Terran Empire Publishing


Our Price: $39.95

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Journey to the planet of Shin'ar where the inhabitants have learned to control an atmospheric bubble of radiation that surrounds them they call the Manasphere. This high magic world of epic fantasy will introduce the players to 16 new playable races each with their own unique racial hybrid class. Most of the races found themselves deposited on the planet during one of the turbulent times of chaotic magic known as Lunar Quickenings. In addition, the Manastorm: World of Shin'ar campaign setting boasts 10 expansive regions to explore, new deities, spells, skills, feats, prestige classes, and more! Enter a word where clockwork airships fly and the gods walk among their faithful. Come see if you can survive a Manastorm!

Manastorm: World of Shin'ar is a full-color, 536 page, Campaign Setting compatible with the Pathfinder Role Playing game!

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