Once during the adventure, the party can either:
gain a +2 bonus to all your starship attack rolls in a single round, and those attacks does not consume ammunition in the case of a weapon with the limited fire property.
OR you can instead use it to declare one successful starship attack a critical hit, even if it wasn't on a nat 20
Once this adventure your party can either:
* reroll one check to recall knowledge about any creature they encounter within the Scoured Stars, or
* give everyone in the party a +2 to all your initiative checks for an encounter (+4 if you've ID'd at least one of your enemies in this fight)
ONCE during the scenario, you can use this to either:
* For one Computers check during starship combat roll two dice, take the better, then add another +4 to it, or
* attempt a Computers check as if you were trained in it (gettign to roll twice, take, better, add +4 to it), or
* when you fail a Computers check, you may re-roll it twice, take the better roll and add a +4 bonus to it
Each of you can at one point this adventure requisition a weapon with an item level up to your PC’s level+1 for the duration of one mission. (each of you can use this at a different time, doesn't all need to be the same mission, though can be). The weapon comes with a fully charged battery or magazine, and must be requisitioned prior to an encounter actually starting.
In addition, you can each request and receive a single consumable item whose item level is equal to your own.
Once during the adventure you may either:
* have the whole party get the benefits of Aid Another (+2 bonus) to all skill checks and attack rolls for 1 round, or
* when your table uses an Aid token, gain two benefits instead of one (have to be two different benefits)
Once during this adventure, you can either:
* give a +4 bonus to all of the party's Engineering and Piloting checks for a single round of starship combat, or
* Instead force the crew of an enemy ship to take a –2 penalty to all of their Engineering and Piloting checks made during the round.