Dwiergus, The Chrysalis Prince

123456789blaaa's page

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The "madness" referenced in Pathfinder/DnD books don't correspond to any real world mental disorders. It's the same type of thing as the more benign "madness" that deities like Zagyg have. I don't see many of them even having stuff like hallucinations. It's a plot device to allow for important NPC's that take irrational actions. Considering it's in a "kitchen sink" fantasy setting, the cause doesn't have to have anything to do with RL mental disorders at all either. You easily call it something different. Would that be alright or is the whole concept something to stay away from?

I completely agree that having more functional/loved/etc actually mentally ill characters would be awesome. I just don't think the fantasy "madness" used as a plot tool has much to do with it.

James Jacobs wrote:

What it implies is that a LOT of the material I originally created for Obox-ob that I didn't sell to Wizards of the Coast is material that I have been and am still retrofitting to work for Rovagug for Golarion. Which is weird, because in my homebrew, Rovagug is ALSO a deity, so I've been kinda merging him and Obox-ob over the years. Someday down the road I might start posting more of my homebrew stuff on my blog or whatever as curiosities for people to see as historical stuff... but no plans to do so right now.

And I try not to do reviews or critiques or feedbacks on design work, mostly as a time-management thing, but also for legal reasons, sorry! I would post those homebrew thralls to one of the feedback threads here to get community feedback if I were you.

Ah I see.

I wouldn't dream of asking you to do an in-depth critique of some homebrew off the net. I know you're very busy. As the Demon Princes of the prestige classes were ones you worked on (Dwiergus and Ugudenk), my intention was more to see if you thought the flavor and abilities were cool and fitting with your "vision" of the characters. A quick once over sort of thing.

Anyways, thanks :).

James Jacobs wrote:
123456789blaaa wrote:
Do you have any unofficial fluff on Obox-ob? I think he's a really cool Demon Prince but there doesn't seem to be much official fluff on him (FCI seems to be the most substantial...)

No fluff, because I hate that word. I do have a LOT of unpublished flavor for him though; he's been the primary bad-guy deity in my homebrew since 1984 or thereabouts, after all.

Not really interested in sharing that stuff though at this time...

This implies that you might be interested in sharing it at a later date. If so, any predictions for when? What form would this take (as in, posted freely online, an official product, etc?).

Also, what do think of these two homebrew Thrall of [Demon Lord] prestige classes:http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?301271-Demonic-Thrall s-(3-5)


Do you have any unofficial fluff on Obox-ob? I think he's a really cool Demon Prince but there doesn't seem to be much official fluff on him (FCI seems to be the most substantial...)

(this is my first thread so if i am doing something wrong please tell me)

a few weeks ago i was browsing the giant in the playground forums when i found the iron chef op threads. i started reading them and found a char called Jorath, Hand of Annihilation i really liked his flavor and he didnt seem too weak so i wanted to try him out. unfortunatly i am horrible at converting and optimizing. so could you guys help me? here is the address:

go to url=
http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?s=174a80d7ff70f1bc3c446f9324b a0f24&t=142470&page=4