Goblins Must Die! (Pathfinder 1e Newbie Game) (Inactive)

Game Master DeJoker

Goblins Must Die!:
This game will be a campaign where a group of PCs are heading out to rid a nearby "dungeon" of the Goblins that keep plaguing their town. Whereupon they will find that the face far more than just Goblins and Goblins come in varieties.

As stated in Recruitment this is a game being created for a player that is not only brand new to Pathfinder 1e but also new to role playing games in general. As such this will be a very Newbie friendly game.

Once you have posted interest in this game in the discussion thread here are the basics of character creation.

Character Creation Guidelines

Attributes: Roll 3d6 six times keep two and then add 6 to each.

This will give you a range of 8 to 18 with the average being about 13. If for some reason you do not average a 13 for your attributes then you may opt to roll again until you do but once you choose not to use a set of rolls and roll a new set you cannot go back.

We will be using Background Skills and we will be using Traits. Each character gets 2 Traits with the option of 1 additional Trait but only if a meaningful Drawback is taken.

I will be using the source material found on aonprd.com but with the caveat that some things may be limited due to this being a newbie game. Still feel free to ask the worst I may say is no, while I met say yes, or I might say well how about this instead.

Everything else about character creation (as well game creation) will be handled within the Discussion thread.

Look forward to running this game and having fun with folks.