Way of the Wicked Group 2

Game Master Diamondust

You have escaped from Branderscar! The first know to do so and live! However, your freedom and future is uncertain as you seen out the mysterious benefactor that aided your escape and discover what his intentions for you may be...

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Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Welcome, Araton Fal, Grengar don Dangnor, Tawg, Ceres Sejna, Gildevar Broach and Hilda Gustaviir.

Sit, Eat, Drink. Discuss and Plan your revenge and the downfall of the righteous.

CE female human gestalt Witch (White Haired Witch) / Brawler (Strangler) 3 | HP: 33/39 | AC: 16 ( 11 Tch, 15 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMD: 18 (19 vs. grapple) | F+6 R+6 W+6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +4 SPD: 1st 3/3 2nd 2/2| MF: 4/4 | Villain Points: 1| Speed 20 ft | Active conditions:

Excellent, thanks for setting this up, GM!

Araton Fal, from the other thread wrote:
Hilda Gustaviir wrote:
EDIT: It seems we are very, very heavy on the punching side of things on the Misfits and very light on the casters and ranged in general.
If all we are are hammers, then everything is a nail. While we might be lacking in battlefield control, murder is the best kind of control out there.

I can't argue with this :)

Male LE Human (Devilbound) Cleric 3 | Unchained Rogue 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 11 Fl) | CMB: +2 or +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +6 | Init: +4 | Perc: +15 (16 vs surprise, 16 vs traps), SM: +9 | Speed 30ft | Channel Energy: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 3/3| Active conditions: None.

Dotting in!

Is anyone on Team Misfit thinking of taking UMD?

I might pick up the half-elf alternative trait that lets me count as a level 1 wizard for spell completion items like wands and scrolls. I'd imagine that to be the result of his studying *and* the phistophilus whispering naughty secrets into his ear. Right now, getting UMD to a workable level would require a trait and a feat, but I can always pick it up later. It seems that if we want to, we can have two or three party members with an alright UMD check :P


Other than being a power-hungry fiend of a man, Broach wants to achieve two things: to right what's wrong by overthrowing the Mitran power structure and to exact his revenge. They're intrinsically tied to one another and the lines between them can easily blur, but I suppose he's more of a 'thinker' and philosopher than a brute bully. Think Monologues on Power, Orb, Scepter, Throne: The Investiture of Authority, and Framing Power: How Mitra Holds Us Back, all of them perversive works that attempt to undermine Mitran thought and authority by presenting critique and alternatives. Infernal, Asmodean-approved alternatives, of course.

Teamwork, synergy, and that sorta stuff

I haven't dug through everyone's crunch (yet), but from what I gather, we collectively possess quite a tad of brute force. If we mix stealth, illusion magic, and foxlike cunning and wile, we should be fine. We do seem oddly frail when it comes to HP and or AC, so overwhelming the foe when we strike might be key! :o

NE Human Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 3 / Slayer (Ankou's Shadow) 3 | HP 36/36 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | F +5 R +4 W +3 | CMD 22 | Init +6 | Darkvision 60 ft. P +5 | Crit, Flanking, Sleep immune | conditions -

Being frail on the AC front is fairly simple: we're gearless.

Ceres Sejna wrote:
Heh, we are heavy punchers aren't we. FWIW, I really like your concept, and would hate to not see you play it. I'm happy to switch things up if Thorn and Team Misfit would like.

Oh I would not be changing my concept and I really wouldn't need to.

For the sorcerer route nothing would change other than her 2nd level on the Fighter side.
For the wizard/arcanist route the changes would be that Str would become a 10, Dex 18 and Int 15. One of my feats would be swapped out for Agile Manoeuvres (EitR gives Finesse for free).

Either way the arcane side would mainly be support (divination, transmutation, teleportation) and a bit of necromancy. And access to Arcane Strike.

The bigger thing would be that it closes the Heavy Armor + (Tower) Shield route for the future. Not sure if I'd be going there, though it is fun and another way to differentiate, but that option would be gone.

