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1 post. Alias of Rain and Lightning.

I'm working on a character for a Reign of Winter game that's going to play on the Paizo boards, and my character is an Agathion-Blooded Arctic Druid. Andyla's campaign trait is Warded Against Witchery, and I was reminded to remember that the game starts in Taldor in midsummer, so I should have a good reason for being an Arctic Druid in Heldren.

Well, my background concept is that Andyla's adoptive father is an Ulfen from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, who had married a Taldan woman from Heldren. When Andyla was a baby, she was mysteriously given to her father by a mysterious woman soon after his wife had died. Sometime recently in her life, Andyla relocated to Heldren, the home of her father's wife.

For the Warded Against Witchery trait, I'm thinking she perhaps had a run-in with one of the evil dolls in the huts at the borders of Irrisen.

After receiving an invitation to attend the funeral of the scholar Petros Lorrimor, you have traveled to the town of Ravengro. But in Ustalav, there is darkness everywhere, and you will soon find yourselves facing the terrors that stalk the night.


Stats: 15 Point Buy
Races: Core, plus aasimar, tiefling, orc, changeling, dhampir, and skinwalker
Classes: Core, plus Advanced Player's Guide and Ultimate Magic
Available Sources: Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Magic, Blood of Fiends, Blood of Angels, Blood of the Night, Blood of the Moon
Required Carrion Crown Player's Guide
Starting Wealth: Roll for your character's starting wealth
Traits: 1 Carrion Crown Campaign Trait

Recruitment will last until October 30th. If you have a question, just ask.

Has anyone converted Korvosa's statistics to Pathfinder rules?

What can I do to convert the Drug Addict and Missing Child traits to the Pathfinder rules? Just change Gather Information to Diplomacy?