Zephyr emir |

I think we jettisoned the idea of a new Session Zero with the rest of the old players ... right? Part of me still feels like it would be super helpful. Hi new players!
I am a few posts behind but I will catch up shortly.
GM is brilliant at botting Zephyr so I am sure that it is not a problem.
At this point, Zeph is almost like GM's kineticist sandbox ;)

The Declarative |
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To keep the narrative as-is, it simply makes more sense to me for you to be some of the VERY few that were powerful enough to escape Light intact. Revamping everyone's backstories to include everyone knowing each other (and other session 0 type stuff) would just be too extreme a change for me to keep "believing" in the story, if that makes sense.
We've lost a few players to Real Life (an awful enough beast for all of us), and likewise we've lost a few characters to the ravages of a dangerous world. I'm satisfied with this being our "starting point" for the current party.
If anyone wants to collaborate on "I remember this crazy prophet ranting on the street last year!" to know Zephyr, or if Leo and 'Detto want to 'recognize they trained together in Forge many years ago', that is perfectly fine, but otherwise getting to know each other and developing trust in a harsh world is fine with me too.
I'm open - now is the time to make these few final adjustments to both crunch and fluff so we have a solid base moving forward.

Zephyr emir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

To keep the narrative as-is, it simply makes more sense to me for you to be some of the VERY few that were powerful enough to escape Light intact. Revamping everyone's backstories to include everyone knowing each other (and other session 0 type stuff) would just be too extreme a change for me to keep "believing" in the story, if that makes sense.
We've lost a few players to Real Life (an awful enough beast for all of us), and likewise we've lost a few characters to the ravages of a dangerous world. I'm satisfied with this being our "starting point" for the current party.
If anyone wants to collaborate on "I remember this crazy prophet ranting on the street last year!" to know Zephyr, or if Leo and 'Detto want to 'recognize they trained together in Forge many years ago', that is perfectly fine, but otherwise getting to know each other and developing trust in a harsh world is fine with me too.
I'm open - now is the time to make these few final adjustments to both crunch and fluff so we have a solid base moving forward.
What they probably remember is closer to "an extraordinary zealout trying to convince people that all sylphs can fly" ... but I see your point ;)

Zephyr emir |

GM - can you confirm that the current range from Zeph to Ben is like 120'?
I want to see if he can simply lift them both above the magma pool and hopefully bring them closer to River

The Declarative |
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Normally I would always give a PC a perception check before sneaking up on him, but this is a bit of narrative fiat to remove a player. Leo hasn't posted in weeks (and even then was spotty, with ~2 posts in January, and no replies to PMs for weeks at a time)
I wish him all the best and hope RL is treating him alright, but I informed Leo earlier today he is being removed from the campaign so we can all better move the game forward and respect each others' time.
Just like with Luu Sanh and Albert, I am going to be leaving a narrative 'question mark' to allow him to come back at some future point, if deemed mutually acceptable.
I wanted to emphasize again that while I do like surprising and challenging PCs, gotchas and insta-kills are NOT my normal mode of operation. I tend to work a little more loosely when I need to reflect a player leaving the campaign.

Rίver |

River won't take part in this fight unless someone explicitly calls for her help. She's... mono-focused right now.

The Declarative |

Zeph, can you clarify whether you are unconscious right now? You were at 24/60 HP. With a successful save, you are at 14 / 60. You also took 18 points of nonlethal damage, which would put you at unconscious.
Fury would automatically cushion and slow down your fall, so no falling damage to worry about.

Zephyr emir |

Zeph, can you clarify whether you are unconscious right now? You were at 24/60 HP. With a successful save, you are at 14 / 60. You also took 18 points of nonlethal damage, which would put you at unconscious.
Fury would automatically cushion and slow down your fall, so no falling damage to worry about.
Those numbers are correct, so Zeph must be unconscious

The Declarative |
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'Good news, everyone!':
We have a fourth player! I received an inquiry over PM from a friend of a PC from my other table (that was a convoluted sentence), and they submitted a character that I think will be a great addition to our table. After ironing out the last details over the weekend, I think they will be joining us early next week.

The Declarative |

Zeph and Benedetto, please take the weekend to update your profile --- I know it's a lot of work now, but when (in the future) we gain a level, the small changes will be easy. It makes a world of difference for me to be able to find ability / spell / etc details, and DCs, attack bonuses, lay on hands details, exactly whta Burn does, how much burn for eahc ability, etc, etc, so that I know what is happening with your characters.
Thanks! :)

The Declarative |
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Here's our full cast of NPCs, for convenience:
--Drook, an ifrit boy nearly in his early teens, now squire to Benedetto. He has distinctive red/reflective markings around his eyes that resemble wings.
--Gull, the young sylph boy with shorn head and staring eyes. He carries a metal doll with him. Close relationship with River.
--Anan, the delicate-featured sylph whose formal way of speaking comes from his undine upbringing. He is Zephyr's devoted disciple.
--Gamberino, the hearty ifrit alchemist. Speaks with a heavy ifrit accent.