An entirely different option is to wait things out for now and get Arcane support at 7th level in the form of (Vile) Leadership and cohorts.

I think I prefer the Leadership route, as arcane support is less important at lower levels. And for me personally it would keep open the heavy armor route.

Male LE Human (Devilbound) Cleric 3 | Unchained Rogue 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 11 Fl) | CMB: +2 or +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +6 | Init: +4 | Perc: +15 (16 vs surprise, 16 vs traps), SM: +9 | Speed 30ft | Channel Energy: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 3/3| Active conditions: None.

Ha, true, but I don't think a barbarian/druid and or a barbarian/monk won't be rocking a high AC anytime soon =P

And honestly, I rather that people play the character they want to play than for them to trade in bits and pieces for a character that is more optimized. We got an oracle, cleric and a druid plus a witch, so while we're a lil' light on things arcane, we do cover the entire divine spectrum. I have a feeling we'll be okay on the casting side of things, haha.

NE Human Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 3 / Slayer (Ankou's Shadow) 3 | HP 36/36 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | F +5 R +4 W +3 | CMD 22 | Init +6 | Darkvision 60 ft. P +5 | Crit, Flanking, Sleep immune | conditions -

To be honest I think overcrowding in melee is a more likely issue than a lack of casting. We risk there being no room to hit thing for the slower among us.

If it is I'll swap out my heavy blade proficiency for polearm proficiency, but luckily I can do that at any even Fighter level (yay bonus feats).
The main reason I went for heavy blades right now is that I like the image of wielding an angelic blade with a character like mine.

Should I build for it I can make Hilda a proper tank. Only issue there is she will be susceptible to wind so she can be blown away by a stiff breeze. How that works with a tower shield and full plate, I do not know.

Another option is to make her more dervish-like. I just need ways to teleport my gear to me when I disperse into a swarm and reform further away.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

No one should feel like they need to drastically change their characters. I want everyone to play the character that they enjoy playing. You have oracle, druid, witch and cleric spells. If you're all melee, that's ok, there'll be plenty of enemies and I don't think you need to worry about fighting for position. And if you're all bunched up a lot I promise not to throw too many heightened intensified rime selective dazing maximised fireballs at you. Basically the challenges will be appropriate for your party.

Antipaladin (Tyrant)/Oracle 4|Active Conditions: None|HP: 44/44|AC: 23/11/22 |CMB: +7, CMD: 19|F: +8 R: +6W: +11| Init: +4|Perc: +9 DV 60ft. SM: +16|VP: 3|ToC: 4/4|Smite Good 1/2
Spells Per Day:
1st Level 6/7; 1st Level: 1/1; 2nd 4/4

Huzzah! We have our own area now!

@ GM Thorn - I believe I already have the extra trait in there for my character. I have the campaign trait of Blasphemy, the Magical Knack (Paladin), and Axe to Grind. However, if you're saying that I get one more I will happily take another trait. Traits are sooo good.

I agree that while we may be lacking in the arcane department, we have the divine apartment covered with two oracles, a druid, a cleric, and a paladin. We are super divine focused. Leadership later on can totally be a good thing and we can cover our bases somewhat.

I am sure we will figure out things to deal with maximizing our mobility so we don't consistently clutter ourselves up. I haven't decided if I'm going sword & board or 2-handed goodness but I am thinking the former so my AC is good once I'm in heavier armor to protect my weak hit points some.

I am totally fine being the diplomatic character; Araton has the full range of social skills and is quite good at sense motive. True Lore allows me to rock a Knowledge check 1/day with a +10 to the roll.

The only thing I am changing for my background is what house my family comes from. House Fal is a cadet branch of House Barca, the house that lost their claim to the throne against House Darius years ago. I also need to think about how I actually look.

