GM Computerpro82 4-05 Arclord who never was & 4-10 Arclord's Abode (Inactive)

Game Master Eric Parker 82

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RPGChronicles Arclord who never was
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RPGChronicles for Arclord's Abode
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Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Serj might be our man with his +11, but instead of rolling all the checks immediately, I wanted to pause both to discover an answer to Slipp's question, as well as leave some room for those with a decent ratio of success and/or hero points to burn to step up, before he cleans house.


Grand Archive

Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |

I'll try to clarify the initial statement:

To open each cabinet, you can either:
1. You can understand the nature of each magical ward by succeeding at a DC 16 Arcana or a DC 18 Nature, Occultism or Religion check to Recall Knowledge.
2. Anyone who succeeds at a DC 21 Thievery check to Disable a Device can also bypass the wards.

A success at either of the above opens that specific cabinet.

For either of the checks above
A critical success gives greater understanding of all the wards, imparting a +2 circumstance bonus to all further attempts with any of the cabinets.

Success opens that specific cabinet

A failure in either attempt results in the party member attempting the check taking 1d6 electricity damage (or 2d6 electricity damage on a critical failure).

Two failures or critical failures in any combination on any one cabinet leads to energy being channeled inward to that cabinet, destroying the item within.

And because Hancock is thinking about it, here's a direct quote from the scenario:


Trying to force open a cabinet with Athletics results in that PC taking 2d6 electricity damage and counts as a failure for that cabinet.

You might allow a little time for your fellow players in other time zones to contribute.

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (0/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

Nice. So the DCs for other skills is more manageable.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

By my counts we got one more cabinet - let me know if you all want Serj to take a crack at it?

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (0/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

As far as I'm concerned, go for it. It also matches the frenetic energy of your characters to be trying ALL the cabinets.

Edit: I guess we are done here so no need. Time to move forward!

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (0/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

Hey, stop critting Hancock!


Do you want me to wait to make the ST until his turn or do it now?

Grand Archive

Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |

Either now or at the start of your turn. It doesn't matter to me.

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (0/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

Question: On my character sheet I have a note that the damage from raging increases by 1 at level 3 and every 4 levels after that, but I cannot find any such thing in the rule book. Did I get that from somewhere or is that a mistake?

Grand Archive

Male Human (Garundi) #43870-2003 | Investigator (Interrogation) 4 | HP 48/48 | Perc +10| AC: 18 | F: +7, R: +9 W: +10 Light Hammer +10 (+12 thrown) 2d6B; Whip +12* 2d4S
1) Faisel 2) Salamander

Luz can keep just takes 10 minutes per attempt. Let me know I can do the rolling.

Grand Archive

Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |

Hancock, I don't see anything that increases Rage damage. Could it be part of your Rage Instinct?

Luz, it is up to the party as to how long you stay. According to my math, Martin is still down 9 HP and Hancock down 1.

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (0/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

I wondered the same thing. I did see that damage increased for the instinct, but only the electrical part. I'm wondering if it is a holdover from the playtest. In any case I am convinced it does not belong and will remove it from my character sheet.

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (0/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

In the interest of RP I think it would be fun to have Hancock take a swing at Bull Market with his maul. Would that be OK? Perhaps at the end of the adventure when it will not matter game-wise?

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:2/4;L:2 0/4;L3:0+0/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

I'm out until Monday. Please bot as required.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Lovely PbP Games.

I am beginning a two week road trip tonight, anticipating for that time my posting to be spottier and lower quality. I am bringing internet with me, but my ability to move my token on the slideshow will be diminished, and I will most likely request some assistance there.


Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Unclear if all PCs must make the three consecutive checks.

I am heavy traveling today - wanted to repair Bull Market before moving along.

Will check in a few hours from now to roll a bunch of crafting checks!

Grand Archive

Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |

Only one PC needs to make the check to retrieve the scroll, so that is done.

I'll wait until you get Bull Market repaired before doing anything significant.

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:2/4;L:2 0/4;L3:0+0/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

And away for a couple of days at a funeral. Feel free to NPC me. General go-to is electric arc (2d4+4+1, basic reflex DC 19) and intimidating glare (+11).
But feel free to use real spell slots. Slipp, despite all appearances, is actually good at healing folk too, so if Hancock (or anyone) starts to look a bit ragged, drop a heal spell.

Grand Archive

Male Human (Garundi) #43870-2003 | Investigator (Interrogation) 4 | HP 48/48 | Perc +10| AC: 18 | F: +7, R: +9 W: +10 Light Hammer +10 (+12 thrown) 2d6B; Whip +12* 2d4S
1) Faisel 2) Salamander

Awesome job GM, please let me know if you have any other open sessions!

Grand Archive

Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |

I'm going to be busy for the next couple of weeks, so I don't expect to start anything until after the 5th of July.

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (0/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

Did we ever do down time rolls?

Grand Archive

Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |

You can do them now. I will go ahead and report the session, but won't generate chronicle sheet until folks have had a couple of days to do their down time and finish any roleplay they want to accomplish.

Technically, Downtime is the players' responsibility, but I include it on the chronicle as a courtesy.

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (0/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

downtime, legal lore: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

He hates his job. When is the next mission, he constantly asks himself.

Grand Archive

Femalish Poppet (Unicorn) - Wishborn Arcanist - 4 | hp: 34/34 | AC:17 | F:7 R:6 W:9 | P:7 I:7 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2017

Starlight assists other astronomers.

astronomy lore: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Grand Archive

Male Human (Garundi) #43870-2003 | Investigator (Interrogation) 4 | HP 48/48 | Perc +10| AC: 18 | F: +7, R: +9 W: +10 Light Hammer +10 (+12 thrown) 2d6B; Whip +12* 2d4S
1) Faisel 2) Salamander

Lore for EIC: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:2/4;L:2 0/4;L3:0+0/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

downtime(perfor(: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (0/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging


None of us seem to be into our normal jobs.

Envoy's Alliance

NG Skilled Heritage Human Summoner 5 | Eidolon| HP 78/78| AC 20| F +12 R +9 W +12 | Perc +12 | Stealth +4 | speed 25 ft. | Active Conditions: --- | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ | Spells: L2 - 1/2, L3 2/2

Earn Income: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |

Chronicles have been sent via email. These things often end up in Spam folders, so if you don't see it in your inbox, please check there.

Please let me know if you have any issues.

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (0/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging

Thanks. Got mine. Bought me some healer's gloves and a striking rune.

Grand Archive

Femalish Poppet (Unicorn) - Wishborn Arcanist - 4 | hp: 34/34 | AC:17 | F:7 R:6 W:9 | P:7 I:7 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2017

Chronicle retrieved and filed. Thank you.

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:2/4;L:2 0/4;L3:0+0/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

Looks good. Many thanks.

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