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@GM - Sorry about that. I had just noticed you were likely still working on your turn for the fireworks' attack. I deleted my turn but saved the text in case I can still use it. Was a good roll though :P

Yours is mined |

Hmm … I’m not sure how a fire elemental can be affected by skunk musk.
I know there are more experienced GMs than me at the table, so I’ll listen to critiques of my logic ;)
Fire elementals have:
• Immunity to poison, sleep effects, and stunning.
Is musk a poison? I’m leaning towards yes.
Elementals do not breathe, eat, or sleep
I’m finding it difficult to see how a creature that doesn’t breath or eat, and is immune to poison can be nauseated or sickened.
As I said, constructive criticism from other GMs welcome.

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Rule of cool man! the skunk is putting out the fire with her deadly piss! LOL
by RAW musk is not poison, but I'd rather not 'uncool' my rule of cool by going all RAW on you! :P
...plus, that's all I've got man. That was my hail mary: a skunk who can spray twice a day! lol :facepalms: :P LOL
(if this doesn't work, you got this guys... you got this! lol!)

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Ok I think I am getting this mounted combat thing right:
Combat-trained mount: negates DC20 ride check to take action
Guide with knees: DC5, auto-success at +9
Horse takes single move action, no penalties to attack, attack at end of move.
(Or horse takes double move, -4 to attack, attack mid-movement)
"You can make a full attack with a ranged weapon while your mount is moving."
So I can Flurry with my bow.
And if the greenery *IS* difficult terrain, I can leap it with 2 DC15 Ride checks (one to direct the horse to leap, one for distance which I interpret from the map to be 15 feet across).

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PS: unless the GM puts a note about the environment at the bottom of the initiative tracker, assume clear terrain.

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Sorry, peeps.
A quiet drink after work kicked on a bit longer than I thought it would.
I will update us tomorrow!
Ah! those long drinks are the best! especially those you end up having with ex-girlfriend you haven't seen for 20 years or so... :P

Yours is mined |

@GM Yours is mined: do we know that these are constellations as per the link you provided? I'm a bit confused as what Maggie actually knows about this, and I'm not sure who in the party can reply to Yue Xin with some actual information...
Totally get what you're saying.
The constellation link was just flavor.
I think the whole 'issue' around this quest is Yue Xin is a jerk, and there's no background in the scenario (or obvious motivation I can see) why that would be.
I'm not sure if the riddles he asks without answers are just put in place to annoy the PCs? Maybe this is supposed to get the PCs into a particular frame of mind for some stuff in the final quest, but it's not great design IMO, and probably works even more poorly over PbP.
TL/DR: I think we are done with Yue Xin and this quest, and will move us onto the Final Quest shortly.

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PS: I will be traveling next week, starting tomorrow, with very restricted access to the game via smart phone. I will try to check on the game every day or so but please bot/delay me if I'm holding up the action.

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I will forgo my downtime to finalize a report to the Pathfinder Society (Faction goal). It requires a successful DC 15 Intelligence, Wisdom, or Profession (scribe) check.
WIS check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20 Success!
Also I will need to know if we completed the primary and secondary success conditions or not for a different goal.
The countries we adventured through were Shokuro and Lingshen, yes? Did I miss any?

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Sorry guys been real long day today. Will post in my early morning (US Central time) Tuesday.

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hey, just trying to figure out action economy for my next turn... Can I raise my bow arm above my head and "drop" (free action)it so it's slung crossbody? Or would that technically be "sheathe weapon" (move action)? Or otherwise interfere with my regular attack if I draw a second weapon while moving?

Yours is mined |

If you spot an error, please advise and I will get that sorted for you.
The only things you missed out on were a couple of magic items. You had to surrender the jade scroll case to Jianghong or Jiang Fei to get one of those.
Similarly, you missed out on the Constellation influence by not being best buds with Yue Xin.
That influence would have weakened Yue Xin in the final combat, and so made no difference to the final result.
It has no effect outside this scenario that I am aware of.
The game was reported to the Paizo site back in July.

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Wow, it almost feels like we've been at this a lot longer than three months. Thanks a bunch for running this. Quite the scenario.
Oh and ding 4! I had to play two level 4 pregen scenarios a few years back which I can now credit Radiarch. So that means my very next scenario will ding me again. Also, a nice payout day today (three scenarios worth) :D
I sincerely hope I can play with any one of you all again in PBP or VTT. Once PFS 1e runs it's full course in our community, I'll transition him to PF2 with a little time jump in age. Until then, loving still being able to play the OG character build.

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Aww pickles!
I miscounted. I need ONE more xp to ding 4. Luckily, I'm signed up for Game Day X's Library of the Lion scenario which starts next week.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

This was awesome!
I really mean it GM: You really are doing a great job to make the world come alive!
Thanks ... it was a lot of fun!

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks, Yours is Mined! It has already been said that you've done a great job, but I, too, greatly appreciate the extra details and thoughts that you brought to the scenario!
Thank you all for a lot of fun. I look forward to sharing a table with each of you again in the future!

Yours is mined |

Thank-you all for the kind words, they mean a lot.
I also appreciate everyone sticking around to the end.
Hope to see you all on either side of the screen sometime in the near future.
I’ll aim to close this thread in about 24 hours.
If you haven’t had time to download your Chronicle in that time, no worries! I will leave the link open for some weeks, if not months ;)

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Thanks all, it's been a rough road but I'm glad I hung in til the end. Sorry I haven't been more active, between depression & Covid real life has been kicking my butt!
Thank you GM for running such a flavorful introduction to Tian Xia! I learned a lot <3

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Out of curiousity, how did we miss the headband of wisdom & marvelous pigments?

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AH that makes sense. Fun! Thanks <3

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Thank you again, GM Yours! this was awesome across the board. The chronicle sheet also looks great. Have a happy September!