@GM Thorne - Do you want us to give intro posts at all yet? I'm just excited to get going.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

I'll spell it out to make it clear if it isn't: you get 1 campaign trait (the crime related one) and 2 regular traits. In addition to those 3 traits, if you want you can take a drawback (which you have done by selecting Vain) to gain another regular trait. That's a total of 4 traits and a drawback. You don't have to have a drawback if you don't want to though. Apologies if it isn't clear in the build rules.

Tomorrow i'm going to put up a proper intro post before gameplay gets started. Then you guys can post.

Antipaladin (Tyrant)/Oracle 4|Active Conditions: None|HP: 44/44|AC: 23/11/22 |CMB: +7, CMD: 19|F: +8 R: +6W: +11| Init: +4|Perc: +9 DV 60ft. SM: +16|VP: 3|ToC: 4/4|Smite Good 1/2
Spells Per Day:
1st Level 6/7; 1st Level: 1/1; 2nd 4/4

That sounds stupendous, I will gladly take another. Thank you DM!

Male Goblin (Oversized) Barbarian (Flesheater)/Monk (Martial Artist) 3 (Broken Soul) | HP: 54/54 (Rage 58/58) | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMB: 20 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 [DV 60ft], SM: -1 | Speed: 40ft | Rage (11/12 Rounds)

Thanks for getting this all set up! And thanks for pointing out my character sheet mistakes. I'll get them fixed by the end of the day today.

Question about Flurry + Natural Weapons: There's discussion about Feral Combat Training and if it lets you replace your regular Flurry attacks with natural attacks or if it adds a natural attack to the end of your Flurry. I looked through the Elephant in the Room feats and I didn't see anything like this, anyway, so I'm not sure if it's even a thing.

Whatever your ruling (replaces, adds, can't do it), I'm cool with it.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Feral Combat Training doesn't give you extra attacks if that's what you are asking. It lets you use natural attacks and/or unarmed strikes when flurrying.

Male LE Human (Devilbound) Cleric 3 | Unchained Rogue 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 11 Fl) | CMB: +2 or +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +6 | Init: +4 | Perc: +15 (16 vs surprise, 16 vs traps), SM: +9 | Speed 30ft | Channel Energy: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 3/3| Active conditions: None.

There. I think most of Gildevar's important bits can be found on his profile page now. I'll edit in the quick stat template later.

Male Goblin (Oversized) Barbarian (Flesheater)/Monk (Martial Artist) 3 (Broken Soul) | HP: 54/54 (Rage 58/58) | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMB: 20 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 [DV 60ft], SM: -1 | Speed: 40ft | Rage (11/12 Rounds)
Tawg - Took me a sec to find Oversized variant but that is approved. Monk gives Unarmed Combatant instead of Improved Unarmed Strike (feat tax rules, also incorporates the Mobility feat into Dodge). I think you are missing a feat from your second level (unarmed combatant + 2 monk bonus + 1 template + 2 level). As you are medium your bite will do 1d6 damage. You should have 5 skill ranks per level (4 class, -1 int, 2 background), It looks like you thought it was 2 from class.

I fixed it to Unarmed Combatant, added Iron Will, fixed my bite damage, and added the skill points.

And thanks for clearing up Feral Combat Training.

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Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Gildevar - The feat tax rules we are using lets any character use dex with finesse weapons. So Weapon Finesse is no longer a feat you need to take. Based on the unchained rogue usually getting weapon finesse for free, they now get Deft Maneuvers for free instead and starting at 3rd can select fighter weapon groups instead of individual weapons. What favoured class bonuses are you choosing? With Multitalented you get a bonuses each level in each classes (but they can't both be the same bonus). So you can get 1 HP and 1 Skill each level but not 2 HP. Hitpoints should be 14 (16HD - 2con). CMB is only +5 when using finesse weapons to disarm, sunder or trip, it is 11 for everything else. Channel and Channel Smite DC is 14 (10 + 1/2HD + 2 cha + 1 trait).

