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Thanks for all the answers, guys!

So I've considered retraining my ranger to be a hunter w/ rhino ani comp. The only thing that makes me hesitant is that you lose favored enemey. Is it worth losing the favored enemy, or should I just play one more scenario and keep 1 lvl of ranger, and then multiclass up the hunter tree?

So, I'm pretty new to pathfinder. I have a lvl 2 cleric(2 games) and a lvl 1 ranger(2 games). So I'm starting to get the hang of things, but I recently came across the hunter class, which is my dream come true. One of the questions I have about it is this:

Can the Hunter use the druid/ranger spells listed in any the books, assuming I own it, or just the CRB, since it says (See Chapter 10 in the CRB)?

Dotting for the officialness of it! Messaged you before but didnt post here. I have a sorc for consideration on the way

Is it possible to use suggestion to make a character read a scroll which you've written a trap on? Im new and I've been toying with the idea of a librarian sorcerer makes people read or open his traps to set them off, instead of just having a combat oriented character. I know for the explosive runes it says that "You and any characters you specifically instruct can read the protected writing without triggering the explosive runes." Does that mean suggestion wouldn't let them go off? The *can* in their is the only thing that would make me thing it would work. Would the other traps like sepia snake work?

Is there still space for this?

Toujours wrote:
FalconEx wrote:
This sounds awesome if the time works out
If you'd like to join you're welcome to.

My interest is definitely piqued. Is wednesday definite for the day? ANd do you have a time?

Also what classes do the characters have so far, if we're allowed to know?

This sounds awesome if the time works out

Also, does your AC start knowing the max number of tricks for its lvl, and then ou have to teach them as you go on?

Just heard about acquisitions inc. going through the tomb of horror's. I'd listen to the recording if you put it up. Sorry, off topic.

Well ello there, I'm completely new at this whole thing and as I've read more I've gained more questions.

First off: Are the only allowed/legal druid companions the ones listed in the core rule book?

Secondly: When you start with an animal companion, do you assume you start with the things needed for their handling, i.e. a horse with a bridle, falcon with a glove?