What horrors and fearsome bogeymen await in Classic Monsters Revisited? Among the creatures presented in that savage-filled volume are the cunning and fear-mongering bugbears. And what spawned these foul creatures? Read on, gentle readers, and quake in fear!
"Bugbears are the loners of goblinkind. One creation myth claims the first bugbears were born to goblin parents, but emerged from the womb covered in shaggy fur. They soon proved far different from their kin, delighting in terrorizing other children and eventually murdering several members of the tribe, until they were cast out to wander aimlessly forever alone. Some skulked in the shadows surrounding their parents' communities and preyed on their own, savoring the fear. On occasion, adventurers discover goblinoid settlements reduced to ghost towns. Some whisper that such places are laid to waste when a family in the tribe birthed a bugbear and it hunted them to the last."
—Classic Monsters Revisited