Ninja Division to Make Starfinder Miniatures!

Friday, March 31, 2017

As many of you may have heard over the last week or so, Ninja Division has partnered with Paizo to make prepainted miniatures for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! While we are still in the early days, we're extremely excited, and wanted to give you a sneak peak of the sculpting process. These images are by no means final. All final miniatures from Ninja Division will be pre-painted. All ship bases will be hexagonal for use in space combat.

So, with no further ado, Lets start with the images of the Starfinder Iconics! These will all be sold in a single, or two sets, based on costs, price to be determined.

Here are some ships of Pact World and Eoxian design!

Keep your eyes open for more details on Starfinder Roleplaying Game and licensed product! Enjoy!

Michael Kenway
Director of Licensing

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certainly doesn't sound like prices to bait people in starting the collection.

Rannik wrote:

I was excited by the idea of Starfinder mini. While the scult look great, the paint and price cooled that excitement down.

The Corpse Fleet Set : White ship with a bit of red. I think they are trying to give us a feel of bones and blood, but I find them rather dull. I feel more could have been done.

Pact Worlds Fleet Set : These are a bit better, but again, the 2 color scheme is dissapointing.

At 9$ a ship, with the preorder discount (12$ without), I was hoping for a bit more.

As for the Iconic, I see more color there, but hard to see the details on the picture. They are 6$ with the preorder discount (8$ without) They are on the costly side, but you get exactly what you want. Good for players, maybe not so much for collectors and GMs. I'll have to reserve judgement on how they handle the critters. The one thing however for me is that about the paint is that I would ahave prefered a darker tone.

I had very much the same reaction. I was initially thrilled and honestly started to place a preorder twice, but the cost per mini and the color choices for the ships gave me pause. I'm going to wait for some reviews or additional photos before ordering.

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Marco Massoudi wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
While the pre-painted minis all look VERY good, the suggested retail price is way too high.

A consequence of non-random. Quality or value have to give if you avoid random sets with their differing rarities.

Depending on subscription options I'll get at least two of each, I think - at least at first.

If i compare these STARFINDER sets to the PATHFINDER "Iconic Heroes" sets, Wizkids seems like the better company to handle these things.

Not only are the Pathfinder sets cheaper, they also have more minis in them.

Of course, i will have to wait until i have the actual miniatures in hand to judge the quality of them, but paying $36 for one small, one medium & one large spaceship seems ridiculess.

I will get the four initial sets, but i doubt many others (besides you, Steve & some other hardcore collectors) will. ;-)

I can see the "Iconic Heroes" sets selling a bit better, but $10 for one medium miniature (set 1) or $8 per mini (for 3 medium and two small minis in set 2) seems very much compared to the price of $30-$35 for 6-7 minis in the Pathfinder Iconic Heroes sets.

Let's not forget that the Pathfinder Iconics have years of backstory.

The Starfinder Iconics are brandnew and don't have that level of popularity.

I hate to be a spoilsport, but i am very sure these are the only non-random miniature sets we'll see for Starfinder if prices stay that high.

I suspect it's economics rather than the company. Although we each make our purchasing decisions based on some measure of intrinsic value, such considerations don't really factor into pricing (other than indirectly).

Price is all about market and it wouldn't surprise me if the market for prepainted fantasy miniatures is twenty times the size of the market for prepainted science-fantasy miniatures. (I'm sure it's some multiple and two times is enough to affect the price-per-unit, I expect).

Hopefully, Starfinder is a success. If the market grows to the point ninja studios feel comfortable producing more, the price should drop a little.

I tried magnifying the product packaging photos a little bit, but the image quality is not that great. I have now added these minis to my gallery website:

Dark Archive

It looks like the Starfinder miniatures are gonna be even more detailed than the "Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes" ones:

Beasts of War

You can click on the individual pictures to enlarge them.

Here is a link to the manufacturers webstore Soda Pop Miniatures , where you can preorder the minis INDIVIDUALLY - take note, that ordering them in the two upcoming packs ($39.99 srp) will be cheaper and that some online-stores offer them cheaper still.

Take also note, that shipping is now to begin on 21st of august 2017!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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The minis they're offering now (and will also be offering at Gen Con) are unpainted resin. The packs coming later will be prepainted plastic.

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
The minis they're offering now (and will also be offering at Gen Con) are unpainted resin. The packs coming later will be prepainted plastic.

First, thank you for clarifying that, Vic. :-)

Second: do you know if the sculpts are gonna be the same?
Because the unpainted ones are looking really detailed imo.

Third: So the packs are gonna be out ETA october to december (like miniaturemarket lists)?

Have a great weekend!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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The sculpts are the same, but based on my own personal experience with molded products, I would expect resin to capture the detail a bit better than plastic does. And yes, the last I heard, the preprints were due in that window.

Dark Archive

You can see the pre-painted minis and ships here from GenCon 50, the iconics do seem to be a little bigger than the final product probably will be.