Corsa Petaccia |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hi everyone! I'm a bloodrager whose modus operandi is beating up bad guys with my steel-bound holy book. IRL I've been playing ttrpgs for about 3 years, but this is my first pbp and I'm super excited to get into it

The Declarative |

Welcome Corsa!
1) For everyone's convenience, remember there is plenty of world info in the "Campaign Info' tab (I'm also happy to answer questions, if it's something your character would know)
2) Specifically under the "Campaign Diary" tab, I've recently updated the Campaign Diary. It's not perfect, but it summarizes the big events we've been through since the beginning.

Zephyr emir |

Friendly reminder to always save your posts first - I'm very much in the habit of copy/pasting my posts into a blank email first (easy spell checker too). Paizo tried to eat poor Gamberino's text three times.
Happy to share a much simpler fix that I came up with
(I used to teach Windows skils believe it or not)In your post window, when you are done typing, before clicking anything:
Select All
Until you cut/copy again, that text will remain on your windows clipboard.
You can actually close your browser, open it again, get to Paizo again, and Paste again if needed :)

Corsa Petaccia |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey everyone, this is Corsa's partner writing this. They bonked their head on a table at work and concussed themselves pretty badly on Thursday, and aren't allowed to look at screens or do anything requiring concentration until at least Tuesday. We had a CT scan done, and there's no hemorrhaging or fractures, which is good, but they've also been experiencing some hallucinations/delusions, which is less good. They seem much better today though! Hopefully they should be back soon, and Corsa is incredibly sorry about the unfortunate timing of this.
Thank you for your understanding and patience, Corsa hopes to get back to you guys soon!
Abnaki v'Cardi

Zephyr emir |

You know ... we've never really talked about the levels/skills of some of the acolytes. Specifically at this juncture, I am wondering whether Anan can conjure a breeze at the mouth of the cave to at least fend off some of the precipitation. Just a thought.

Zephyr emir |
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Sure, I like that idea! Like a "1st level cantrip" he can use indefinitely for moderately strong wind.
My vision was of he & Fury working together, monitoring the cave mouth for both the storm and intruders

Rίver |
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River barely eats or drinks so she'll have a canteen full of snow for water and that's about it. She'll absolutely try and make sure that Gull is properly fed though!

Corsa Petaccia |

Corsa has a decent amount of rations so she'll be okay and can share some with others who may need it.

Zephyr emir |

I need to just own that I have no idea what Zeph has - the escape from Light was pretty harried and there wasn't a lot of time to pack.

Zephyr emir |

How much can you carry with your powers, Zeph? For ease of calculation, I'll say Anan + Fury can total hold about 1/4 your maximum.
tbh, I was basing that on a sustained Telekinetic Haul which would be no problem for Zeph at this point. At it's most basic, without using a point of burn, Zeph can lift like 900 lbs. But this is an aether-based kineticist power. Anan would need to use whatever his wildshape elemental strgth is (I think he can be Medium at this time), and Fury is small so probably cannot carry as much as Anan.

Benedetto Laguardia |

Oh right, we've rested the night so we would have had an opportunity to heal some and get our abilities recharged.

The Declarative |
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Can't rmemeber if I've mentioned this to our newest recruits, but as a friendly reminder I hardly ever run creatures directly from the book / srd. My monsters are heavily modded, given different special abilities, etc.
Knowledge checks will reveal the interesting tidbits about creatures :)
(I often use the basics as a starting, point, like mephits being teleporting / planar vermin, but I definitely make it my own after that.)

The Declarative |

See link for general info on Hearth. This is the sort of thing that all of you (except River!) would know from your handful of visits. You have just come in the east gate, known as the GROW gate. You are coming into the market areas -- there are places to eat and places to stay, but they tend to be more tourist-y and expensive.

Zephyr emir |

Whatever you can contribute is appreciated.
It is incredibly odd to me the connection I feel to this campaign sometimes. The Universe and exclipses notwithstanding, it isn't lost on me that I can sit down, pull up my browser, open this page ... and see that you have posted 44 seconds ago.

Zephyr emir |

Busy week? I feel like there are hooks to pursue currently, or let me know your next plans.
There is a lot going on, yeah, which has kinda sucked