GM Valen's Pathfinder Society Quest #8: Shadows of the Black Sovereign (22 CP)

Game Master Lysle

Start Date: We have begun!

Slides & Maps

Destiny of Sands | | Shadows of the Black Sovereign

A place for out-of-character discussion.

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +13E Nature: +8T Occult: +11T Religion: +8T|HP: 51/51 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/5

1) Character name: Aeinquel

2) Have you played or GM'd this quest before? No

3) If you wish, Earn Income with roll (Please note any special boons/notes): Earn Income check, Crafting (E), including sterling artisan's kit for calligraphy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +13E Nature: +8T Occult: +11T Religion: +8T|HP: 51/51 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/5

I also have a lot of purchases to record on my profile--the last several games I've played him in have been in person, and I haven't transcribed my (handwritten!) notes.

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (9/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

Character name: Hancock (the Angry)
Have you played or GM'd this quest before? No
Earn Income roll: Earn Income check, Legal Lore: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20, using Storied Talent boon to aim for 5th level income.

Storied Talent (Horizon Hunters) boon:
Word of your skill and expertise is spreading, and you find that increasingly prestigious clients are prepared to pay for your services. When using Downtime to Earn Income, you can choose to attempt a task of your level. Normal: When Earning Income, a PC can attempt a task of their level –2 or lower.

Destiny of Sands | | Shadows of the Black Sovereign

It looks like the other quest is going to fire, so I presume that Oskar Z. has dropped this table.

I will proceed with the five players we have presently and then offer this quest again in the future as promised.

Destiny of Sands | | Shadows of the Black Sovereign
GM Valen wrote:

It looks like the other quest is going to fire, so I presume that Oskar Z. has dropped this table.

I will proceed with the five players we have presently and then offer this quest again in the future as promised.

I should not have presumed. Welcome aboard Oskar Z.

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (9/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

Hancok is taking a salve of antiparalysis as his Pathfinder Provisions.

Grand Archive

Female Elf Investigator 3 [LEVEL BUMP] HP 40/40 Hero Points 1/1 AC 21 (23 w Shield) Saves F+6 R+12 W+11 Perc +10 Exploration Investigate Active Conditions: n/a Reactions: Clue in, Lead: [The Disappearance of Zatqualmish]

If I'm doing my math correctly, it looks like both Pennypockets and I would be getting a level bump. Any other mentorship boons?

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (9/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

Hancock, but his is just a duplicate (Horizon Hunters Rugged Mentor).

Destiny of Sands | | Shadows of the Black Sovereign

I am heading out of town tomorrow and may not be posting again until sometime Monday, February 10.

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (9/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

I am confused as to how Fast Movement (a feat) and Furious Footfalls (barbarian ability) interact. Should his speed be 40' instead of 30'? They are both status bonuses so it seems they should not stack, but then what is the point of the feat if it does not?

Grand Archive

Female Elf Investigator 3 [LEVEL BUMP] HP 40/40 Hero Points 1/1 AC 21 (23 w Shield) Saves F+6 R+12 W+11 Perc +10 Exploration Investigate Active Conditions: n/a Reactions: Clue in, Lead: [The Disappearance of Zatqualmish]

Fast Movement is a feat in the core rulebook, and Furious Footfall is a feature in the remaster Player Core 2. I think the reason that the feat doesn't have a point is that they made it a feature in the Remaster.

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (9/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

That makes total sense! Missed that when I 'remastered' the character.

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