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

All I am busy for the afternoon and going out to see a movie tonight, I will post to officially start the gameplay (introductions in the prison) when I get home probably in around 8 hours. Then we can get started while the last few finish their character sheets (just Gildevar to make adjustments here).

Male Goblin (Oversized) Barbarian (Flesheater)/Monk (Martial Artist) 3 (Broken Soul) | HP: 54/54 (Rage 58/58) | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMB: 20 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 [DV 60ft], SM: -1 | Speed: 40ft | Rage (11/12 Rounds)

Sounds good! I'm excited to get into being Tawg and see how our group synergizes. Enjoy your movie!

CE female human gestalt Witch (White Haired Witch) / Brawler (Strangler) 3 | HP: 33/39 | AC: 16 ( 11 Tch, 15 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMD: 18 (19 vs. grapple) | F+6 R+6 W+6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +4 SPD: 1st 3/3 2nd 2/2| MF: 4/4 | Villain Points: 1| Speed 20 ft | Active conditions:

Have a nice time at the movies, GM!

OK, sounds like folks feel pretty comfortable with our party makeup as is, so I won't be making any changes.

I made a quick list of skills covered by our group and the best modifier:

Skill Modifier PC
Acrobatics 8 (Hilda)
Artistry (?) -1 Tawg
Bluff 7 (Araton/Gildevar)
Climb 9 (Ceres)
Craft (?) -1 Tawg
Craft (Sculpture) 3 (Hilda)
Diplomacy 10 (Araton)
Disable Device 9 (Gildevar)
Disguise 7 (Gildevar)
Escape Artist 6 (Ceres)
Handle Animal 3 Tawg
Intimidate 12 (Grengar)
Knowledge (arcana) 7 (Araton)
Knowledge (dungeon) 5 (Grengar)
Knowledge (engineering) -1 (King Crab familiar)
Knowledge (geography) -1 (King Crab familiar)
Knowledge (history) 9 (Ceres)
Knowledge (local) 9 (Ceres)
Knowledge (nature) 5 (Grengar)
Knowledge (nobility) 7 (Araton)
Knowledge (planes) 7 (Araton)
Knowledge (religion) 9 (Araton/Gildevar)
Linguistics 7 (Araton/Gildevar)
Lore (?) -1 Tawg
Perception 13 (Gildevar)
Profession (barrister) 8 (Gildevar)
Profession (domestic) 3 (Ceres)
Profession (gravedigger) 2 (Hilda)
Ride 2 (Tawg)
Sense Motive 10 (Aratron)
Sleight of Hand 4 (Tawg)
Stealth 9 (Gildevar)
Survival 8 (Grengar)
Swim 11 (Grengar)
Use Magic Device 9 (Hilda)

We don't have anyone with ranks in appraise, heal, and spellcraft (I plan on picking up spellcraft going forward). Geography and Engineering are currently covered by my crab (sage) familiar, but with only a -1 modifier.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Turned out to not be so busy. Gameplay is now ready, you can post whenever.

Male LE Human (Devilbound) Cleric 3 | Unchained Rogue 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 11 Fl) | CMB: +2 or +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +6 | Init: +4 | Perc: +15 (16 vs surprise, 16 vs traps), SM: +9 | Speed 30ft | Channel Energy: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 3/3| Active conditions: None.

Check. I will let multi-talented apply to both cleric and rogue, and take the +1 HP and +1 skill per level! And thank you for the feedback. I'll apply it to his character sheet.

I put the two new skill points into spellcraft and I diverted 1 point from profession barrister to Appraise!

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Excellent, The Misfits are the first group to have all 6 character sheets completed. You win a boon. Each of you are allowed 1 free reroll of a d20 (must be used at Branderscar Prison).

M HP 24/28 |AC 11 T 9 FF 11 | F +6 R +0 Will +6 | Init +0 Perc +8 | Destructive Smite 6/6 | Rage 3/7 Oread Goliath Druid 2 | Armored Hulk Barbarian 1 Titan Fighter 1

Hey all!

Sorry, I missed the new discussion thread for our specific group!

