Pathfinder Battles Preview: Winter is Coming

Friday, January 17, 2014

We've previewed all of the figures in the Wrath of the Righteous set, which officially releases next week! As a special treat this week, I want to show off three figures from the NEXT set, Reign of Winter, which is currently slated for a May 14 release.

The Reign of Winter Adventure Path concerns several winter witches (which we'll get to in future reveals), but I wanted to kick off the previews for this set with one of our favorite iconic characters, Feiya! This figure, entitled Feiya, Human Witch, is a great representation of Wayne Reynolds's iconic character art, originally from the witch class description in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player's Guide. She makes a great female spellcaster player character, and her dark blue color scheme makes her a perfect proxy for an enemy mystic. Feiya, Human Witch is a Medium uncommon figure.

A witch is nothing without her familiar, of course, so we simply had to include Feiya's fox familiar, Daji, in the Reign of Winter set. We call Daji "Fox," and have slated him at the common rarity. He is a Small figure.

In many ways the most important character in the Reign of Winter campaign, the arch-witch Baba Yaga makes several appearances in the Adventure Path. WizKids has done a fantastic job with both the sculpt and the paint application for this biggest of big bads, right down to the colorful orange carrot on her pack and the cool shrunken head at the top of her staff. Baba Yaga is a Medium, rare figure.

And that's it for this week. We've got a ways to go until the May release of the Reign of Winter set, so I'm going to focus on about three figures per preview for the time being.

In the meantime, check out stores and mailboxes starting NEXT WEEK for the Wrath of the Righteous minis set, and come back here next Friday for a look at more awesome Reign of Winter miniatures!

Erik Mona

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter
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Myfly wrote:

How does Feiya to be replaced?

Usual Wizkids channels for replacement are?

We don't know yet. Something is going to happen. Eventually. But it's evidently complicated. So we don't know. Yet.

Partial reveal in July 25th's blog:

Erik Mona wrote:
FEIYA UPDATE: While some details remain to be ironed out, I can reveal that WizKids intends to replace any unsuitable Feiya figure with a brand new, higher-quality version through their normal figure redemption service. The replacement figure will be the same sculpt, with an improved paint job. The text on the bottom of the base will be identical. These replacement figures are currently in production, so I can't reveal exactly WHEN they will be ready, but I can publicly confirm that this is the plan, and that the plan is in motion as you read this. We'll reveal more in future updates as I get more information, but I wanted to at least confirm that anyone who wants a replacement figure will (relatively) soon be able to get one through the normal figure replacement channels.

And later in the discussion thread...

Erik Mona wrote:
I haven't yet revealed ALL of the different ways of getting a better Feiya. I ask you to hang tight for a bit longer, as I think once the whole story is out there you'll be pretty satisfied.

I'm hoping that Paizo will get a supply of them to deliver to their customers. (i.e.: 1 to every customer who ordered a case through Paizo).

*fingers crossed*

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

I'm hoping that Paizo will get a supply of them to deliver to their customers. (i.e.: 1 to every customer who ordered a case through Paizo).

*fingers crossed*

Where I do hope there is a better alternative (in replacing Feiya) than through WizKids normal replacement, I hope this is not the only better alternative.

Not all of us have bought cases from Paizo, or ‘all’ our cases from Paizo, and I hope there is a better solution on replacing those Feiya’s as well besides WizKids standard replacement procedure.

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