Pathfinder Battles Preview: Elementally, My Dear Watson

Friday, January 4, 2013

We're now less than three weeks from the January 23rd release date for the new Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures! So far we've revealed nearly 40 of the set's 55 figures, but a little math will tell you that from now until the release date, we've got to reveal a decent number of figures to show them all off before you can buy them yourselves in the store.

So let's go off to the races!

We've previously revealed the Medium and Large Fire Elementals, and the Medium and Large Water Elementals. This week, it's time to reveal two more elementals, leaving only two more for future previews.

First up we have the Medium Earth Elemental, a rocky bruiser erupting from the ground to smash some hurt onto the heads of your player characters. Painted in dark browns and grays and with glowing red eyes, this figure is a pretty typical example of its kind. Cool green crystal formations along his arms give the Medium Earth Elemental a distinctive look. The whole figure is sculpted in clear plastic because we originally wanted to leave the crystals completely clear, or slightly greenish tinted to match the colors on the original art for this creature, which first appeared in the Bestiary Box. Much to our surprise, versions of the figure featuring a pearlescent coat of green paint over the crystals actually looked much better than the clear plastic, so as in the case with some of the other elementals, we decided to go with paint over clear plastic. This surprised me (I thought we'd prefer clear), but in this case a huge consensus of Paizonians agreed that the painted crystals simply looked better.

But all was not lost for lovers of clear plastic! We used the mold for the Medium Earth Elemental as the basis for the Lava Lurker figure that's part of the ongoing Pathfinder Online Kickstarter Campaign. That figure is very much clear, with red tints that make him look like, well, he lurks in lava.

Bigger is often better, and that adage is certainly true when it comes to earth elementals! Behold the Large Earth Elemental, a dude you definitely don't want pounding you into the dirt (but whom you may wish to summon to pound someone else!). The coloration on this figure is very similar to his Medium counterpart, only at a size pushing the very top of Large, he's significantly more intimidating. I love this figure's wide jaw and expressive face. You can almost hear him shouting "IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!"

The Medium elementals in this set are at the common rarity, while the Larges are rares.

I'm going to hold on to the Large and Medium Air Elementals until a future preview. They are also awesome, but I don't want to over-elementalize you guys in one sitting. I'll leave that for when you open your own boxes of the Shattered Star set and start assembling your own elemental armies!

Instead, let's take a look at two more Large figures from the Shattered Star set!

Up next we have the Glass Golem, a figure with such a complex paint scheme that it was one of the very last to be completed (and thus my cruddy iPhone photo will have to suffice for the moment). As the Shining Child from the Rise of the Runelords set and this set's elementals have taught us, "clear" figures are among the trickiest to get right in the painting stage.

Simply casting the figures in clear plastic never works, as important sculpt details vanish without proper shading. Painting over the clear plastic completely has proven to be the correct option in a few cases, but it always seems like a bit of a disappointment and a copout. The best solution, as Goldilocks certainly knew, was to get the paint balance JUUUUUST RIGHT. In the case of the Glass Golem, we wanted not just a neat clear effect, but something that actually looks like glass. After several tries, we finally got the balance right.

Last up this week is the cantankerous Fire Giant, a mean old brute ready to hack you apart with his crude sword. Thanks to drybrushing (and a little bit of clear plastic peeking through here and there), this guy looks like he burns with an inner fire. His face and fiery beard are very expressive, and will make him stand out among his other giant kin.

That's it for this week! Next week we'll take a look at some more key NPCs from the Shattered Star Adventure Path!

Also next week, we'll reveal additional details about a special convention-season promotional repaint goblin figure that we'll be distributing throughout 2013! Backers of the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter Campaign at the Goblin Squad level and above will get a certificate to receive this figure FREE at Gen Con. So come on back and check it out, this is definitely a figure you will not want to miss!

See you in seven days!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

These all look great! I so happy to see such attention to detail as depicted on the glass golem with respect to the paint balance you mentioned. "Other companies" would have taken the cheap way out and just cast it in clear plastic and called it done.

We have now seen the white background, production proofs for 34 minis. Are there still plans to show us white background, production proofs for the other 21 miniatures?

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So... to get the eventual question out of the way...

For those poor sods (such as myself) who are Goblin Squad members but won't being going to a Con this year will we be able to have the repaint goblin shipped to us?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

These all look great, but I am going to complain just a little. While the Earth Elementals look amazing, I do not like errupting out of the ground minis. It has always felt like I am only getting half the mini. I know that some people really like the effect but it's just not for me. I'll probably get them anyway but here's hoping in a few set down the line we can get some earth elementals not errupting from the ground. :-)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kieviel wrote:

So... to get the eventual question out of the way...

For those poor sods (such as myself) who are Goblin Squad members but won't being going to a Con this year will we be able to have the repaint goblin shipped to us?