Starfinder minis

You don´t have to log in to facebook, just click on the large picture and then again to go to the next one.

The ships look much more detailed than in the previous pictures.
It is especially nice, that the sizes are right (from the tiny Necroglider to the gargantuan Omenbringer), though the all fit on the same hex-bases.

I hope they will be available as singles later, as i want to have battles with an Omenbringer discharging it´s full two hangar bays filled with 16 Necrogliders at the PCs ship(s).

Peorders for these are beginning to appear on other sites. Any chance we'll see a subscription offered soon? (Or just a preorder option?)

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

I had the same question

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We tend to avoid offering subs for product lines from new licensees until they've had some time to demonstrate to everyone that they are able to offer the sort of predictability that customers expect with subscriptions.

I will see what's holding up our preorder offerings.

Ah, I see. Makes sense.

Thanks Vic.

Dark Archive

Until these come out, i'm using Warhammer 40K, Star Wars, Battlefleet Gothic & X-Wing minis.
And because there are only the Iconics & Eoxian/Pact World ships being made, i can still use them in the future.

Scarab Sages

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Do we have any indication on when the resin unpainted will be available here. I really need a vesk mini!!!

Dark Archive

I have found some pictures that show the Starfinder ship minis to be REALLY DETAILED:

twitter pics.

But i´m actually quite worried about when or IF these minis will be available, because Ninja Division/Soda Pop Miniatures have deleted all Starfinder products from their homepage - they still have Pathfinder Worldscape though...

Dark Archive

Special Starfinder™ Miniatures Announcement September 27

We should know more in about twelve hours...

Chief Operations Officer

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All, I've been speaking with the guys from Ninja Division and they believe that a shipment of the Starfinder resin minis will be coming in next week. If they do, we should have ours the week after so stay tuned.

Hi Jeff

I'm getting quite confused by the Ninja Division miniatures products.

Are the "resin" minis you mention the prepainted minis referenced in this blog? Or are they the unpainted versions pictured?

Is it perhaps that the intended line been cancelled now there's a kickstarter?

I've preordered the hero sets and fleet sets and so forth, but I have no idea which announcements pertain to them.

Is there a source of information somewhere which outlines what all the miniatures they plan are? Which ones are prepainted? Things like that?


Chief Operations Officer

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Steve Geddes wrote:

Hi Jeff

I'm getting quite confused by the Ninja Division miniatures products.

Are the "resin" minis you mention the prepainted minis referenced in this blog? Or are they the unpainted versions pictured?

Is it perhaps that the intended line been cancelled now there's a kickstarter?

I've preordered the hero sets and fleet sets and so forth, but I have no idea which announcements pertain to them.

Is there a source of information somewhere which outlines what all the miniatures they plan are? Which ones are prepainted? Things like that?


Hey Steve! No worries, it is a complicated message but I'll due my best to untangle things for you.

Starfinder Masterclass Resin Miniatures
This is the resin, unpainted line under official license. Ninja Division have always expected to run a KS campaign to expand the line and that is running now (as of this morning). The release of them at Gen Con was strictly to gin up interest in the line and help promote the SF launch. They were running a pre-order on them up until the KS went live and then it was removed. They didn't want to cloud the message with two different ordering methods.

Stafinder Pre-Painted Miniatures
This is also an officially licensed product and will resemble the WZK PF Battles: Iconics releases (i.e. not blind boxed or randomized). These are what you've pre-ordered on

Does that help? Any further info needed?

That's great, Jeff. Thanks. I always have more questions though.. :)

If I read you right, the kickstarter is expanding the unpainted line. Is that right?

(Material of the minis is irrelevant to me, all I care about is that someone else does the painting).

Scratch that. I read the instructions. :p

The answer is yes - the KS minis are unpainted.

FWIW, I think I'm confused because promo shots of the unpainted line often include painted samples. And the blog above (promoting a line of "prepainted miniatures") includes pictures of unpainted minis.

I realise I should be able to work it out from the words, but I'd greatly prefer it personally if the pictures matched the product I'm going to get.


Chief Operations Officer

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Steve Geddes wrote:

FWIW, I think I'm confused because promo shots of the unpainted line often include painted samples. And the blog above (promoting a line of "prepainted miniatures" includes pictures of unpainted minis.

I realise I should be able to work it out from the words, but I'd greatly prefer it personally if the pictures matched the product I'm going to get.


Hey Steve. Understood and we will try and get our act together on future product releases. ;)

Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

FWIW, I think I'm confused because promo shots of the unpainted line often include painted samples. And the blog above (promoting a line of "prepainted miniatures" includes pictures of unpainted minis.

I realise I should be able to work it out from the words, but I'd greatly prefer it personally if the pictures matched the product I'm going to get.


Hey Steve. Understood and we will try and get our act together on future product releases. ;)

I don't think you should take my lack of attention span as a valid criticism really. Just a datapoint. :)

Thanks for clarifying for me - I can settle back to waiting impatiently for my preorders!

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