History records the Perplexity as being the creation of mad genius, a complex intended to prepare Society field agents against future threats. Once per year, the starmetal doors to the Perplexity admit entrants to test themselves against the mysterious challenges within. Unique chronicle sheets are available to Starfinder Society characters that participate.
I am signed up for Friday AM - what is this hard mode you speak of?
There aren't any details, really, but Thursty has said that having a character who has played through Into the Perplexity 1-98 in this adventure will unlock "Hard Mode." What this means is still mysterious, but for players like me that relishes a challenge, it is an enticing prospect.
Sadly I didn't make it into any of the Perplexity tables for this convention, so I'll have to wait for my Hard Mode.
To balance some of the "Surprise" for the Perplexity, if a PC at the table has played the previous installment (#1-98) then there's an additional adjustment I've written in to accommodate for some PC knowledge.
Don't worry if you're concerned about ramifications for PCs you care deeply about; we'll be going everything at the start of the game and I've got some rules in place for people who do want to experience this scenario without lasting effects! :)
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Ironically, I only have 1 PC in tier as I like to play several others more, and as such my three favorites are leveled out of tier. So hard mode here we come!