The "free" part is happening as part of promotion we're doing with Gen Con, so if you want it free, you'll need to be a Goblin Squad member *and* a Gen Con attendee. There will be other ways to get this mini, which we'll talk about later, but rest assured that Goblin Squad members who don't go to Gen Con, Gen Con attendees who aren't Goblin Squad members, and customers will all eventually have opportunities to pick up this mini.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Cool, thanks for the answer Vic. I really appreciate how quickly the Paizo folks are with answers :-)

Oh, and I love this week's minis. Looking forward to picking them up when I get my tax return.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I have a feeling that the Large elementals are going to get spendy on the secondary market. I hope I get several in my bricks, they look great.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I look forward to my army of elementals :D

January 23rd is MUCH too far away though :P

Will subscribers be receiving them on that date or is that when they will ship?

Silver Crusade

Heck as long as promotional minis end up here for sale. I'll be happy! I'd hate to be offered a mini that I'm entitled to but can't get it due my location. (backing the KS)

Won't be attending GC (wish I could but unless a Powerball lottery falls in my lap that won't be happening :) )

Cool minis, love the glass golem & large elemental figures are always nice to have.

Dark Archive

As cool as a repaint goblin is having to pick it up at GENCON IS NOT! In fact part of the reason I won't be making GenCon is I'm supporting the kickstart. Please reconsider this program, charge me for shipping sure but don't penalize me for supporting one thing and as result not being able to attend another. I am starting to think Paizo is losing sight of the pen and paper people who support this company for 10 years in favor of the new kid (the MMO). I for one am not happy with this new found focus.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
Curmudgeonly wrote:
Will subscribers be receiving them on that date or is that when they will ship?

As an overseas customer I'd like to know the answer to that as well - can make a 2-3 week difference in hands on date.

As for the minis:

Elementals - Love them. Excellent scale for both and a beautiful paintjob. These will be popular. I woudl also like to see some non-erupting earth elementals but have no complaints or negativity about these ones. A+ at this time.

Glass Golem - Can't say I was expecting this one, jut held out faint hope it may get done. Was looking for a suitable proxy until now. Could even double as a ice golem, ice elemental with the white dry brushing. The pose looks great, but the photo makes it look like it has a faint lean backwards.

Fire Giant - I want to have unreserved love for this, fire giants are among my favourite creatures. This one looks truly awesome and I really want it in hand to judge semi translucency. Color looks great - love the muted reds and gold armor, awesome face and looks to be a good scale for the other giants released by you (hill, frost and stone). Would love to see a photo of all the giants alongside each other to get a better idea of scale.

Lastly is there any news on an encounter pack at this time? By this sets release date I'll have 2 codes to use and nothing for them.
My scale concern is that a lot of other large minis (elementals and troll) appear to be a lot larger than him, especially the new troll. I always figured the fire giant to be one of the largest and nastiest of giants - right at the limit of large.

My only problem with the mini - the spikes coming of the shoulders, especially when viewed from behind, they just seem unecessary and awkward.
Can't wait for the next blog. Surprise golem has me excited as to what NPC's made the cut.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:

As cool as a repaint goblin is having to pick it up at GENCON IS NOT! In fact part of the reason I won't be making GenCon is I'm supporting the kickstart. Please reconsider this program, charge me for shipping sure but don't penalize me for supporting one thing and as result not being able to attend another. I am starting to think Paizo is losing sight of the pen and paper people who support this company for 10 years in favor of the new kid (the MMO). I for one am not happy with this new found focus.

I had the same concern and posted it elsewhere - Lisa came back with a very satisfying answer. Paizo will always be focussed on the P&P game they just want to get the kickstarter to be a success. The goblin is a convention exclusive - like the festering spirit, but this time with an ADDED bonus for th ekickstarter backers. Otherwise same basic idea and conditions. As an aussie I will most likely never get to Gen Con on my budget but I'm happt to wait and get it, just like the festering spirirt.

Technically the minis are wizkidz products so you couls almost argue Paizo focus on this line sidetracks their P&P game. Well, you could. I wouldn't and I'd dang well challenge any rascally wabbit that tried that one on...

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Just figured out what it is thats bugging me about the fire giants shoulders. His pauldrons are painted in his flesh tone! Shouldn't they be gold like the rest of his armour? This is more evident in the photo showing him from behind.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I'm pretty sure mine will about five minutes after I open them.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Generally now Paizo ship stuff in the week before release, so I'd expect authorisations to go out next Thursday-Friday, with shipping happening the week starting the 13th.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

These all look great! I so happy to see such attention to detail as depicted on the glass golem with respect to the paint balance you mentioned. "Other companies" would have taken the cheap way out and just cast it in clear plastic and called it done.

We have now seen the white background, production proofs for 34 minis. Are there still plans to show us white background, production proofs for the other 21 miniatures?

Yeah, I'll dump them online eventually, if only to keep your site looking awesome. Some of them need to be re-shot because they were taken from bad angles, or shot in the first place because we didn't get the final production minis until after we'd shot the bulk of them (like the Glass Golem).

But I'll put them all on here eventually.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Cat-thulhu wrote:

Lastly is there any news on an encounter pack at this time? By this sets release date I'll have 2 codes to use and nothing for them.

My scale concern is that a lot of other large minis (elementals and troll) appear to be a lot larger than him, especially the new troll. I always figured the fire giant to be one of the largest and nastiest of giants - right at the limit of large.

