The Waiting Beast

13garth13's page

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber. 236 posts (237 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

...I have a few of them, and I was wondering if there were some easy way to remove the watermark with my name/email address on each page. I know, I know, they are to prevent piracy, and I normally wouldn't have anything against them except for the immersion shattering moments when all my players start making jokes about the mystic runes of dot com that seem to be inscribed repeatedly on the floors.

I know I could open each adobe page in photoshop/gimp and use a texture stamp to more or less remove them from sight, but that sounds a little time consuming and I was wondering if there was an easier (legal!) way to get those marks off of the pdfs before I print them.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Unless I'm mistaken, the inimitable Canuck composer, Howard Shore, created the music for The Fly rather than Christopher Young (although C. Young may very well have done the music for the sequel...)


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Hi there :)

I have a quick question about this order....upon checking the e-receipt for the order, it very quickly dawned on me that I seem to have had my Pathfinder Advantage applied, but then not the PFRPG discount (despite it saying quite clearly on both the webpage upon checkout as well as my confirmation email), based on the fact that I'm being charge 85% of cover price for all the items I purchased. For example, each of the Pathfinder Society PDFs is ordinarily #3.99, and I was charged $3.39 each (rather than $3.05), the Great Beyond is ordinarily $19.99 and I was charged $16.99 (rather than $15.29) etc.

It doesn't seem like any of these are pre-orders, subscription items, or any otherwise verbotten items, so is this a glitch (in which case what can I do about it?) or am I missing some painfully obvious fact and I'm just being dense? ;-)


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Goodman Games is having a 50% sale on their d20 products (including DDCs), and not merely on PDFs but print versions as well.

I was wondering if Paizo would be placing their GG d20 products on sale as well, or whether it would be more appropriate to order directly from the Goodman webstore (Joe Goodman indicated on ENWorld that it would be up to individual vendors to choose to take part in the sale or not).

Just curious (want to snatch up a few items before they sell out completely).

Also, my apologies if this has been previously answered.


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Bump for Customer Service ;-)

Cheers, eh.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Hello all; I recently ran into a rules debate regarding the poison effects of monsters.

I have always assumed (and found nothing in the rules to the contrary....but also nothing to the affirmative) that if a character is bitten/stung/etc. multiple times over the course of a combat, whether by the same creature or multiple creatures, that saving throws against poisons must be made for every successful hit that does damage against the character (depending on the type of poison, of course), and that the effects of multiple failed saves will continue to cause ability losses.

A couple of my players on the other hand disagreed, saying that poison effects from wounds from different creatures would certainly stack, but that once you've failed one saving throw against, say, a giant scorpion's stinger, you no longer need to make further saves against [i]that particular scorpion/i], having already been poisoned by it. Again, I can find nothing in the rules to either support or dismiss this opinion.

Needless to say, we Rule Zeroed it in favour of my original ruling, but I am still quite curious as to what other DMs do with poison effects.

Thanks in advance for any advice that board members can provide.


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I remember these bad boys from 2e (the second FR monstrous compendium with the hole-punched sheets if I'm not mistaken) and what I recall the strongest about them was the punishing amount of damage they could do per blow (2d6??) which has been downgraded (perhaps justifiably so) as well as their hideous energy drain (2 levels per blow, with two blows per round...again, if I'm not memory isn't what it used to be).

I was disappointed to not see this anywhere in the monster's description....until I saw reference to their ability to create new Skuz from the remains of those they had energy drained.

The problem is that this ability doesn't seem to be anywhere else in the monster's description. Was it cut for space, and if so, how many negative levels does the Skuz bestow per blow in 3.5e?


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

It is certainly worth noting that one of the participants in the campaign, Richard Stanton, has created a fantastic blog journal from the perspective of his two characters, the thief, Jee-na(who has been in the group from its inception three sessions ago) and the half-elven monk, Aerie Moonshadow (who is joining to replace a slain gnome cleric, torn apart during the last session in the midst of a fierce battle with half-ooze lizardfolk warriors).

It can be accessed here;

Excellent blog, Richard!