CE female human gestalt Witch (White Haired Witch) / Brawler (Strangler) 3 | HP: 33/39 | AC: 16 ( 11 Tch, 15 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMD: 18 (19 vs. grapple) | F+6 R+6 W+6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +4 SPD: 1st 3/3 2nd 2/2| MF: 4/4 | Villain Points: 1| Speed 20 ft | Active conditions:

Hey Grengar!

Cardinal A. Thorn wrote:
Excellent, The Misfits are the first group to have all 6 character sheets completed. You win a boon. Each of you are allowed 1 free reroll of a d20 (must be used at Branderscar Prison).

Sweet, thanks, GM!

Antipaladin (Tyrant)/Oracle 4|Active Conditions: None|HP: 44/44|AC: 23/11/22 |CMB: +7, CMD: 19|F: +8 R: +6W: +11| Init: +4|Perc: +9 DV 60ft. SM: +16|VP: 3|ToC: 4/4|Smite Good 1/2
Spells Per Day:
1st Level 6/7; 1st Level: 1/1; 2nd 4/4

I just want to say that I am having a lovely time roleplaying with you all. Thank you for being wonderful evil folks so far. <3

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Male Goblin (Oversized) Barbarian (Flesheater)/Monk (Martial Artist) 3 (Broken Soul) | HP: 54/54 (Rage 58/58) | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMB: 20 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 [DV 60ft], SM: -1 | Speed: 40ft | Rage (11/12 Rounds)

Ah! Don't ask me why I never actually clicked on the Gameplay tab, but it never showed the "new posts" notification. I'll post my intro and actually join the game tonight!

CE female human gestalt Witch (White Haired Witch) / Brawler (Strangler) 3 | HP: 33/39 | AC: 16 ( 11 Tch, 15 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMD: 18 (19 vs. grapple) | F+6 R+6 W+6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +4 SPD: 1st 3/3 2nd 2/2| MF: 4/4 | Villain Points: 1| Speed 20 ft | Active conditions:
Araton Fal wrote:
I just want to say that I am having a lovely time roleplaying with you all. Thank you for being wonderful evil folks so far. <3

I am as well. Nicely done, Team Misfit!

CE female human gestalt Witch (White Haired Witch) / Brawler (Strangler) 3 | HP: 33/39 | AC: 16 ( 11 Tch, 15 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMD: 18 (19 vs. grapple) | F+6 R+6 W+6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +4 SPD: 1st 3/3 2nd 2/2| MF: 4/4 | Villain Points: 1| Speed 20 ft | Active conditions:
Gildevar Broach wrote:
I put the two new skill points into spellcraft and I diverted 1 point from profession barrister to Appraise!

Nice! Updated skill list below:

Skill Modifier PC
Acrobatics 8 (Hilda)
Appraise 6 (Gildevar)
Artistry (?) -1 Tawg
Bluff 7 (Araton/Gildevar)
Climb 9 (Ceres)
Craft (?) -1 Tawg
Craft (Sculpture) 3 (Hilda)
Diplomacy 10 (Araton)
Disable Device 9 (Gildevar)
Disguise 7 (Gildevar)
Escape Artist 6 (Ceres)
Handle Animal 3 Tawg
Intimidate 12 (Grengar)
Knowledge (arcana) 7 (Araton)
Knowledge (dungeon) 5 (Grengar)
Knowledge (engineering) -1 (King Crab familiar)
Knowledge (geography) -1 (King Crab familiar)
Knowledge (history) 9 (Ceres)
Knowledge (local) 9 (Ceres)
Knowledge (nature) 5 (Grengar)
Knowledge (nobility) 7 (Araton)
Knowledge (planes) 7 (Araton)
Knowledge (religion) 9 (Araton/Gildevar)
Linguistics 7 (Araton/Gildevar)
Lore (?) -1 Tawg
Perception 13 (Gildevar)
Profession (barrister) 7 (Gildevar)
Profession (domestic) 3 (Ceres)
Profession (gravedigger) 2 (Hilda)
Ride 2 (Tawg)
Sense Motive 10 (Aratron)
Sleight of Hand 4 (Tawg)
Spellcraft 7 (Gildevar)
Stealth 9 (Gildevar)
Survival 8 (Grengar)
Swim 11 (Grengar)
Use Magic Device 9 (Hilda)

