
2E - Miladistra's page

106 posts. Organized Play character for chadius.


Resonance 4/13 | Spell Points 5/8 | Spells -/3/0/0/3/2 | Perception 16 | Stormwind Flight


| 10 Elf Female Druid | HP 60/106 | AC 28 (TAC 26) | Saves 14/15/17 |


Common, Elvish, Sylvan

Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 20
Charisma 16

About 2E - Miladistra

PFS # 133608-1504

Saving Throws:

Fort 10 + 1 Expert + 2 Con + 2 Potency = 14
Ref 10 + 0 Trained + 4 Dex + 2 Potency = 15
Will 10 + 1 Expert + 5 Wis + 2 Potency = 17

Lesser ring of energy resistance (Page 404): 5 Electricity resist
Clear spindle Aeon stone (Page 380): You don’t need to eat or drink while you have a clear spindle aeon stone invested.
Unwavering Mien (Page 27): When you would be confused, frightened, or stupefied for at least 2 rounds, reduce the duration by 1 round.
Unwavering Mien (Page 27): You still require natural sleep, but you are immune to effects that would cause you to fall asleep. This protects only against the asleep condition, not against other forms of falling unconscious.

Defenses and Resistance:

HP 6 Elf + 10 * 8 Druid + 10 * 2 Con = 106
Base 10 + 10 Proficiency + 4 Dex + 2 Armor + 2 Potency = 28
Touch 10 + 10 Proficiency + 4 Dex + 2 Potency = 2

+2 Magic Leather Armor

(Reaction) Storm Retribution
Trigger An opponent adjacent to you critically hits you with a melee weapon.
You cast tempest surge on the triggering opponent. You must spend 2 Spell Points to use this ability instead of the usual 1. The triggering foe is also pushed back 5 feet if it fails its Reflex save, or 10 feet if it critically fails.

Movement and Senses:

30 + 5 Fleet + 5 Nimble = 40 feet

Nimble When you use the Stride action, you can ignore difficult terrain in one square during that move.
Elf Step (Single Action) You Step twice.
Cloak of the bat (Page 385): You can also hang from any surface that can support your weight using only your feet, without any check, though you still must attempt the appropriate Athletics check to Climb in order to move around while inverted.
You can activate the cloak to transform it into bat-like wings that grant you a fly Speed of 30 feet for 1 minute, or to cast a 4th-level pest form spell to transform yourself into a Tiny bat.
You can activate the cloak once per day.


Proficiency Bonus +10

Expert Staff
Club Group

Attack: +1 Expert
Damage: 1d4 B
Two-hand d8

[dice=Two Hand Bludgeoning Damage]1d8[/dice]

Primeval mistletoe: You can activate the mistletoe by squeezing juice from one of the berries and smearing it onto a nonmagical club or staff to cast shillelagh upon it.
Once per day, you can twine the sprig around the wrist of one hand and touch a tree to cast tree shape upon yourself, except you become a vine on the tree instead of a tree.

[dice=Two Hand Bludgeoning Damage]2d8[/dice]
The target grows vines and leaves, brimming with primal energy. The target gains the effects of a +1 weapon potency rune in your hands, gaining a +1 item bonus to attack rolls and dealing another die of damage on a hit. Additionally, as long as you are on your home plane, attacks you make with the target against aberrations, extraplanar creatures, and undead deal a third die of damage on a hit.

Druid Feat: Storm Born:
If you are a druid of the storm order, you do not take circumstance penalties to ranged attacks or Perception checks caused by weather, and your targeted spells don’t require a flat check to succeed against a target concealed by weather (such as fog).

