Late last year, in my new role as the creative lead for Pathfinder Society Organized Play, I sat down to plan the plots and themes for Year 4. One of my first experiences on the Organized Play team back in January 2021 was to sit in on the pitch meeting for Pathfinder Society Year 3: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries. It was thrilling to see what Thursty had planned for the year, and I couldn’t wait to see how it turned out.
A few months later, I learned that “how it turned out” was going to be my job! I knew that I wanted Year 3’s plot to lead naturally to Year 4, and that Year 4 should continue to solidify the role of the Pathfinder Society in Golarion. I also knew that I wanted Year 4 to “feel” different from the seasons that had come before. So, what to do?
At some point—I can’t quite remember when—I began to think of each “season” of Pathfinder Society as one of the four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. (Living in the Pacific Northwest, I might describe our seasons as “wet,” “more wet,” “spiders,” and “wildfires,” but I digress.) Perhaps it was the fact that I am often introspective as fall turns to winter (when I happened to be brainstorming the Year 4 themes), or perhaps it was the simple fact that we’ve often described a year’s worth of content as a “season” of Organized Play. Whatever the reason, it was easy to decide which seasons corresponded with the three current seasons of Pathfinder Society.
The Year of the Open Road was spring. It was a season of new beginnings, new relationships, allies, and adventures. Doors (and magical mazes) opening up to exciting places. A fresh start. A new edition! Brand new characters!
That meant Year of Corruption’s Reach was summer, a season of grand adventure, epic tales, and exploration of the distant land of Iobaria. There were several transitions on the Pathfinder Society development team during this time—quite appropriate for the transition to our current plot, the Year of Shattered Sanctuaries.
To me, this season represents autumn, a season of change, reflection on the past, and preparation for the future. Appropriately, during the Year of Shattered Sanctuaries, the Pathfinder Society’s past looms large. We saw the campaign’s focus shift to the Inner Sea lodges of years past. In a way, the Society has spent Year 3 hunkering down, cleaning house, reflecting on the past, and preparing to deal with whoever has been behind all of the problems arising at these Inner Sea lodges.
So, I knew Year 4 needed to be winter. Often, winter represents sorrowful things. Loss. Isolation. Despair. Darkness. For a long time, I considered taking the campaign in a grim direction in Year 4. However, for many reasons, I decided that a year of darkness and despair is not what the campaign needs at this time.
Winter is dark, but it is also a season which many people endure with light, hope, comradery, and gifts. And so the Year of Boundless Wonder came to be.
Yes, there is a powerful evil enemy who has been lurking behind the scenes and causing problems throughout the Year of Shattered Sanctuaries. Yes, her identity will soon be revealed. Yes, she has a major part to play in the Year of Boundless Wonder. But, in the face of such wickedness, the Pathfinder Society won’t fall to despair. It won’t dwell on the darkness. It will continue to walk new roads, fight against corruption, bolster its sanctuaries, and see the world’s wonders.
The whole team has worked hard to ensure this next year of Pathfinder Society brings wonder and excitement to new players and veterans alike. I can’t wait for you to experience the adventures for yourself!
Explore! Report! Cooperate! Wonder abounds!
Mike Kimmel
Pathfinder Society Developer
Seasons of Pathfinder Society
Thursday, June 16, 2022