Male Goblin (Oversized) Barbarian (Flesheater)/Monk (Martial Artist) 3 (Broken Soul) | HP: 54/54 (Rage 58/58) | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMB: 20 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 [DV 60ft], SM: -1 | Speed: 40ft | Rage (11/12 Rounds)

Are we the only ones in this cell block? Any prisoners in 18c/d/e?

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

You're the only ones that you can see. You can't see the walled cell on the left.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

I did a bit of extra work for you guys, to enhance the effort the Ceres put in to analyze your skills. To help me check all of your character sheets I created a simple stat sheet template and filled it in with your stats. Simple enough to pull all your skills together into another sheet.

Wicked PCs Skill bonuses

This sheet doesn't account for extra things such as tracking, locating traps, forgeries and other things that are a sub-action of that skill. I have also added the link to the campaign tab.

Male Goblin (Oversized) Barbarian (Flesheater)/Monk (Martial Artist) 3 (Broken Soul) | HP: 54/54 (Rage 58/58) | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMB: 20 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 [DV 60ft], SM: -1 | Speed: 40ft | Rage (11/12 Rounds)

Ooooh that's awesome! Tawg is exactly as expected: whatever the opposite of a skill monkey is lol

That's great to see at a glance, though. Thanks!!

CE female human gestalt Witch (White Haired Witch) / Brawler (Strangler) 3 | HP: 33/39 | AC: 16 ( 11 Tch, 15 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMD: 18 (19 vs. grapple) | F+6 R+6 W+6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +4 SPD: 1st 3/3 2nd 2/2| MF: 4/4 | Villain Points: 1| Speed 20 ft | Active conditions:

Wow, that's fantastically cool, GM. Thanks for putting it together.

M HP 24/28 |AC 11 T 9 FF 11 | F +6 R +0 Will +6 | Init +0 Perc +8 | Destructive Smite 6/6 | Rage 3/7 Oread Goliath Druid 2 | Armored Hulk Barbarian 1 Titan Fighter 1

Love the oversized goblin choice Tawg; I wish I could enlarge person you- it would be hilarious fun but I can only cast it on self.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Check your PM's f(r?)iends. I've sent each of you a message regarding your backstory. I'm wanting to work with you and create plot hooks and things that will make this AP even more personal for your characters to see through.

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Male Goblin (Oversized) Barbarian (Flesheater)/Monk (Martial Artist) 3 (Broken Soul) | HP: 54/54 (Rage 58/58) | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMB: 20 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 [DV 60ft], SM: -1 | Speed: 40ft | Rage (11/12 Rounds)

Thanks Grengar! I threw some oversized Goblins at my PCs in my homebrew after they had gotten used to the regular Goblins and it was a fun change of pace, so I kinda built the character around that variant.

I love the idea of a Large goblin with a bite attack ripping people apart. We'll figure out a way.

M HP 24/28 |AC 11 T 9 FF 11 | F +6 R +0 Will +6 | Init +0 Perc +8 | Destructive Smite 6/6 | Rage 3/7 Oread Goliath Druid 2 | Armored Hulk Barbarian 1 Titan Fighter 1

In the long term in theory I can either scribe scrolls or brew potions of it if/when I have room to take the feat.