+2 Crossbow
Group Bow
Range 120 ft
Reload 1 action

Attack: 4 Dex + 2 Potency = 6
Damage: 1d8 + 2d8 Potency Piercing

[dice=+2 Crossbow]1d20+10+6[/dice]
[dice=Piercing Damage]3d8[/dice]


Acrobatics 10 + 0 Trained + 4 Dex = 14
Diplomacy 10 + 0 Trained + 3 Cha = 13
Lore: Animal 10 + 0 Trained + 2 Int = 12
Medicine 10 + 1 Expert + 5 Wis = 16
Performance 10 + 1 Expert + 3 Cha = 14
Nature 10 + 2 Master + 5 Wis + 2 Mistletoe = 19
Perception 10 + 1 Expert + 5 Wis = 16
Stealth 10 - 4 Untrained + 4 Dex + 2 Cloak = 12
Survival 10 + 0 Trained + 5 Wis = 15

Cloak of the bat (Page 385): +2 bonus to Acrobatics checks to Maneuver in Flight.

Feat: Hobnobber (Page 167)

Animal Whisperer background gives Animal Lore training

Feat: Natural Medicine (Page 169)
Feat: Robust Recovery (Page 170)

Feat: Train Animal (Page 173)
Primeval Mistletoe (Page 403) +2 to Nature checks when it's held

Storm Born: If you are a druid of the storm order, you do not take circumstance penalties to ranged attacks or Perception checks caused by weather, and your targeted spells don’t require a flat check to succeed against a target concealed by weather (such as fog).

Virtuousic Performance (Winds): +1 bonus to Performance with wind instruments.
Expert Musical Instrument: +1 bonus to Performance with the piccolo

Cloak of the bat (Page 385): +2 bonus

Feat: Forager (Page 166)


1 Unwavering Mien (Page 27)
5 Nimble (Page 27)
9 Elf Step (Eratta 1.6, Page 5)

Train Animal (Page 173)

3 Fleet (Page 166)
7 Alertness (Page 163)

2 Forager
4 Virtuous Performance (Winds)
6 Hobnobber
8 Natural Medicine
10 Robust Recovery

1 Storm Born (free for being Storm Order Druid)
2 Reach Spell
4 Thousand Faces
6 Storm Retribution
8 Wind Caller
10 Healing Transformation

Magic Items and Resonance:

Level 10 + 3 Charisma = 13 RP

Lesser ring of energy resistance (Page 404)
Clear spindle Aeon stone (page 380)
Cloak of the bat (page 385)
Primeval mistletoe (page 403)
Magic Armor +2 (page 397)

Clear spindle Aeon stone (page 380) The resonant power allows you to cast air bubble as an innate primal spell once per day at a cost of 1 Resonance Point.

Spell Points:

Spell Points: 5 Wis + 1 Thousand Faces + 2 Wind Caller = 8

5 Wis = 5 Spell Points per day
Thousand Faces adds +1 Spell Point

Tempest Surge
1 Spell Point
Storm Retribution makes Tempest Surge use d12s instead of d10s

Storm Retribution
You cast tempest surge on the triggering opponent. You must spend 2 Spell Points to use this ability instead of the usual 1.

Thousand Faces
You can cast humanoid transformation by spending 1 Spell Point. The spell can target only you.

Wind Caller
You can cast thunder shield by spending 1 Spell Point.
You can also cast stormwind flight by spending 2 Spell Points.
If you are a druid of the storm order, increase your Spell Point pool by 2.

Druid Magic Details:

Spell DC: 10 + 10 Proficiency + 5 Wis = 25

(Free Action) Reach Spell
You start to cast a spell that has a range. The spell must have a maximum of 2 spellcasting actions.
You add a Somatic Casting action to the casting of the triggering spell to increase its range by 30 feet. If the spell normally has a range of touch, you instead extend its range to 30 feet, and if the touch spell normally requires an attack roll or a touch attack roll, it now requires a ranged attack roll or a ranged touch attack roll, as appropriate.

(Reaction) Storm Retribution
Trigger An opponent adjacent to you critically hits you with a melee weapon.
You cast tempest surge on the triggering opponent. You must spend 2 Spell Points to use this ability instead of the usual 1.
If you are a druid of the storm order, the triggering foe is also pushed back 5 feet if it fails its Reflex save, or 10 feet if it critically fails.
If you are a druid of the storm order, your tempest surge damage dice become d12s instead of d10s, whether or not you are using Storm Retribution.

