Dragotha's Gaze

Age of Worms Adventure Path

So I've been trying to figure out how Dragoth's pertrifying gaze works. Looking at the gaze special ability in the back of the MM it seems to imply that anyone looking at him needs to make a save and he can spend a standard action to specifically target someone on his turn who would have to make a second save?

However... part of me swears that unless it specifically says something in the creature's text, such as that for a medusa, a gaze attack doesn't automatically call for a save unless the creature specifically targets an opponent on its turn.

A little side note from the Draconomicon is that anyone making the save verses the dracolich's paraysing gaze is forever immune to it.

Any input out there. Which way is it supposed to play? Automatically make a save when looking at him or only when targeted.



I think Dragotha has a Paralyzing gaze – not a Petrifying gaze. I could be wrong, I don’t have the stats in front of me, but I just ran this fight so the stat block is somewhat fresh in my head.

Everything you’ve said is right to my recollection, with the exception of the part of you that swears (funny how that sounds…) In other words, forget what your instincts tell you about the medusa; yes, automatic saves are in order within Dragotha’s range (40 feet). I don’t recall that creatures are forever immune to the gaze after saving, but saving against his fear aura (330 feet) is a one-shot deal.

I wouldn’t sweat the gaze attack: two of my players were half-dragons and immune to paralysis. One of the other players had the Balakarde’s Ability that confers immunity to Paralysis to all friends within 30 feet. After round 2, I decided not to bother with this ability since PCs were generally sticking together. It’s a trade off – My PCs knew that Dragotha would be handing out molten kisses every 1d4-1 rounds (compliments of Recover Breath) due to them grouping together.

Yeah you're right on the name. Going from memory here... slow day at work.

Maybe my thinking on gaze attacks is an old 2nd ed. hold over. Who knows. Anyways thought I'd check and see if anyone else remembered what I was thinking I remembered.

Also I'm pretty sure that the draconomicon notes that a creature who save successfuly gains immunity to one of a dracoliches paralysis effects and I'm pretty sure its not from the attack version?



Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Somebody can double-check me on this - I typed in all the stat blocks, including the text of the special abilities. The text below is what I have in my file, and is therefore probably exactly what's in the magazine for Dragotha's stat block, but it's possible this note crept in from somewhere else (if I updated info from the Draconomicon, for example, which I may have done when looking at metabreath feats to improve the big guy) - in any case:

"Paralyzing Gaze (Su): Dragotha’s gaze can paralyze victims within 40 feet who fail a DC 46 Fortitude save. If the saving throw is successful, the victim is forever immune to his gaze. If it fails, the victim is paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based."

Cintra Bristol wrote:

Somebody can double-check me on this - I typed in all the stat blocks, including the text of the special abilities. The text below is what I have in my file, and is therefore probably exactly what's in the magazine for Dragotha's stat block, but it's possible this note crept in from somewhere else (if I updated info from the Draconomicon, for example, which I may have done when looking at metabreath feats to improve the big guy) - in any case:

"Paralyzing Gaze (Su): Dragotha’s gaze can paralyze victims within 40 feet who fail a DC 46 Fortitude save. If the saving throw is successful, the victim is forever immune to his gaze. If it fails, the victim is paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based."

This is correct, except the save # is 44. The fact that it's listed under special attacks (along with his breath weapons and tail slap) would make me rule that the save wouldn't be required unless it targeted a PC with it.

I believe all gaze attacks are automatic unless specified otherwise.

Thanks for the clarrification.

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