200IQIdiot's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts (167 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Did I say wizard I meant sorcerer

Hello yes my character from that game is not ready and thus I am fabricating another called Raleigh Coda who shall be a gnome wizard and I will fill in the official way when the character is done.

Player name: 200IQIdiot
Character name: Hoo Hullo
Class Level: Ranger 1
Character Number: 2365202-1
Faction: Dark Archive
Speed: Regular
Day job roll Scholarly apprentice: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
This is my only character so far and she's in a game that's about to end, if it turns out I can't use her, I'll make a new one :)

Hello, it's me, the player for Hoo Hullo. Please don't be alarmed by the odd in game dialect I use, and tell me if it becomes a problem. I'm not very experienced with play by post, but I'll try to keep things going as smoothly as possible. I am excited to play in this game. It sounds neat as hell.

I have a level one character and that's it, but I'd love to use her in any level one game that could be starting soon.

I may join this but there is a small group of people that are kind of introducing me to pbp so I may consult with them first if they have some other plan.