Wind Caller
You can cast thunder shield by spending 1 Spell Point.
You can also cast stormwind flight by spending 2 Spell Points.

(Reaction) Healing Transformation
Trigger You cast a non-cantrip polymorph spell that targets only one creature.
Add a Somatic Casting action to the casting of the triggering spell to restore 1d6 Hit Points per level of the triggering spell to the target.

Today's Spells:

Spell DC: 10 Proficiency + 5 Wis = 15

Spell Points
Humanoid Transformation (Transmutation, see Healing Transformation)
Tempest Surge
Thunder Shield
Stormwind Flight (Transmutation, see Healing Transformation)

Clear spindle Aeon stone (page 380)
The resonant power allows you to cast air bubble as an innate primal spell once per day at a cost of 1 Resonance Point.

Cloak of the bat (Page 385)
You can activate the cloak to transform it into bat-like wings that grant you a fly Speed of 30 feet for 1 minute, or to cast a 4th-level pest form spell to transform yourself into a Tiny bat.
You can activate the cloak once per day.

Primeval mistletoe (Page 403)
You can activate the mistletoe by squeezing juice from one of the berries and smearing it onto a nonmagical club or staff to cast shillelagh upon it.
Once per day, you can twine the sprig around the wrist of one hand and touch a tree to cast tree shape upon yourself, except you become a vine on the tree instead of a tree.

Spell Slots
Cantrips (Heightened to level 5) 5
Know Direction
Electric Arc
Ray of Frost

Level 1
Create water
Feather fall

Level 2
Endure Elements
Endure Elements

Level 3
Lightning Bolt
Stinking Cloud
Haste (Transmutation, see Healing Transformation)

Level 4
Fly (Transmutation, see Healing Transformation)
Freedom of movement
Summon nature's ally

Level 5
Summon nature's ally
Cone of cold

Spell References:

Air Bubble (Page 204)
(Reaction command) Trigger: A creature within 60 feet range enters an environment where it can’t breathe.

Charm (Page 209)
(Heightened 4th) You can target any creature, not just humanoids.

Cloudkill (Page 211)
(Errata 1.6) Increase initial damage to 7d6.

Cone of cold (Page 212)
(Errata 1.6) Increase initial damage to 14d6.

Create water (Page 212)

Electric Arc (Page 220)
(Heightened 5th) Damage of 2d6 + your Wis modifier.

Enlarge (Page 221)
(Heightened 4th) The creature instead grows to size Huge. The conditional bonus to melee damage is +4 and reach increases by 10 feet (or 15 feet if the creature started out Tiny). The spell has no effect on a Huge or larger creature.

Feather fall (Page 223)
(Reaction command) Trigger: A creature within 60 feet range is falling.

Fly (Page 225)

Freedom of movement (Page 226)

Glitterdust (Page 227)

Haste (Page 229)
30 feet range, targets 1 creature for 1 minute
Gains the Quick condition and can use the extra action each round for only Stride and Strike actions.

Heal (Page 229)
(Heightened (+1)) The amount of healing or damage increases by 1d8, or by 2d8 if you’re using the 1- or 2-action version to heal the living.

Humanoid Transformation (Page 230)
(Heightened 3rd) You gain darkvision or low-light vision if the form you assume has that ability.
(Heightened 5th) You can take on the appearance of a Large humanoid. If this increases your size, you gain the effects of the enlarge spell.

Know Direction (Page 234)

Light (Page 234)
(Heightened 4th) The object instead sheds bright light in a 60- foot radius.

Lightning Bolt (Page 235)
(Errata 1.6) Increase Initial damage to 5d12
(Heightened (+1)) The damage increases by 1d12.