(Also, my homebrew campaign has goblins of every size from tiny to huge)

Antipaladin (Tyrant)/Oracle 4|Active Conditions: None|HP: 44/44|AC: 23/11/22 |CMB: +7, CMD: 19|F: +8 R: +6W: +11| Init: +4|Perc: +9 DV 60ft. SM: +16|VP: 3|ToC: 4/4|Smite Good 1/2
Spells Per Day:
1st Level 6/7; 1st Level: 1/1; 2nd 4/4

So I think, for the time being, that if we're able to get out quietly that Broach and myself get the daggers? Ceres and Tawg can fight unarmed I think, I know Hilda has the gauntlet style of fighting so we can get her that quickly enough, and Grengar needs some bigger weapons so he can wield them one-handedly. We may want to keep one alive so we can interrogate them.

M HP 24/28 |AC 11 T 9 FF 11 | F +6 R +0 Will +6 | Init +0 Perc +8 | Destructive Smite 6/6 | Rage 3/7 Oread Goliath Druid 2 | Armored Hulk Barbarian 1 Titan Fighter 1

Yeah- I can make a decent way fighting with improvised weapons or my fists since as size large I'll do decent damage that way till we get excess weapons, I'm fine being last to snag one.

Male Goblin (Oversized) Barbarian (Flesheater)/Monk (Martial Artist) 3 (Broken Soul) | HP: 54/54 (Rage 58/58) | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMB: 20 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 [DV 60ft], SM: -1 | Speed: 40ft | Rage (11/12 Rounds)

Yeah, Tawg is all teeth and fists, so no weapons necessary.

Male LE Human (Devilbound) Cleric 3 | Unchained Rogue 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 11 Fl) | CMB: +2 or +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +6 | Init: +4 | Perc: +15 (16 vs surprise, 16 vs traps), SM: +9 | Speed 30ft | Channel Energy: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 3/3| Active conditions: None.

Yes, that works for me! Gildevar is fine with anything that can be finessed :)

NE Human Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 3 / Slayer (Ankou's Shadow) 3 | HP 36/36 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | F +5 R +4 W +3 | CMD 22 | Init +6 | Darkvision 60 ft. P +5 | Crit, Flanking, Sleep immune | conditions -

Ideally I'd get Hilda gauntlets, yes. It's mostly a defensive benefit though as she punches for 1d6 with or without them (Unarmed Combatant for 1d6 without and Shield Gauntlet Attack for 1d6 with).

Beyond that any heavy blade or martial weapon is welcome, though preferably one handed.

Based on what we've seen I'd say longsword and gauntlet is the best setup for her.

CE female human gestalt Witch (White Haired Witch) / Brawler (Strangler) 3 | HP: 33/39 | AC: 16 ( 11 Tch, 15 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMD: 18 (19 vs. grapple) | F+6 R+6 W+6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +4 SPD: 1st 3/3 2nd 2/2| MF: 4/4 | Villain Points: 1| Speed 20 ft | Active conditions:

Daggers to Araton and Gildevar sounds good to me.


How do we get Grengar loose?

Do we want to wait until the dead of night, when most guards are asleep and presumably unarmored, or just go for it now?

Do we want to have specific folks rush the signal horn guard? Ceres has unarmed combatant so she has d6+4 fists. Her fist attack is +7, disarm +8, and grapple +10. She can use martial flexibility to pick up deft maneuvers, getting her disarm to +10. On the downside, her movement is 20', so if we're going to pretend to be locked up and rush the guards once they come in, she probably can't get to the signal guard and act in one round. Same with Tawg. If we flank the doorway that changes, but then we risk the guards not entering the cell at all if they notice we are loose.

Antipaladin (Tyrant)/Oracle 4|Active Conditions: None|HP: 44/44|AC: 23/11/22 |CMB: +7, CMD: 19|F: +8 R: +6W: +11| Init: +4|Perc: +9 DV 60ft. SM: +16|VP: 3|ToC: 4/4|Smite Good 1/2
Spells Per Day:
1st Level 6/7; 1st Level: 1/1; 2nd 4/4

I am perfectly fine waiting as well till nightfall. I don't know when the elixir we were given will wear off but at the moment, I am a slightly less useful fighter. If we're able to get back our spellcasting and supernatural abilities, we're far more formidable.