No news yet on Encounter Packs, but I can confirm that several are in various stages of production/discussion, so you are going to get chances to use those codes in 2013 for sure.

The Troll Champion is, well, a Champion, so he is about as big as we think a troll chould possibly get. That makes him bigger than the fire giant in this set, but if we were to do a Fire Giant Champion, he'd probably end up being a bit bigger even than the Troll Champion.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Kind of figured it was a champion thing. If you do a fire giant champion do it like the stone giant champion in RotR, a little larger. WotC had a terrible habit of slowly making minis larger and larger (scale creep). It would be so much better to have a consistent range in terms of size and colour i.e. as you've been doing.

Grand Lodge

These look great. I really like the emeralds popping out of the Earth Elemental. I could see my party now after defeating one of these, "How much are those Emeralds worth?"

Since I am a Pathfinder Battles subscriber I will receive my case by the release date. Right? ;)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Our plan is to get them to subscribers as close to that date as possible.

Grand Lodge

That is all we can ask. Thanks.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Those Elementals do look great (although I agree that I don't like legless minis, DDM did that way too often in later sets). However, the Earth Elementals bear more than a passing resemblance to Prism Break (of the Skylanders mini-centric videogame), right down to the same krytonite-color crystal protruding from their bodies. Great minds think alike.

Dark Archive

OamuTheMonk wrote:
Those Elementals do look great (although I agree that I don't like legless minis, DDM did that way too often in later sets).

Agreed. I don't like legless minis either, especially the medium elemental looks a bit weird to me. A minor issue, perhaps, as otherwise all these minis are gorgeous! :)

Interesting how our minds work. I looked at them and just saw them as "bursting through" the ground and figured they had legs.

But I agree, they all look good regardless.

Its funny that I never noticed that the earth elementals weren't really complete. Although I do like these minis, my preference is definitely to have a miniature posed with all its anatomy. These images now start to remind me of one of the minis which I really detested the most from WotC:

Flailing Hunk of Plastic Girallon

These miniatures are looking better every single set. Some of these sculpts and paint jobs are really beautiful even on the production run minis I have seen second hand.

One question I have - has paizo considered selling these unpainted? I would imagine they'd be a bit cheaper overall but I have no idea how it would work.

just wondering!


PsychoticWarrior wrote:

These miniatures are looking better every single set. Some of these sculpts and paint jobs are really beautiful even on the production run minis I have seen second hand.

One question I have - has paizo considered selling these unpainted? I would imagine they'd be a bit cheaper overall but I have no idea how it would work.

just wondering!

Mage knight tried this... you can still pick the packs up at gencon 10 years later for under $3 a pack

Wow, these the minis keep looking better and better.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Its funny that I never noticed that the earth elementals weren't really complete. Although I do like these minis, my preference is definitely to have a miniature posed with all its anatomy. These images now start to remind me of one of the minis which I really detested the most from WotC:

Flailing Hunk of Plastic Girallon

Wow, that's really laughably bad.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

That set and the one before had some shockers. Sadly around this time wizards minis really lost some quality in the sculpts and paint. Take a look at these, some are notoriously bad now:

Against the giants gallery

Recovered a little after that one but never really got the fans back - you could see it in the posts on a number of sites. Focus became more and more citical of their minis.

Now, any news on the breakdown of the minsi? Rare vs uncommon vs commons? Large vs medium?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

I recently got the red dragon from Against the Giants and was really impressed with the sculpt, though it could have used several additional paint steps (especially as a rare). There are some very good sculpts in that set (I like the roper, the fire titan looks pretty good, and the xorn and cockatrice look pretty good (though I don't have any of them).

I had bailed on DDM at this point, so even though these sets definitely have their weaknesses, there are a few gems in there.

Earth titan and owlbear look pretty good. I have some owlbear repaints, and while I don't love the standing pose, it's a solid figure.

Carrion crawler is cute. Elder white looks pretty rad.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

I think maybe I like one figure in the Demonweb set (the imp). I assume that was the low point? I picked up some of the later sets and remember thinking there was an uptick at the end.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
Carrion crawler is cute. Elder white looks pretty rad.

I have both of these. The enormous carrion crawler isn't bad, but it has a strangely human-like face/head because of the way it is positioned that doesn't quite work for me. Otherwise it is a nice sculpt.

The elder white dragon (huge) is one of the last sculpts they did in DDM that is really terrific.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

My remarks were aimed squarely at Shocktrrop devil, (Mr Toweling self off) visceral devourer, Yuan-Ti Anathema (Shudder), Armoured (?) gulvorg, the dragonborn, the storm giant, the cloaktrick rogue, blackroot treant and hellwasp.
MAny of the others were good and did resotre quality from the abominable Demonweb. However in Demonweb I can say I liked more than 1 and in hand these appealed to me: Rakshasa assassin, bearded devil, black dragon (though by this stage we had been given waaay to many large blackdragons), skull lord, cyclops hewer (the asthetic on the cyclops was alright by this time), deathcap and web golem. So not all were atrocious in hand Erik. The rest were really, really bad.
After these sets wizrds were really hit and miss, each set a mix of great sculpts and really aweful ones.

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