2 Potency = 17 Lesser ring of energy resistance (Page 404): 5 Electricity resist
Defenses and Resistance:
HP 6 Elf + 10 * 8 Druid + 10 * 2 Con = 106 Base 10 + 10 Proficiency + 4 Dex + 2 Armor + 2 Potency = 28 Touch 10 + 10 Proficiency + 4 Dex + 2 Potency = 2 +2 Magic Leather Armor (Reaction) Storm Retribution
Movement and Senses:
30 + 5 Fleet + 5 Nimble = 40 feet Nimble When you use the Stride action, you can ignore difficult terrain in one square during that move.
Proficiency Bonus +10 Melee
Attack: +1 Expert
Primeval mistletoe: You can activate the mistletoe by squeezing juice from one of the berries and smearing it onto a nonmagical club or staff to cast shillelagh upon it.
+2 Crossbow
Attack: 4 Dex + 2 Potency = 6
[dice=+2 Crossbow]1d20+10+6[/dice]
Acrobatics 10 + 0 Trained + 4 Dex = 14 Diplomacy 10 + 0 Trained + 3 Cha = 13 Lore: Animal 10 + 0 Trained + 2 Int = 12 Medicine 10 + 1 Expert + 5 Wis = 16 Performance 10 + 1 Expert + 3 Cha = 14 Nature 10 + 2 Master + 5 Wis + 2 Mistletoe = 19 Perception 10 + 1 Expert + 5 Wis = 16 Stealth 10 - 4 Untrained + 4 Dex + 2 Cloak = 12 Survival 10 + 0 Trained + 5 Wis = 15 Acrobatics
Ancestry 1 Unwavering Mien (Page 27) 5 Nimble (Page 27) 9 Elf Step (Eratta 1.6, Page 5) Background
Magic Items and Resonance:
Level 10 + 3 Charisma = 13 RP Invested
Spell Points:
Spell Points: 5 Wis + 1 Thousand Faces + 2 Wind Caller = 8 5 Wis = 5 Spell Points per day
Tempest Surge
Storm Retribution
Thousand Faces
Wind Caller
Druid Magic Details:
Spell DC: 10 + 10 Proficiency + 5 Wis = 25 (Free Action) Reach Spell
(Reaction) Storm Retribution
Wind Caller
(Reaction) Healing Transformation
Today's Spells:
Spell DC: 10 Proficiency + 5 Wis = 15 Spell Points
Clear spindle Aeon stone (page 380)
Cloak of the bat (Page 385)
Primeval mistletoe (Page 403)
Spell Slots
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Spell References:
Air Bubble (Page 204) (Reaction command) Trigger: A creature within 60 feet range enters an environment where it can’t breathe. Charm (Page 209)
Cloudkill (Page 211)
Cone of cold (Page 212)
Create water (Page 212) Electric Arc (Page 220)
Enlarge (Page 221)
Feather fall (Page 223)
Fly (Page 225) Freedom of movement (Page 226) Glitterdust (Page 227) Haste (Page 229)
Heal (Page 229)
Humanoid Transformation (Page 230)
Know Direction (Page 234) Light (Page 234)
Lightning Bolt (Page 235)
Neutralize Poison (Page 242) Pest Form (Page 244)
Ray of Frost (Page 250)
Shillelagh (Page 255) Stabilize (Page 259)
Stinking Cloud (Page 259) Stormwind Flight (Page 260) Summon nature's ally (Page 261)
Tempest Surge (Page 264)
Thunder Shield (Page 264) Tree Shape (Page 265) Wall of Thorns (Page 270)
| Name | Cost (sp) | Bulk | | Expert Staff | 350 | 1 | | +2 Crossbow with 10 bolts | 30 | 1 | | Musical Instrument expert (piccolo) | 250 | 1 | | 10 crossbolts | 1 | L | | +2 Leather Armor | 365 | 1 | | Waterskin | 0.5 | L | | Writing set | 15 | L | | Mirror | 10 | - | | Backpack | 1 | - | | Clothing (Winter) | 4 | - | | Clothing (Ordinary) | 1 | - | 246 gp
Character Creation:
Female Elf Druid Animal Whisperer background Level 1 Boosts: Con Int Wis Cha Level 5 Boosts: Dex Con Wis Cha Level 10 Boosts: Dex Con Wis Cha | Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha | |
Ancestry Feat: 1 Unwavering Mien (Page 27) Trained Skills:
Level 2:
Skill Feat: Forager Level 3:
Skill Increase: Now Expert Nature General Feat: Fleet Level 4:
Skill Feat: Virtuous Performance (Winds) Level 5:
Ancestry Feat: Nimble Skill Increase: Now Expert Medicine Level 6:
Skill Feat: Hobnobber Level 7:
Skill Increase: Now Master Nature General Feat: Alertness Level 8:
Skill Feat: Natural Medicine Level 9:
Skill Increase: Now Expert Performance Ancestry Feat: Elf Step Level 10:
Skill Feat: Robust Recovery Gear selection based on level 10 PC Character Wealth on page 348 2 8th
1 9th
1 7th
2 6th
Expert Armor