Happy Blogiversary!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

As of Friday, October 19th, the Paizo Blog will have been in action for six whole months. There's been laughter, there've been tears (mostly mine), there've been sneak previews, setting information, contests, and a boatload of new art, and it's generally been a good time for all involved.

But now we're coming up on that crucial six-month mark, that time in every relationship where we have to look hard at each other and ask some serious questions: Are you satisfied? Are your needs being met? Do you think this blog has what it takes to keep you interested in the long run, or are we just a casual thing?

To let us know what you like most about the blog, where we could improve, and what you'd like to see more of in the months to come, head on over to the Blog Feedback thread on our messageboards and make your needs known—communication is, after all, the key to a healthy relationship, and we'd really like to make this work....

James Sutter
Assistant Editor, Pathfinder

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