Grengar may need to be released after our initial skirmish. Either that or he can cause the distraction and we can try to sneak out. Araton is surprisingly stealthy and with all of us being out of armor, we can be quite quiet.

We do have three days so we may be able to figure out when the elixir wears off just by being patient. Maybe it needs to be administered daily?

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Grengar has manacles that are unlocked the same as yours.

CE female human gestalt Witch (White Haired Witch) / Brawler (Strangler) 3 | HP: 33/39 | AC: 16 ( 11 Tch, 15 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMD: 18 (19 vs. grapple) | F+6 R+6 W+6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +4 SPD: 1st 3/3 2nd 2/2| MF: 4/4 | Villain Points: 1| Speed 20 ft | Active conditions:

Thorn, can we reach Grengar through the cell bars to unlock him?

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

No. You would have to leave your cell and go into his cell.

Male Goblin (Oversized) Barbarian (Flesheater)/Monk (Martial Artist) 3 (Broken Soul) | HP: 54/54 (Rage 58/58) | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMB: 20 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 [DV 60ft], SM: -1 | Speed: 40ft | Rage (11/12 Rounds)

When things go down, Tawg will be best at the front line. He has a pretty good CMB/CMD and 30ft move speed. He might be able to rush through the door and grab the horn guy when they open it.

He's also interested in the door to the west that presumably leads to another cell. Maybe there's another potential companion in there? Or another way out that doesn't go through the guards?

CE female human gestalt Witch (White Haired Witch) / Brawler (Strangler) 3 | HP: 33/39 | AC: 16 ( 11 Tch, 15 Ff) | CMB: +7, CMD: 18 (19 vs. grapple) | F+6 R+6 W+6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +4 SPD: 1st 3/3 2nd 2/2| MF: 4/4 | Villain Points: 1| Speed 20 ft | Active conditions:

^ Oh yeah, you have increased speed from classes that counters the Broken Soul template. Nice! I usually don't play slow PCs - going to miss being mobile.

One of the guards, if possible, should be captured. We can ask the guard about the layout of the castle, and question about this power-dampening elixir.

@Thorn, in the two times we've seen the guards, does the horn carrier tend to come into the room or stay on the other side of the doorway?

Another question: Were we conscious when we came in the prison? If so, what did we see?

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

The guard with the signal horn stays at the open door, watching.

You were blindfolded as you were led in until Blackerly branded you. He wanted to see the look in your eyes. You know there's a wall with towers surrounding the prison building. You saw pretty much this out the wagon's barred windows on your approach before the blindfold. You remember going up some stairs.

Antipaladin (Tyrant)/Oracle 4|Active Conditions: None|HP: 44/44|AC: 23/11/22 |CMB: +7, CMD: 19|F: +8 R: +6W: +11| Init: +4|Perc: +9 DV 60ft. SM: +16|VP: 3|ToC: 4/4|Smite Good 1/2
Spells Per Day:
1st Level 6/7; 1st Level: 1/1; 2nd 4/4

So hey there folks!

I am bothering you all because I have an idea about tricking the guards in to remove a body from the jail cell. However, I realized that it could be crossing some sensitive material and I wanted to bring that up to folks first.

In gaming, I learned of something called "Veils and Limits" and I think for an evil game, it is just as (if not more so) applicable. A veil is something that that can be brought into the story but not delved into details. A good example in actual practice was the torture bot when it came in to interrogate Princess Leia. We all knew it was there to do bad stuff, it wasn't good at all, she was scared of it, but we never saw what it did. It cut to black and moved on to the success or failure of the interrogation (Failure, in the case of Star Wars). A limit means it shouldn't be in the story at all or referenced at all, pretty simple.

So with that said, are there any veils and/or limits people have that we want to put out on the table. My own veil would be anything to sexual assault and similar crimes. I also know we're on paizo which kind of limits the terribleness that can occur on it but still, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable and I don't think anyone else wants to do so either. <3

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