Neutralize Poison (Page 242)

Pest Form (Page 244)
(Heightened 4th) You can turn into a flying creature, such as a bird. You also gain a fly Speed of 20 feet.

Ray of Frost (Page 250)
(Heightened 5th) Damage of 2d8 + your Wis modifier.

Shillelagh (Page 255)

Stabilize (Page 259)
(Heightened 4th) You also reduce the target’s dying value by 1

Stinking Cloud (Page 259)

Stormwind Flight (Page 260)

Summon nature's ally (Page 261)
(1st list): Level 0: Bloodseeker, bobcat, dog, dire rat, fire beetle, pig, pony, viper
(4th list): Level 3: Ankhrav, bunyip, cockatrice, dryad, giant scorpion, grizzly bear, hyaenadon, lion, minor elemental
(5th list): Level 5: Lesser elemental, redcap, smilodon; Level 4: great white shark, tiger

Tempest Surge (Page 264)
Deals d12s instead of d10s damage due to Retributive Storm

Thunder Shield (Page 264)

Tree Shape (Page 265)

Wall of Thorns (Page 270)
(Errata 1.6) Increase initial damage to 4d4.


| Name | Cost (sp) | Bulk |
| Expert Staff | 350 | 1 |
| +2 Crossbow with 10 bolts | 30 | 1 |
| Musical Instrument expert (piccolo) | 250 | 1 |
| 10 crossbolts | 1 | L |
| +2 Leather Armor | 365 | 1 |
| Waterskin | 0.5 | L |
| Writing set | 15 | L |
| Mirror | 10 | - |
| Backpack | 1 | - |
| Clothing (Winter) | 4 | - |
| Clothing (Ordinary) | 1 | - |

246 gp
022 sp
005 cp

Character Creation:

Female Elf Druid
Animal Whisperer background
Level 1 Boosts: Con Int Wis Cha
Level 5 Boosts: Dex Con Wis Cha
Level 10 Boosts: Dex Con Wis Cha

| Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha | |
| 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | Start with 10 |
| | 12 | 8 | 12 | 12 | | Elf: +Dex +Int +Wis, -Con |
| | 14 | | | 14 | | Background: Animal Whisperer |
| | | 10 | 14 | 16 | 12 | 4 Free Boosts |
| | | | | 18 | | Druids get Wisdom |
| | 16 | 12 | | 19 | 14 | Level 5: 4 Free Boosts |
| | 18 | 14 | | 20 | 16 | Level 10: 4 Free Boosts |
| 10 | 18 | 14 | 14 | 20 | 16 | Level 10 Attributes |

Ancestry Feat: 1 Unwavering Mien (Page 27)

Trained Skills:
Nature (Druid)
Acrobatics (Storm Order Druids)
Stealth (14 Int)
Survival (14 Int)

Level 2:

Skill Feat: Forager

Level 3:

Skill Increase: Now Expert Nature
General Feat: Fleet

Level 4:

Skill Feat: Virtuous Performance (Winds)

Level 5:

Ancestry Feat: Nimble
Skill Increase: Now Expert Medicine

Level 6:

Skill Feat: Hobnobber

Level 7:

Skill Increase: Now Master Nature
General Feat: Alertness

Level 8:

Skill Feat: Natural Medicine

Level 9:

Skill Increase: Now Expert Performance
Ancestry Feat: Elf Step

Level 10:

Skill Feat: Robust Recovery

Gear selection based on level 10 PC Character Wealth on page 348

2 8th
+2 magic weapon 397 (expert weapon +2 weapon potency rune)
Clear spindle aeon stone 380 (Sustenance!!!! Also air bubble)

1 9th
Cloak of the bat 385

1 7th
+2 magic armor 397 (+2 armor potency rune)

2 6th
Primeval mistletoe 403 <--- +2 Nature checks
Lesser ring of energy resistance 404 <--- Electricity

Expert Armor
Expert ranged weapon
Expert melee weapon (that I will never use)